Feral sounds 8.2.5

Since the patch, all feral sounds seem to have changed, except the pounce one. They sound super weird, like some high pitched noises. Pls revert them to the original sounds.


I noticed this as well it sounds awful compared to before like when the gun sounds got nerfed to pellets.


Huh, I’ve been searching forums for last 2 hours for a solution, as I was sure it’s a sound glitch, re-downloaded the entire game client, re-tweaked all possible sound configs, and you’re telling me those god awfull sounds are actually just updated sound effects?


doesnt seem to be a glitch my friend seems like we got the hunter treatment for no reason.


Came to the forums the check this. My god are these new sounds awful.


I’m not a fan of the new sounds either.


What I dont get is when we scream for changes ( start of BFA ) they take months to change it. Yet when we dont even ask for something, it gets changed? im so confused :frowning:


I mean I get where they were trying to go with this, but it sounds more like sharp daggers than claws.

The main skills are literally called Rip, Rake and Tear, you are not just slicing, you are ripping and tearing.


Tell me this is a bug?

There’s no way these sounds are finished. They have to be bugs. Ferocious bite sound is about 250ms after ability. A lot of the sounds have horrible compression or just flat out seemingly missing frequency ranges. Brutal slash sounds like a submersible aquatic slash.


I really want to say it is, seeing how Guardian Thrash sounds like the old version to me, Guardian Swipe has no / very quiet sound, and bear and cat form transmogs are buggy, but no one can say for certain.

I don’t get this change either. It’s a big mess. If this is foley work, I’d argue that using sharp metal objects against trash cans and then cranking the filters to eleven would not be my first choice to simulate slashing and ripping. I would also be watching the monitors more closely so that the sounds acutally sync with the animations.

My fracking head hurts. Some reason the new effects give me a headache. I think there is some sort of high pitch to it that bothers it. I also don’t get the same sound feedback to the actions and because their so low my brain does not register well with it…


I really hope it’s a bug, they sound horrible.


Glad to know it’s not just me. Sounds like daggers. I hope it gets some attention and gets reverted.

Sound like swing Wet Noodles.

It’s like Blizzard never met a development department they couldn’t screw up. I’m reposting this to general.

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They also forgot a sound for our primal fury passive. For those of us who play with audio it’s actuallly crazy the Pavlovian response I have to that sound just instantly knowing what combo points I’m at based off the sound of the proc.

Yeah I prefer the louder scratching sounds of my kitty cat and ferocious bite doesn’t have the powerful snapping that i like to hear. I hope this isn’t permanent.


It’s simple even if the new sounds are bad they should not be drowned out by other peoples actions including NPC’s… Blizzard failed bad here.