Feral sounds 8.2.5

I think about this thread at least once a day. I’ve submitted two bug reports weeks apart and there’s still been no word from blues. All you have to do is own up to it and say “Yeah, these weren’t intended. It may take some time but we’re making them better/reverting to old sounds.”

That’s it!! I’m tempted to put in a ticket just to force some kind of response but it’ll just be canned smarm. :\

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All new sounds on the PTR. They’re gonna ignore the 8.2.5 sounds until 8.3 releases. The problem is, those are pretty much just as bad as the 8.2.5 sounds.


What if… What if… these are the sounds of the new “Tinker” class that are being introduced early for “Beta(Alpha?)” testing?

When I hear the new druid sounds, I can legit imagine a robotic melee sound for something that I envision what a tinker could be.

And as someone that wishes to play a robotic character, I actually enjoy these new sounds. You all are correct, they are worse for a Feral druid than the previous sounds. But, I do “Like” the sounds, just not on my Feral.

Given they haven’t fixed it yet, I am guessing it is not a bug.

Over one month of tearing wet paper. Fur is matted and always damp. Smell like wood pulp and glue. :crying_cat_face:

New sounds are :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:
Revert to old sounds! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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My walrus swim form still believes it’s a tideskipper dolphin, so I’m still holding a thread of hope, though admittedly it’s growing weaker by the day. Possibily I could glyph to something and then unglyph, but the bug still happened at the same time as feral sounds, so …maybe? sigh.

I like some of the new noises. Rip sounds weird like throwing a rock.

In regards to the current PTR noises:

Rip and FB sound like someone firing a rocket launcher with an explosion and heavy wet rags hitting the ground. It’s so… not kitty sounding.

Shred needs to dial back the fabric tearing, but I DO like how it’s a different sound on each combo point. Very clever for audible cues.

Rake is alright.

Feral Frenzy sounds pretty good and matches the slashing animations well

Brutal Slash isn’t bad either

Thrash sounds too metallic/daggery, with someone pull starting a weed eater faintly in the background (sounds crazy, but trust me, you won’t unhear it when you finally notice it)

Tiger’s Fury and Wild Charge sound good.

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Don’t forget to check savage roar, it’s a whole new experience.

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is there going to be any developer that gives us their intention with these sounds. can we at least know if these are intended sound changes or a bug.

Terrible sounds. Sounds like throwing things against a metal garbage can or something.

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Owlkin Frenzy’s sound effect was changed too, now it’s just a slight twinkly sound :confused:

On live? Or PTR?

Both it seems, I’ve put in a bug report asking them to revert it back


seems like a bug. sounds like rogue abilities

Guns sound more like someone tried to make the sound with their mouth.

Dolphin sound is still there lol

I just submitted a bug report. I doubt it’ll do anything but man I hate these new sounds.

still not fixed