Feral sounds 8.2.5

ive been on ptr and live tried multiple iterations of levels of druids, druids with and without mage tower, both factions multiple races all have the same meh sounds. as someone who usually plays with sounds these sounds bother me to the point where i will just be playing sound off unless this is a bug/something they want to revert. why wouldnt they put this on ptr actively and put in in patch notes if not a bug?

Please, please revert these if they’re intended changes. We got no warning to these, they sound awful, and I sure hope it’s a bug. My potato-walrus sounds like I have glyph of dolphin, which I’ve never used, so I hope they just mucked up some sfx files somehow.

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I’ve been playing boomkin this week after noticing how bad the feral sounds were. I’m hoping this is a bug or wip because it sounds awful. The lack of mention in the patch notes has me hoping just a bug.

Don’t worry guys, Blizzard is a small Indie company; They are trying their best. The developers always work on and change pressing issues while leaving alone things that are perfect the way they were before! We can trust them on this change for sure since we all were complaining about druid sounds before! What a great company that listens to their community!!!

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at least the druid form/ mog bug got fixed in a day. Which if attack sounds are a bug the mog bug was a higher priority.

if it was not a bug, why waste resources “fixing” something that isn’t broke?
by that, i mean, why change it when it was working just fine before.

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They have to pretend to be busy for the stockholders.
So they hired more no pay interns.

These new sounds are absolutely awful. Especially the Aquatic Form. What is that even supposed to be? Please fix Blizz.


Hate to say this but its not just feral … travelform from legion sounds like i am turning into a crow instead of giant owl and on my warrior when i mount Hogrus store mount it now sounds like a effing chicken instead of a hog like it did before 8.2.5

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I have to agree with all of you that the “new” sounds for most of the feral abilites are terrible and hopefully a bug. Both Rip and Ferocious Bite sound like I’m dropping a loaded oil barrel on the ground or a muffled shotgun blast, either way there was absolutely no reason for the change if, once again, it’s intentional.

And I am also using Glyph of the Orca on my aquatic form and it sounds like Glyph of the Tideskipper when going into that form.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed that someone at Blizzard that can repair these sounds is able to do so asap

Oh wow, I actually liked the new sound, because I have glyphed my aquatic form into a Dolphin.

I was like “Oh yay, they added a sound for my Dolphin!”
But apparently its for all aquatic forms… Well done Blizzard… (Sarcasm)

But that at least really does look like a bug.

I’ve been out of town for a few days, so last night was my first chance to experience the updated sounds.

My god, it’s horrible. It’s like I’m playing the game through 1970s car speakers. Stock model.

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If it’s not a bug they should probably still say it is.

The idea that of all the things feral needs they decided it was these sounds wouldn’t be a good thing to admit.


We seem to all agree, as i am re-expressing the sentiment here again with another vote for fixing it or changing it back:

The changes to druid sounds are completely jarring to the entire druid experience. They are so underwhelming and unsatisfying, while also managing to throw off my rotation rhythm, that they now produce mild anxiety. DRAMATIC i know, but they have replaced distinct beast-like audio ques, with a very light weight camping cutlery set, that has been packaged in a muffled padded cardboard box, and recorded being kicked around in the next room randomly, by a very small but persistent child.

Not only are the new sounds effects poor quality, but they all sound the same, and sound nothing like a magical ferocious jungle cat alpha. Why? I want to know what has justified my loss of jungle cat fantasy?? And also, WHO?? Who thought this was acceptable? Because that person is tragically disconnected from what and why gaming is, on a number of fronts, from an array of perspectives. They should not be in charge of anything game experience related ever again.

Its something so simple, yet so important to the experience, that it should be so obvious these new changes are completely unacceptable.


I don’t play feral but I often spec feral affinity on my resto druid and, while it’s probably not as annoying to me as a feral main, the new sounds are really bad. I don’t remember if I’ve ever posted on the forums before but I really had to for this, it’s just that weird and wrong. Both rake and shred sounds like you’re tearing a piece of thin fabric with dull scissors and rip is just a thud. Swipe might be the worst and I don’t even know how to describe it, like a kinda wooshy reverberating sound and it’s the same for swipe in bear form. Thrash is just a mix of the dull scissors with the bad swipe sound. Maybe the devs thought feral needed a nerf and decided the best way to do it was to just make everyone not want to play it anymore.

Edit: This just in, thrash’s sound for guardian druids remains unchanged; only the feral version of thrash was subject to the worst audio change in the expansion since flash of light.


I thought my game was broken. I seems that they’re going for more bloody sounds but Rake, Rip and Shred all sound the same, like you’re tearing wet paper.

Swipe sounds like one of those sonic attacks from the mobs on Mechagon. I hope they change that one.

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What is Blizzard sound deigners taking lol. Paper tearing sound, potato squishing sound, nose blowing sound for the feral and guardian druids. Do you guys even have sound designer or just dowload sfx from free websites?

The new sounds are absolutely horrible. The experience was very jarring the first time I heard them, and then afterwards very unsatisfying. I sincerely hope it is a bug.

For the past few days, I’ve been trying to get used to the new sounds. When I first heard them, it was extremely jarring and I hated the way they sounded, but I figured that it was just because I wasn’t used to them. Nope. They are actually awful. Now I just try to ignore them, but they don’t have the same satisfying “oomph” to them that the old sounds did and it’s really disappointing. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who hates the new sounds, really hope they change them back.

Also, I have Glyph of the Orca and was sad when it sounded like the dolphins, but since apparently the basic sea lion also sounds like a dolphin that one at least DOES seem to be a bug (hopefully). I miss my whale sounds.

Oh, and has anyone else noticed how the cat form yawning roar (the one that happens when you’re idle) sounds extremely quiet? I can barely hear it over ambient noises, it’s weird.

Blizzard needs to change our sounds back to what they were before the patch, kitty sounds like they are playing in a mud puddle and bear sounds like they are constantly using the fan of knives from a rogue. PUT THEM BACK!!!


I still can’t believe they did this. I hate the sounds and WHY?

Why not fix something like how guardian artifact claws still don’t sheath instead?

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