FF is the most boring thing I played

Therein lies the problem.

What little story is delivered in WoW, is either by cutscenes of NPCs doing stuff, or an NPC dumping a novel on you which is just… immersion-breaking.

Do you walk up to someone who wants help and they stand there for 5 minutes talking to you about why they need you to do what they need you to do?

No, they say a sentence or two, you say a sentence or two, they say a sentence or two… you know, kinda like how XIV cutscenes are handled?

There’s a ridiculous amount of storytelling in XIV, but they never dump huge text boxes on you. No, the characters talk to each other as they would in a natural environment, and YOU are present in 99% of the game’s cutscenes. Characters talk TO YOU and interact with YOU.

It’s not you watching NPCs do stuff and then NPCs dump huge loads of text you’ll just skip anyway.

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You say that like WoW isn’t slow in the beginning, lol.

I did a Rogue not that long ago. I spent the first 30+ levels doing nothing but Sinister Strike and Eviscerate. Some of the most boring “combat” I’ve ever seen in an MMO. Thirty Levels doing just that. Oh and waiting for energy, too. Gotta love that auto-attack. Heck, the first 20-ish levels, I didn’t even get to use Evis much at all because everything died after the 2nd or 3rd SS. (I’m talking about Pre-Level Squish btw).

“WOW HAS MUCH FASTER GCDS!” yeah but at least you aren’t waiting for energy for 3+ seconds every time you use 1 ability.

What does the quest context matter if it’s meeting the same end?

Go here, kill x amount of kobolds. Go here, kill x amount of demons.

That is true, I would consider that good feedback. There’s no real dialogue in the game, perhaps this is something Blizzard should take into consideration.

I can agree with this.

The main reason I don’t try FF myself is that I don’t like the look of the combat system. I love how it works in WoW, at least for melee and BM Hunters.

I do wish WoW had their old dev’s though, I miss the days when we would steal all the best features from other games and add improved versions of that in our own game. While combat itself in WoW is good we could really use more to do outside of combat.

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I think the ‘text dumps’ in a lot of WoW’s quest text are supposed to ‘represent’ a whole conversation but BlizZzard is too lazy to make full back-and-forth dialogue. Most people would just skip it even if they did.

Yeah well…

if you go from monk in wow to anything in ff14 , thats a 250% longer gcd.

better have a metric ton of off-gcd abilities lol

The combat system is very similar to WoW, it just takes a few levels to get up there, but once you get up into the 60s, it really starts opening up and taking off and it doesn’t take as long as you think, and heck. It’s free until 60. It’s really not that bad if you give it a chance.

You also get twice as many ability’s with filler ability’s so it hardly a big issue.

WoW Monk is probably one of the few classes that are actually…

1). Not braindead,
2). Have more than 3-4 buttons to press that aren’t long cooldowns,
3). Has Energy but doesn’t suffer from energy starvation as much.

Monk is that weird class that has short gcds like other energy classes, but yet it’s chi system lets you actually DO STUFF with something other than Energy rather than constantly waiting for energy every time you want to press a button once you get through the initial 3 ability burst at the very beginning of the fight and/or use a long cooldown.

But this comparison falls flat if you compare any other class in WoW to stuff in XIV. BM Hunter? Have fun with that 3 button rotation. Fury Warrior? You’re spamming the same 3-4 buttons over and over and over again. Even Ret Paladin, my favorite class, has a GCD that’s not really that much better than XIV’s, and has less abilities than most XIV classes do.

Meanwhile, over at XIV, the “easiest” melee DPS class has three combos that share what was it again, 5-6 buttons? Depending on what order you hit them in.

Half of Monk’s rotation in FF14 is oGCDs

i like all of WoW’s elves and can’t stand the cat race, personally. too overdone. i’ll never understand people’s fascination with making scantily clad artwork of their catgirls and then plastering it on every single website they can. i’m sure that’s the main reason i got so sick of them so quickly, that’s pretty much all you ever see on the 14 subreddit

I know the combat get’s better over time in FF but it’s the style of things itself I dislike. When you attack your character is frozen in place for a moment while it performs the animation.

I really hate that after playing WoW were we can freely attack while moving around, it just feels so much more fluid. I grew up playing Asian MMO’s that worked like that and really hated that part of combat.

I get why they do that and it helps with letting you have cool animations but I don’t find it as fun.

I don’t hate elves, but yet I don’t get all the catgirl hate, I mean, if you’re going to talk about scantily clad artwork of catgirls, can we talk about … ahem… certain furry websites and what they do to Vulpera, Feral Druids, Worgen, etc?

EDIT: Oh, and tauren too sometimes.

we can talk about it, but i apparently don’t frequent those websites so it doesn’t get shoved in my face daily, which is where my frustration comes from lol

No, I just log into the game daily to see people running around in their underwear (or at least ludicrously dumb looking skimpy platekinis and junk).

Every so often you see it in XIV, but nowhere near as often as you do in WoW.

This is only true for a very select few abilities like Dragoon’s Jump. Short of actual casting, you can move freely while fighting just fine

i have the opposite problem, i see it constantly in 14 but rarely see anyone in their underwear in WoW. mostly just demon hunters or lightforged that hide their shirts so they can see the tattoos, presumably

Perhaps depends on server, maybe. Moon Guard is just lousy. I suppose if you went to XIV and went to Balmung or Odin you’d see a lot more of that? I’m not on one of those tho, I’m on a “normal” server.

Also, XIV doesn’t have any S&M gear that I’ve seen, unlike WoW, half of all the skimpy crap people wear looks like ugly S&M stuff.

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