Feral buffs not enough

Pretty sure we’re supposed to out dps bm hunters at this point :stuck_out_tongue:

Like I said, I’m always happy to be in a run where I’m the lowest damage. It doesn’t happen often enough though.

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I’d understand if the Hunter was burning globals dispelling and interrupting, but he wasn’t. Lol 100% focused on DPS. And he didn’t have to dodge mechanics lol

Yeah bms this patch are a little rough. I took one to a 15 last week who could barely break 4k

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I feel for classes that went from top 75% for most of their existence to bottom 33%. It’s a hard transition. But BM has always been a fan favorite for being the mobile ranged spec with consistent damage. Not always top, never bottom, but always consistent.

It’s just their time to go through the ringer is all. Waiting for the time when the golden children (cough mages cough) all end up in the bottom half

How are all you doing on bosses?

For me this is the supper depressing thing this tier. Used to getting trampled on big pulls, but there was always the pure single target fight I could shine at. But not only does the affix throw a massive monkey wrench into the fight it seems like a lot of the specs are just flat out surpassing us on ST this tier.

Granted I’m not pushing 20s yet. I haven’t even acquired KSM :sob: lol but unless I’m forced off the boss for some amount of time, I’m still dominating ST.

With Balance affinity for the extra range, most Orbs I can reach while still hitting the boss with a Swipe at the same time.

Very possible I’m doing something wrong trying to fit the burst window into the affix adds, but I’m seeing 8-13k DPS on bosses and other specs pulling 10-17k

Though explosives and soothe duty makes this a hard to DPS week


Convoke going wet noodle on multiple targets with berserk now being useful on multiple targets provides some dilemmas. And convoke can get a wild hair up its butt and kill the wrong add.

I feel I’m about even with other classes in the single target department, everyone having 4pc in mind. It’s still aoe that I fall short. I’ve got that nice burst window but still hovering on the 13-14k overall department

AoE: Convoke for Mastery Buff, then Berserk for boosted Sickle
ST: Berserk first, then Convoke for all the extra combo point generators going into Assault

Now mind you, placement plays a big part too. If I want to focus on a specific add while in a group, I’ll run around and put the mob close to the edge of my melee range, so that the Ferocious Bites focus on that one since it’s the only one (presumably) in range.

PS, what do you have to do/run to be able to log a run? I think it would be interesting to review myself compared to others in similar areas

Edit: logged in to see where i was in my 13 gambit for ST:

Hylbrande: 8% ahead of BM, 39% ahead of Rogue
Timecap: 68% ahead of BM, 375% ahead of Rogue (he died and I rezzed mid fight)
So’leah: 16% ahead of BM, 66% ahead of Rogue

Stayed ahead about 15-20% on AoE trash pulls as well while staying on top of Orbs. Ended up 18% ahead on overall damage for the run.

All while:


Not sure, but I think the big problem is it starts doing things like spending attacks throwing moonfire on everything. Just from anecdotal experience it seems like a convoke opener on a single target can burst you into the 20-30k DPS range, but nothing close to that if there are multiple targets.

Turn advanced logging on in the game / network settings. Use /Combatlog to start and stop logging, create an account on warcraft logs, and most annoyingly use their log uploader.

Ah you also don’t have the 4 piece yet, so that kinda throws off everything I’ve said concerning when to Convoke lol

Yeah convoke in AoE is kinda meh. But it becomes useful when you get your 4 piece as the AoE damage isn’t exactly what you’re trying to use Convoke for anyway. You’re gonna use it for the Mastery buff which buffs the crap out of your 4 piece bonus.

Right now, outside of Berserk, I use convoke to refill my combo points and energy and set loose an empowered Primal Wrath.

This is very true. Aoe convokes suck.

With frenzy though, it’s no longer about convoke damage. It’s about using as many builders inside of berserk to build the bleed.

I think the problem with m+ bosses though is what is the opportunity cost of using convoke on the affix mobs to build up bleed damage for the short term.

You could save your CD’s for when affix is down but then your DPS sucks as well and when you’re ready to start your burst window you’re energy ( and combo point ) starved.

You either handicap your single target phase for an AoE opener are you handicap the opener and take on a lot of down time for a big single target burst.

I mean… it’s not ideal from our usual opener. We’ve certainly had to adapt, as have other classes.

What I find works best is to open with aoe and cleave down the relics. Once they are dead and the chosen relic spanws, you open with cds per usual.

Never in the history of ferals using convoke has anyone ever been energy starved or CP starved afterwards. Not sure what you mean by that….?

By this point though, boss should have Rake + Rip on his regardless. If you didn’t multi-dot while waiting to take down Urh, that’s a mistake. So even if you’re energy starved going into the burst window, you pop Berserk then Convoke, then go about your usual ST rotation with full combo points and energy bar!

Typically, that’s exactly what I do. But you still water down your convoke some if the mini boss is up. And if the groups not focusing on the mini boss that can be a while. And in middle of all that you can end up energy starved. Not after convoke and berserk, but before it when you need to make sure all your dots are refreshed.

At any rate, the point is our single target is in no way special anymore. How much of that is other specs puling ahead and how much is the affix negatively impacting our single target rotation, is I’m sure debatable.

You gain a lot more dps when you pop convoke / berserk when the relic is popped. Sure, there’s 2 more targets, but those targets die so fast that the damage you put on them is pretty negligible. I usually don’t even primal wrath while the relics are up, I just bite the urh (or the occasional wo) until the relic is out, and then I’ll apply my wrath into my berserk / convoke.

We actually gain quite a bit from urh. Not nearly as much as fury warriors or frost dk’s, but still. It almost guarantees an extra berserk / convoke to close out a boss fight.

The biggest issue we have is that everyone elses 4pc greatly increases their single target while it increases ours very little and while it looks about even at 252, at 270+ we are left behind in the area we are supposed to excel at. It helps our AoE but only slightly because the CD is still so long that we have it one pull, do gimp dps on the next, and then it’s finally back up. It would be nice if they were going to nerf it down that hard to add a 4 sec incarn to tiger’s fury or something as well like how guardian gets it for their barkskin. That would certainly be helpful.

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Only by about 10-15% (testing Convokes on 2 target dummies vs 1 target dummy).

That’s what convoke is for, refreshing them DoTs :wink:

With Urh reducing Convoke as well, it’s actually a boon to our single target damage. Especially on Tyrannical weeks when you can open with a convoke vs boss and Urh and also get another Convoke + berserk combo in there as well. Depending on the key, you may even be able to go Convoke + Berserk, convoke, Convoke + berserk again as well (not me in my chosen play style, but I’m sure someone like Tical can with his MoC talent and increased omen procs).

That would be so broken if you ran Predator. Popping TF and firing off Sickle every 10 seconds lol

We’ve been dogwater for years, I think we’ve earned it lol


Worth mentioning if you time urh right like I said earlier that is exactly what you can get. 3 convoke and 2 berserks. Even on fortified bosses when you don’t overgear the key.

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