FF14 Devs listen to the people and communicate

I think everyone should check out FFXIV. Learn very quickly all in WoW that is taken for granted.

the lore was explained in the Embassy mission that they were exiled from Silvermoon due to their use of void magic. Also, Metzan himself explained that Non Void/Blood elves are practically so few in numbers.

because you need something more than just slapping breasts on a race and saying “boom female race”. Otherwise you get people complaining about Female Taurens or would you want to see what Female Trolls looked like before they were changed?

first off…wow…you r/whooshed the whole thing. Folks wanted body diversity for each human race as Gilneans were just default Stormwind human models.
You mean Mag’Har and Zandalari trolls got straight backs. Otherwise…nothing different.

source? 'cuz a lot of that crap is due to feeling THEIR ideas are not being listened to

It’s listed in the ‘Optional Items’ where you can skip Main Story progression. Here is a screenshot directly from the Mogstation.

I have not, nor did I ever really manage to get seriously into the game besides maxing out RDM at 80 and getting each DoL/DoH to 60. After that I took a big break.

I wonder when or if ever they’ll allow sending ingame mail to alts, those that I paid extra sub fee to have. :unamused:


Right, because you have to pay Chromie to do this. Definitely a checkmate.

And still produce a subpar weeb game with a clunky combat system and awful PVP.

Doesnt matter. Both games let you outright skip expansions to catch up.

Just one discourages it (paywall), one doesn’t (no paywall)

The devs respond on twitter and do live streams with WoWhead and stuff.

The forums are just obsolete and full of negative trolls.

Which is what I’m saying, there’s a paywall for FF14 and OP is acting as if WoW is somehow worse, for not having a paywall I guess?

Metzen had already retired by the time Void Elves were a thing. Ion stated they’re an, ‘elite crack squad.’

A few lines of dialogue is not a foundation for lore or story. The Void Elves didn’t even exist until the last five minutes of their recruitment scenario. Unlike other Allied Races, they didn’t have a zone, a story, or even a patch where they got to shine. They are the least developed Allied Race, and so poorly thought out that to this day and well into the future people will be pointing out all the logical fallacies of their existence.

Oh I remember the Alpha female trolls. They looked nothing like the male trolls. There are other ways to make dimorphism apparent than just breasts though.

It’s a better MMO overall (even despite its major flaws), but it isn’t the same as WoW. So, it’s like, I prefer WoW gameplay-wise, but wish it had devs that actually listen as FF14 does.

And the storytelling. I have never been so disinterested in a game’s story as I have been with post-Wrath WoW’s story.

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Yes actually. Devs have said that the paywall is there to discourage skipping, but its there as an option if you 100% dont care about the story and just want to endgame dungeons/raid.

You originally said:

That is a screenshot of the store, and isn’t where you pay to play the game. That’s where you purchase story skips, which you can’t even use if you don’t have a subscription, so I have no idea what you thought you did there. None of those things in your screenshot have anything to do with paying for a subscription. There is no “bill me once and never again” option for subscribing, unless you pay with a game time card, in which case, they wouldn’t have your credit card to keep billing you.

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I paly both games kind of, but 14 never keeps my interest long. Usually I hit end-game and lose all interest to keep doing the same stuff over and over again for no real gain.

At least in WoW there’s the ever-elusive carrot on the stick, in regards to M+ and other ways to slowly get better over time.

14 you just have this feeling of never being powerful or wanting to be more powerful because there’s no reason to.

no, tehy actually listen and play the game with the CUSTOMMERS,

While Ion only plays from the internal server… such a good Lead for this game, wow

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Everyone does that including Blizzard.

30 million Overwatch players? Doubt.

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Didn’t say it was.

But he chose to say “Please look forward to it” instead of “You think you want it but you really don’t”.

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Does FF sell Gold for carries and Best ilvl item from the AH ?

Wow is a pay to win now, if you have 500k gold from MONEY$$$ and then buy gear, it’s pay to win.

Well actually. People are taking notes from WoW and started selling savage runs. It is illegal in their ToS but still happens. Still, you cant buy gold legit like in WoW however.