FF is the most boring thing I played

For me, the only reason I don’t play FF is because I have WoW to play, and also it’s too hard now to make the switch after 8 years of wow.

I’ll only play one MMO at a time, and I just like WoW’s design style, music, and fantasy world better than FF. When I played FF, I just thought… this is better than most Japanese style games but I should just be playing wow. I felt the same way about Monster Hunter. When playing FF I kind of thought back to when I played Zelda Ocarina of time… neat the characters aren’t voice acted but there’s quirky dialogue boxes and music playing.

I will say that some of the FF animated cut scenes are ridiculously great, and I know the story is often regarded as more cohesive throughout than wow - I love wow cut scenes also though.

oh yeah that makes sense, moon guard would have more of that around. and i do play on crystal unfortunately (and fortunately, there’s probably a 0% chance of asmonpoop coming here)

Its fair to defend a game you love, but its un-fair to others to mislead them to defend it. But since you are talking about pre level squish WoW then why not talk about 1.0 ff14?

Because things haven’t changed much post-level squish under than # of levels. Meanwhile, XIV is nothing at all like 1.0, not even a little bit.

Rogue is still SS and Evisc, maybe not for 30 levels, but still quite a significant amount of time.

Heck, at level 60, Outlaw is still SS and Evis, other than the occasional Pistol Shot not counting long cooldowns. Unless you want to count the covenant ability thrown in when it’s up.

Pre-squish WoW and 1.0 FF14 aren’t even remotely comparable.

It is kindof a conundrum. There is a ton of content for lower levels: quests, dungeons & raids with past storylines that many miss out on. You plain level too quick to even see a fraction of ANY of it. Assuming (yes I know the trouble of Assuming) its all still there as I “tried” to partake of some of it by happenstance but the alure of endgame when you find yourself at lvl 50 already and see 1xp after you complete anything has you in front of Bolvar on your way to the maw instant by choice undercover. Telling yourself, “yeah, I’ll come back someday after I’m BiS.” A curse and a benefit I guess filling holes in missing content with lvling alts.

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The reason I bring up 1.0 is because you brought up an old patch to back up your reasoning so im doing the same. Yes, with some classes you have 2-3 attacks for a long time, but you also get a lot of utility along the way. With ff14 level 1-30 your class does not change until you get your “job soul”, even then, the gameplay does not change dramatically until even later. There are 50+ hours of gameplay to that point

And of course outlaw is gonna sound boring at max level and leveling if all you mention is SS and Evis. You literally are leaving out the rest of the rotation for that spec. And since we are talking about class gameplay, one big complaint that I hear from a lot of ff14 players coming from Stormblood to the launch of Shadowbringers, is the change towards the class design. Im speaking of “the harmonizing the classes”, so players are able to pick up and play with little deviation.

But we both can argue apples to oranges all day if we really wanted too. At the end of the day both games are so different that there isn’t a reason to compare them.

TLDR WoW is more “get to the destination” and ff14 is all about the journey.
FF14 rotations are longer and more dance like with. And WoWs rotations are shorter but with more reactionary procs and faster GCD’s and class utilities.

But they’re not even remotely the same thing as other people have also pointed out.

You have way more than 1-2 attacks by Level 30, lol. Even without the Job Crystal.

The “Rest” of the rotation for that spec?

What, the long cooldown abilities?

Oh wait, okay, yeah I forgot about Mark of Death, silly me. Everything else is on a 30+ second cooldown (or doesn’t need used until 30+ seconds later like Slice and Dice).

When I talk about rotation, I mean stuff you are pressing constantly. Not “once every 30-180 seconds”.

You mean, “Homogenization”? Some Homogenization is always necessary, and really, MOST of the Homogenization is between Tanks. The DPS classes are wildly different. The healers have similar toolkits but have vastly different styles. So, when you talk about homogenization in XIV, you’re really just referring to Tanks. And even the tanks have nuance differences too.

…and far less buttons overall, and far less thought put into what you’re doing, when. And also less variety.

Once you get past ARR, the game gets better.

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