Feral druids need a buff

Here we are 13 weeks into P1 and the only class/spec feral druid are beating in the 90 parcintile bracket form WCL is FROST MAGES!!!

With this data why havent you shown feral druids some much needed love?

ALL 3 hunter specs are beating Feral druid
Both shaman DPS spec are beating Feral druid
Both Warrior dps spec beat Feral
All 3 Rogue specs are beating Feral
All 3 warlock specs beat Feral

do you not see a problem here blizz?


Feral is S-tier in PvP, that is all.


I’m somewhat curious why you care? If you really care about highest DPS output in a raid setting for the 90th percentile, then why don’t you play the class/spec that performs the best in that role for PVE content?

Are you that tied to a particular spec, in this case druid’s Feral DPS that you think it should be equal to other specs in this particular content, only (or also)?

Feral is quite a versatile spec, and can play an interesting role. Not to mention:

How are Balance and Resto performing at the 90th percentile on WCL? (I understand that they are different specs. I’m just curious). And isn’t feral the second best tank?


you have feral tank spec and feral dps spec theyre 2 different builds

Feral tank is 2nd for tanking yes but feral dps is trash!!! feral dps only beats frost mages. while still being beaten by rogues pvp spec at the very least feral druid dps should be above the PvP specs for PvE

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I understand what you are saying.

Specifically in the 90th percentile of warcraftlogs? Should every spec also be? Or should both Feral and Balance, because they have different gear sets? So same with Enhance and Ele, but not the same as all mage, warlock, hunter or rogue specs? What about Shadow?


im simply stating that all the pvp specs for mages warlocks warriors should not be out dpsing a PvE spec

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Sure, I mean I get that you’re saying you think that feral DPS should be above some other PVP specs, which implies that you don’t think it is a PVP spec, which also implies that you think some specs are PVP specs by design, and some are not.

I’m not sure I have a very strong personal opinion here, but I am curious as to what it is specifically that you think “should” be, and why. I’m very curious about this idea of “balance” particularly around the 90th percentile of warcraft logs, specifically for raiding, and specifically for some DPS specs. Should they all be the same? Is there some acceptable variance? Why? Who decides this? And why the 90th percentile? (why not 80th or 50th - or 95th)

Or should every spec of every class with every possible talent point allocation, group composition, stat distribution perform equally across all levels of content? It doesn’t seem to be that that is what you’re saying, but I’m curious if you could articulate it such that it doesn’t lead there.

Now, to be fair to your point, maybe you are just saying something like, “I want feral to be fun to play in PVE, and to me fun means doing respectable damage in the 90th percentile, because that’s around where I aim to parse.” And that’s fine. And we could look to the changes they made in Wrath Classic around Feral, which I believe they stated was something about wanting to change the meta from bearweaving, because for some reason they didn’t like that, but it ended up being a buff to feral. Then they also buffed ret.

I think those changes could be used as precedence in the Classic series that they do and maybe will make changes, and maybe we will see some buffs to feral. They made the changes some time during Ulduar in Wrath, iirc, so maybe we’ll see some changes some time during Firelands?


It is unfortunate that feral is basically just a tank spec in Cata classic since it was a top DPS spec originally. I’d be more upset if I wasn’t tanking this time around.

Bringing the FFF change from wrath classic back as baseline part of the ability would help.

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Well considering every class has a PVP spec example Rogues play sub mages play frost hunters play BM warriors play arms
wthese tradiational specs are pvp and shouldnt be beating feral dps in a PvE content only class/spec that isnt beating feral druids are frost mages

It was a top spec during the original patch of tier 11, after that they were nerfed hard into the ground and were just mid ground as a dps compared to others.
Only thing I can see fixing feral dps is by giving them overall damage buffs for PvE but doing so would mean to buff some other specs that don’t perform well either, I don’t see Blizzard doing this because even though feral is not #1 they are not the worst dps in the game and are nowhere near as bad as naxx/ulduar feral.

I’m not sure that this is particularly inline with reality (or at least with my view of things), but sure if that’s how you understand specs to work great. I don’t know what the exact design decision process was like for Cata nor how that would impact Cata Classic, but this was a very small aside to the conversation, where I simply pointed out that you seem to imply that some specs are intended for PVP by design, which may be the case! (I don’t know that to be the case, and somewhat don’t think it is, but maybe it is!).

Anyway, the point I wanted to get at and thought I had made was twofold:

  1. I’m interested in where the idea of balance comes from, and how you might articulate it in a way that doesn’t lead to all classes and specs regardless of talent point or stat distribution performing precisely the same across all content, which might be achieved by having a single class and spec, like some games do.
  2. We have had some changes in Classic in the past that seem to be in line with what you are asking for, maybe we will see changes to feral like you are asking for.

That’s it. You can ignore the first one if it bothers you or you don’t actually want to answer it. I’m just curious what the thought process is.


the only class they beat is frost mage which isnt even a viable PvE spec

Yea but they are total dog poo in many areas outside of PvP. I think OP wants them to play as well rounded all across the board, not just in one area. Being god mode in PvP doesnt equate to much when you cant even DPS your way out of a wet paper bag in some of the PvE stuff. Blizzard thinks you only need rip, rake and savage as your only buttons for a feral in Cata. Their guides for druids literally tell you to play tank if you are trying to play feral DPS.

S tier PvP =/= S tier PvE.

Except kitty is in an even worse spot than it was in Naxx/Ulduar right now. It’s pretty much the worst pve dps spec by a significant margin currently and bear weaving is back.

Like I said all they have to do is add back in the FFF change which would marginally bump up feral dps and fix bear weaving. That might bring kitty back in line with the lower tier dps specs like ret and has no impact on pvp.

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The issue is that blizz refuses to implement PvE specific changes that wouldn’t effect PvP. Classic is on a legion build and able to do this the devs are just lazy.

Feral was top all of wrath. You get bottom now. Karma for crying over omen.



What if… They simply changed the Savage Roar Glyph to effect all DMG and not just white DMG.

Bringing it back to it’s WOTLK glory.

I’ve only been doing 3/3 Furry Swipes to make using it, worth it, in the current form.

Or does it not even buff that and Furry Swipes is just a trap? >.>

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Lol Feral was dog water until they gave us omen of clarity and Armor pen. Kinda like warriors needed armor pen to be good ( and always stole leather arp gear )

Feral wasnt Really good till ICC

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Chiming in to correct, armor pen didn’t make warrior good. Hard armor pen cap and a legendary made warrior good, otherwise we were mid pack trash the entire xpac.