i don’t know what you’re looking at…. But I see a feral sitting pretty with a pink parse. World 4th.
i don’t know what you’re looking at…. But I see a feral sitting pretty with a pink parse. World 4th.
Cant help yourself, eh?
why do people come here and say feral is good and top? its NOT
Not at all. go do a mythic raid as feral. good luck. you will be beaten by every single class and pro player. lol im 439 ilvl with that staff and im still getting owned.
last season i was a lot better but dang they destoryed us fully and its just so bad to play as feral.
I was put on standby by my guild last night lol so thats fun
I am not going to sit here and be told by ONE random on forums saying oh no feral is top
when there is DPS charts that say otherwise and every single PRO gamer on these sites saying no feral is bottom tier. I believe them over one little person on forums lol Look at how many sites says feral is on bottom. proof is there we are BAD
Also ill point out our ST best DMG is bite yet it only does 60k sometimes or less its RNG. where a warlock chaos bolt that is way less lower ilvl then me hits 250k lol
also fact bloodlust does nothing for us as well. i see all classes get higher dmg and blast where feral it does nothing at all for us lol why? why is feral made like this?
Feral is good, no one said anything about being on top.
That’s because you’re parsing green at 26%. Even in Heroic you’re only averaging blue’s at 55%. There’s already multiple links posted showing Feral being in the top 2-3 spots in high end raiding guilds.
And this just proves you don’t understand the information that’s being displayed in those charts. But GG.
I’d practice your rotation and look at your talent selection before complaining about how feral sits.
Staff really doesn’t add much DPS. It’s a lot better in AoE scenarios when you pop Zerk. That’s about it.
wheres the links saying feral is top?
will see it till i believe it
Go read the thread. You’ll find multiple
not showing any proof.
Because the proof is already posted. If you cannot help to read it, then there’s no point in continuing this discussion.
also you have done no raiding only lfr so. lol hard to trust anything you say when i have done so much more then you and seen how bad it is. as others also complaining how weak feral is so its not just a me thing,
Yeah but heres the thing…this game doesnt revolve around your personal feelings and your bad play…theres plenty of data out there that shows people whats going on.
For your ilvl, you can almost increase your DPS by another 50% - work on getting better first champ
It really is.
You’re playing below average.
Not below the average of all players.
Below average of all ferals.
So even if ferals were ranked #1 dps, You still wouldn’t be.
You’re playing poorly.
I can assure you with 100% confidence it is not because youre feral.
You’re just not playing properly.
You’re a liability.
Do you say stuff like this in guild chat?
That might also be a reason they sat you.
Maybe spend more time learning about your class and what each stat does.
Then…spend even more time on a target dummy.
That’s the main thing I noticed. Not talking crap, but at 426 I was doing the same or slightly more damage on those Heroic bosses. Not bashing, but more to say that something is off. The stats don’t look way out of whack, so it’s got to be gameplay I think.
You’re arguing with a brick wall there. These apologists don’t care about reality, community perception, ranking data, etc. There’s always an explanation, a special case, some feely craft, etc.
They were all over posts last season asking for guardian buffs with the same nonsense. Everything feels fine in their weekly no-leaver keys so obviously it’s the pro’s who are wrong. Lmao.
Anyway, just ignore them and save your sanity. I suspect they have a self-flagellation fetish and need to be the underdog to enjoy life. They’d rather work from a disadvantaged position because then they have a good reason to never get anywhere.
Except we’re the only ones living in reality, which we explain with actual data and logs and not feelings based off a rankings list established in a world that does not exist.
Not even Liquid has a run of an entire roster doing 95% plus.
Yet thats the standard you guys try to hold yourselves too. And we’re the ones who dont care about reality??
This is your reality
Green and grey parses from classes who, according to your list…. Should be at the top.
But nooooo. It’s feral who’s a liability.
Not the warrior/dk (entire raid) tripping over their own feet?
Your guild sucks.
Class rankings don’t apply to you untill you start holding every class to the same standards.
A blue/purple parsing feral would be your mvp.
That’s reality.
Ferals are fine because bad players can play good classes.
You guys are hilarious. I really do have the best fans.
For you and your merry band of grey parsers…… yes. Absolutely.
Without question.
Your guild would be foolish to turn down a good feral right now with the numbers it’s producing.
I bet you have a 420 ilvl minimum on your +8 keys and your mom isn’t proud of you.
No need for insults.
Just take what you’ve learned here today and apply it in game.
You’re welcome.