Feral sounds 8.2.5

imo i liked it better when their abilities sounded like ripped paper.

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I agree. These new sounds suck. They also need to bring the old Savage Roar back. I loved that sound.

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this cant be new sounds i just refuse to accept it. I get a similiar bugged sound on my pureblood firehawk mount when its wings flap. the mount from firelands that flies. theres no wayyyyyyyyyy they want those wings to sound like that. this has to be a bug.

Even the boomkin sounds are bad though. Not broken butā€¦ I mean theyā€™re supposed to be nature sound effects but it just sounds like some weird machinery noises. Itā€™s bizarre.

Itā€™s got to be a bug, guys.

Because they design based on what they want to do inside of a titanium-lined force bubble through which no feedback can pass.

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Dear Blizzard,

Please revert the sounds. I thought they were a bug at first because they sound like knives. Not claws, knives. Ferocious Bite feels completely unimpactful and has a sound delay to it that is very off putting. Swipe, thrash, and rake all sound more like the Rogue ability Fan of Knives.

I do not use the Dolphin glyph, but when I go into the water with aquatic form, dolphin sounds from my weird manatee, walrus, wolf hybrid thing. Stampeding Roar doesnā€™t even appear to have a sound anymore, although it very well could due to how muffled many of the new sounds are in comparison to everything else.

I have played Feral since Cataclysm and it is largely the reason why I play World of Warcraft, no other MMO has the same druid fantasy that Blizzard provides and these sounds are just not in line with the massive jungle cat fantasy that I have been enjoying all these years.

I have read through this thread and I have failed to find a single comment saying that they like the new sounds (except the one who likes the new dolphin sound, which fair enough sounds pretty good, however I am not using the glyph so it is a complete mismatch to the form I am taking).

All of these sound changes, I find, are completely unnecessary and wholly unwanted. And to reiterate, please revert the sounds to their originals, preferably in a hotfix.

Honlin of Thunder Bluff


When I do naz world quest for my followers I have to turn sound off now just to avoid them they bother me that much.

Please change them back Blizzard, I really hate fighting as my Druid because of this.

Everyone, submit it as a bug, it must be right? there was nothing in the patch notes.


These sounds are awful, half sound like warrior/rogue abilities and the other half sound like shaman abilities. Berserk makes a lightning sound ffs. Half the time I canā€™t hear what ability Iā€™m even doing. Fix please itā€™s coming up on 2 weeksā€¦


hey everyone just wanted to update everyone on the topic.

there are new sounds on the ptr. things sound worse. it sounds like we have a whip now lol

OMG Blizzard! These are even worse! What are you doing?

There is not a giant delay between the attack swipe and the hit soundā€¦

Itā€™s official, Iā€™m changing to Rougeā€¦

Moulin spec?

if this isnt a bug pls put in patch notes so we know at least. these sounds make me rawr irl pls reverttttttt

these new sounds are absolutely garbage. how is this not fixed. brb going back to classic

Yes these sounds just seem mismatched. Changing the sounds would be nice but Iā€™d suggest not veering too far from original. Think beefy roars for things like TF, I think things like shred and maul should have more of an impact sound (the paw is hitting as well as the claws) along with the ripping and tearing sound. As far as something like FB it sounds like some kind of steel blades slamming together, maybe something closer to a crunching/bone breaking sound mixed would fit better.

Point is that it sounds now like youā€™ve gone to the kitchen or a workbench and pulled out a bunch of knives and metal tools to record the sounds, which would probably be okay if it were a warrior, but weā€™re talking cats and bears. Not sure who made these sounds and thought ā€œNow that sounds like a catā€ but as I think this thread proves they clearly do not.

Please either revert the sounds to original or try again. Iā€™d love to have some new sounds after so long (and maybe some better visuals, just not over the top again keep theme in mind) but, if you do change them try and think cat/bear and not work shed in a tornado.


There are new sounds on the PTR for 8.3 and the best I can say for it is ā€œSplortā€

The sounds match better now

Before they sounded powerful claws hitting an enemy while only doing minimal DPS

The devs saw this as a game bug and giving players false hope

Now it has been corrected

MY GOD, you werenā€™t lying. They are AWFUL.

They really areā€¦ And they are even worse on the 8.3 PTR.

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