Feral Druid Dead Last in Raid DPS

and the next time you won’t shred at all because you’re at 5 CP - it’s okay though because you’ll have 3 minutes of wondering why shred exists when it’s damage is so low before you again forget shred exists even after a 50% buff

if blizzards goal is to make combo points as a system unattractive and not working, they’re absolutely killing it

good design


Remember when shred was more than a cp generator?

Pepperidge Farm Remembers

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Yeah, but I also member dumping CPs on Savage Roar too which… phew, glad that’s over.

The dumb part though is that I wouldn’t even mind dumping CPs on a Roar every now and then given how plentiful they are in current design… (you could argue that’s pretty much the point of SbT now though—rolling up an augment for Biting) when CPs were slower, it was rough but the pendulum swung back the other way now. I still think my sweet spot for single target is the tuning knob for Rip damage from SbT and pulling some of that baseline damage out of Bite and back into the bleed.

Maybe that’s the nature of scaling though. Sooner or later, we’re one button biters (ST talking, AoE better than ever now). The plus side is that it scales, the down side is actual one button specs don’t tend to use the same on and off ramp… also, classes get tuned around expectations of scaling.

Aside from Berserk, Feral is pretty good. I have missed Legion Incarn every day since it was reworked back then. It’s sort of in place now, but those Shreds aren’t the same…

I also think there’s something fishy (at a meta level) when we talent our AoE generator to become our strongest single target generator. It’s incremental damage at best but as a design, it just feels like that injected difficulty for “skill expression”. Aka Blood Talons.

Feral needs some small buffs (which it received and will received in 10.1.5) for single target damage but it’s not in a terrible place. It IS an unforgiving spec compared to something like Ret Paladin, but when played well it’s still a good spec.

I’m only a 3/9 mythic and not a great player by any means but there is a feral in my guild who is quite good in our raid group.

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This very true. If you fall behind for just a little bit on a raid boss, it can take several minutes to come close to catching back up to where you should be.
I’ve had my opener get gibbed by Rashok a few times now. Losing that initial Incarn window can be the difference between purple parse damage and green parse damage depending on the groups strat on puddle placement. Running to Africa to drop a pool puts the brakes on us hard.

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No, see if you only compare yourself to terrible players, then you’re doing fine.

Their POV never makes any sense because they are being contrary for the memes.


The spec isn’t in as bad of a spot as a lot of people here are panicking about but the skill cap for the spec is high. Therefore, it’s really unforgiving to the bottom half of players skewing results (imo). The incoming buffs will be much welcome and I think we’ll actually see feral in the top half in ST fights.

I mean… yeah.
If youre continually #1 dps in youre guild, then wherever feral ranks on the dps lists compared to other classes is irrelevant.

Thats what we’ve been saying this entire thread.

Youre all playing with terrible players… and pretending you aren’t.
Its pathetic.

Its been proven countless times over… ten fold.

but sure… keep playing the victim.

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Doesnt make sense because we understand how the data is portrayed and what it represents while y’all are taking it at face value as an absolute.

It’s pretty easy to see that’s a stack of ranges and the feral range is to the left of most of the others. Noticeably.

But you guys know that. You’re just doing it for that memes. The little rush you get from pulling some commenter on these forums. So alien to human experience, you can’t really even describe why you crave it so much.

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I mean they’re being a little on the nose about it but the thing about all specs this season is that they’re closer than they’ve ever been.

Yes, feral has been at the bottom on a lot of logs but the complexity of the rotation makes it really challenging for people at the lower end of the spectrum. We do deserve some buffs and we are getting them. However, there are plenty of ferals (myself included plenty of times) who are personally doing poor and it says a lot more about the complexity of the rotation than anything else imo.

Thats not what we’re discussing though.

Like you constantly creating strawmans for your own amusement?

We’ve admitted multiple times that Feral is in need of some tuning and attention. That was never the debate. But you know that

The only thing noticeable is that not a single feral has been able to come in here and prove that this “ noticeable” range has had any relevance to them and how they performed personally.

Even those playing at the top.

I just don’t think anyone is prepared to explain such a rudimentary concept as pole position to you. It’s such an obvious, fundamental concept. It’s like trying to argue with someone and they break out simulation theory or something. Your points make no sense because they’re not meant to.

They’re just mired in semantics until nothing has any meaning


Just as this thread isnt prepared to understand the theory of relativity and how it pertains to the data used as evidence and being great examples of an explanation.

I understand most people have 0 common sense and would rather double down on being wrong than attempting to understand a new concept.

To each their own

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Lets go back to OP.
(Since he started this mess)

My argument has always been that despite ferals “dead last” ranking on that pole. It has has little to no affect on his personal performance within his own group. The rankings of his peers are much more arbitrary.

case in point.





Not “dead last”.

None of those rankings are equal.
Not one of you can provide a log where they are, as they dont exist.

TLDR: You’re dumb.

Thread was over after this comment.

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I don’t think that means what you think it means.

He is who he is. His skill is what it is. Aggregate data is aggregated for a reason: to paint a clearer picture than what can be seen in a single case.

Yes, someone 90% parsing on feral will be beating out all the 20%. There’s enough overlap between them that this is even likely. But the range is to the left of the other dps. They have a lower potential. So someone who 50%s their play will be doing less 50%-ing on feral than someone that 50%s on, for example, demo lock.

Which is the entire point of the thread.



How left is left in your stupid world of made up facts?

Oh but it is. And it’s pertinent to the discussion at hand. You not geing able to comprehend this due to not understanding relativity is why threads like this exist.

I’ll show you why, with your own words/examples.

Already admitted to this. Also, not what the discussion at hand is about.

And this is all based on relativity.

That rankings list is compiled into a format that will never exist in game. You will never find an entire group playing at the exact same.skill level (or even within the 4-5% range).

That rankings list can only survive under a singular circumstance. And thats that all DPS are playing at an equal skill level.

And since that does not happen, that list only exists on paper, and will not exist in practice.

It’s funny how you spew your discontent on here all day every day. Then someone challenges your methods and you twist it into some plea for help from the mods (oh, the personal attacks - lol). Imagine, a world where the great tical tries to paint anyone else as the source of negativity. Dude, this is laughable. You are a cancer on this forum.

Like I told your bully partner in his [I’m quitting thread] (which if it were real would be a catalyst for celebration around here), how about you educate people for real versus your faux attempts. You are negativity personified. You don’t prove your point. You seek only to discredit anyone that thinks differently from you. That is not how you win hearts and minds. That is how you troll an entire forum and mask your bully tactics.

If you don’t think feral is in a bad spot put something together like Babs did in the Monk forum and prove YOUR point, not discredit everyone else. The problem is, YOU CAN"T.

Oh yeah, btw, why don’t you read through this real careful like, you might learn something.