Feral Druid Dead Last in Raid DPS

All I’ve learned is how close my Stans keep up with me. Finding a bad night in our logs was a nice touch. Suggesting we recruit a dead spec is also top tier kek

That purple parsing dead spec would be your mvp.

Your loss dude.

It’s sorted by highest difficulty…. So….

Say less.

Oh come on. We both know what you were trying to do. Just laugh it off, take the “L” and try again another day on someone more your level.

What L?

This isn’t going the way you think it is.

This forum is much more enjoyable when people don’t take Tical or Grizzle seriously.


You don’t believe a purple parsing feral would help his run?

You believe he’s better off with that grey warrior?


They’re harmless groupies, no one actually takes anything they say seriously. All they want to do is argue and defend hilariously indefensible positions for internet clout.

It’s amusing. Kinda like a soap opera script. Being ridiculous is part of the charm.

This forum is also a lot more enjoyable with “view 1 hidden reply” between every single post. Whichever one of you two replied to me, please reciprocate so we can each pretend the other doesn’t exist.

I don’t believe basing their self-esteem on how many people they are able to annoy is healthy.


You knew my name…. Speak about me frequently.
I don’t think of you at all.
Who’s the fan here?

Look, I get it.
I’m rude, condescending and abrasive.
You guys don’t like me.
Your feeling got hurt multiple times and now u big mad. So it’s no wonder that the things I say come across as hard truths. You want to ignore it. But you know I’m right.

You can keep being ignorant and keep crying about your class…. But you’re only fooling yourself.

I’m not loosing sleep over it.
Only people affected by your bad decisions are you and your grey parsing guild.

You might have better luck with that mess on truth social. I hear they’ll believe everything over there.

Here in the real world, all of your claims are pretty easily debunked. So easily that we don’t even bother anymore.

Your character needs a new hook, though. “Belligerent and Oblivious” is already so overdone. Like a zombie movie in 2015.

Kinda like how you believe those unholy dks will carry you to victory?

How’s that workin out for you?

Guy is harboring a special needs dk pullin 85k on a fight where they’re capable of doing 253k…. And the feral is his concern?


A green parsing feral would suffice.

Keep fishing there. Something will bite eventually right. Lol.

Yes, a feral druid with a fishing pole equipped could still beat that dk.


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You confuse indifference with fans.

Youre a fan. Enters a thread established by 100 posts and mentions us by name when we have never brought you up outside of your initiated interaction with us.

Indifference: never bringing you up.

Now go get yourself a nametag there Stan.


That warrior and DK have multiple low parses. Even on two and a half minute farm encounters. Fair to say thats the norm and not a bad night.

Yet they havent been? Perhaps because the claims are backed by logs and data, and are in fact, facts.


Who are you? Doesnt matter. This is you right?

50k dps. 435 ilvl. 17 key? Doing less dps than tanks


Blue/green parsing Heroic fights with Mythic level gear??

Definitely someone we should be listening to!!

Why let facts get in the way of a good story, right? Lmao.

hey now… in his defense
Hes playing with players parsing 30% and under.

Those green parses are top notch!

he should apply to that other kids guild. I hear they are looking for literally any warm body that can green parse above their #1 spec ranked dk.

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Warrior: Gray
DK: Green


Warrior: Gray
DK: Gray


Farm mode
Warrior: blue
DK: sat out

So and so forth


Look at that. More farm mode, more blue parse from the warrior.

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96,475 dps?
Still better than a purple parsing feral though, with their…
*checks notes *

115,089 dps…?



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This has ventured into being pathetic and I can certainly say two people within this thread have been added to my ignore list which is an achievement.


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Very misleading to use good feral parse and compare them with bad guilds parses. For example, we see that the fight of the best parses for Kazzara is around 3min, while the guild of the DK/war are doing >5min Kazzara, significantly diluting the effect of cooldowns/potions such as lust, not counting other factors such as loss of uptime due to suboptimal strategy (very likely on kazzara).

In other words, a purple parsing feral will NOT do 115k dps if he joins the Dk/war guild.

I don’t get why they can’t make feral a single target powerhouse through convoke like it was in SL, they actually had a legit niche back then.