I was wondering about that too tbh. I say god bless, thread necroing is a scourge.
I played through all of ARR and got to HW. Unlocked and leveled up AST to 54 then quit. Idk it just doesn’t have the staying power to me.
yeah you’re not wrong. surprised they never added something like that before
The only people wow is a lobby game for is people who only queue.
Which is fine, but for the rest of us wow still has very much of a world.
The game is call the “WORLD of Warcraft”, it is about experiencing and exploring the World; of which combat is a part. But there are other parts like story, characters, exploration, adventure.
The devs have forgotten this and focus only on combat in the form of raids and dungeons connected by a convoluted and terrible story.
It’s actually kind of frustrating to me because I feel like I’d really enjoy the later game of FF. Some of the class concepts are really cool to me, and that sells me more than anything on an MMO. But I can’t even actually play the classes I really want to out of the gate. On top of the actual gameplay issues, the barrier for entry is just… Bleh.
I’ll probably keep chipping away at it during WoW content droughts and maybe someday be able to enjoy FFXIV.
FF is the better MMO. WoW is the better game.
Play FF to be immersed in a world and community
Play WoW to do daily grinds and PvP.
It might sound cynical, but that’s how I’ve been spending time.
Yes, against effortless enemies. I don’t know anyone who’s been impressed with WoW in the first hour, lucky if they like it until they get to run Deadmines. What is that 5-10 hours?
The game gets better as you play more, its rough at first but its also not everyone’s type of game. Similarly, my 2 FF friends got bored of wow within 1-2 hours because it was slow and awful in combat at early levels…so that says a lot for early game in any mmos.
I see your point to some degree as more variety outside of combat creates more activities to keep players interested. The combat, however, is very fun to me and should remain as the main focus. Just my opinion and think you made a good point too.
It’s a good way to state it. WoW is more of an “MMOG”, while FF is more of an MMORPG. Different designs for different kinds of customers.
Something that’s been pointed out to me is that the pre cap game in 14 sucks. Look at my black mage at 30 Something it’s literally fire fire fire switch to ice to regain mana throw lightning if you want an aoe. It’s incredibly basic, but at max level you have Enochian and polyglot and at least three other unique spells that work with those. I was never able to get there but was told jobs get much more interesting at cap.
MMORPGs aren’t the genre for you op. Stick with WoW.
They definitely are better at cap. Combat is faster and smoother at 80. Hopefully Endwalker makes it even smoother for earlier levels.
Yes, that is your typical casual default that gets bored quickly when they are used to their advanced combat rotation from another mmo’s endgame. I have noticed that WoW is very much aware of this glaring casual defect in all online players (myself included). Leveling up in WoW is probably the fastest grind out of all the other MMOs I have played. Idk if it’s a good or bad thing but with today’s tendency for impatient casuals I would say that I understand their reasoning.
The funniest part is that most other MMO’s have continually expanding and complex classes, while WoW’s classes have only gotten more dumbed down with time.
I will be watching there is no reason I can’t play both. Don’t want to give this up but I do want to like 14 as well ff is so nostalgic for me.
I wonder if it’s the same people who hate on WOW Elves, that hate the cat race from 14???
I have a character who is a ‘catboy’ who is a young, innocent looking male with pointed ears that looks a bit like a blood elf- but with more correct proportions ( what is it with Blizzard and giant hands?)
I’m female in rl- and I’m not in lust or love or whatever with my elves, or with the cat race- they are just fun to play!
“This topic will close 2 months after the last reply.”
Well that’s new, usually you only see that on the European forums lol.
A lot of jobs are like that yeah, and Black Mage is one of the worst offenders. It was easily my least favorite class all the way to the 50s and then once I had Enochian and Fire/Blizzard IV it got way more fun
Out of all the classes I’d say maybe Monk picks up the quickest, along with Ninja, since both of them have a faster GCD than other classes it at least doesn’t feel as slow before getting all your oGCDs. Black Mage and Dragoon I’d say are the two worst offenders