Feral buffs not enough

Also worth mentioning I broke 270 ilvl finally too :smiley:

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Not equipped thoā€¦. Damn lfr teir.

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Just got my 4 piece and tried it once and it worked well. Hit a 25k burst spike out of the gate. But I was chasing orbs. Ended that run having to tank the last boss because the tank alt + f4ā€™d it because everyone kept body pulling up the stairs in HoA and the healer wasnā€™t on top of it.

And out of a DH, Warrior, and Prot Paladin (and me a feral), i couldnā€™t keep up with every single one and avoid all the frontals, ground swirlies, interrupt and pay attention to DPS :neutral_face::sob:

So I switched to my Warrior to tank. And now I have had 2 groups with 255-265 Hunters who canā€™t surpass 4k DPS overall nor get orbs andā€¦.Iā€™m just gonna uninstall the game at this point

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Feral run!!!

Iā€™ll be on later tonight. Like an hour or so after the kiddos are tied down.

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Yeah all you gotta do is ask. Iā€™ll be on in a little bit as well.

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Cmon let them have this, they get to feel relevant here.

So I just did a streets and I did 60% of the orbs as feralā€¦Like one of the worst spec in the game to be doing orbs, especially when we had a balance druid in the party. I only did 8.6k (when Iā€™m usually 12-13k) that key and still topped the meter. I swear I do these lower keys just to punish myself sometimes.

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Dps should barely be touching orbs, ideally never. The orbs are 99-100% the healerā€™s job with maybe the tank helping out when thereā€™s a lot. If the dps can hit them while losing no dps fine, like a boomy casting sun fire on an orb that he needed to cast anyway.

The group loses the least amount of dps by having the healer do them so it makes the most sense. If the dps are hitting them then that means longer fights and more orbs to deal with.

I mainly heal and we are perfectly capable of keeping the group alive while dealing with the orbs.

I generally agree with this as I said earlier, but we had a hpal. Judgement is a short cd, but itā€™s a cd nonetheless so in terms of how healers go I usually try and help them a little bit. The comp was a vdh, a demo lock, a balance druid, me as feral and the hpal. I did 60% of orb damage, then the dh did 20 something, the demo lock was a little below that, then the hpal, then the balance druid who looked like he moonfired one. With that comp, Iā€™d say the demo lock and I should have been at the bottom but if I didnā€™t step up the run not only wouldnā€™t have timed, it wouldnā€™t have even completed.

Yeah, boomy has no excuse since itā€™s a dps that doesnā€™t lose much. They do so little damage outside of CA or their pulsar CA that they should be hitting orbs if nobody else is.

Agreed 100%. That is my frustration with that run lol. Looks like another week where Iā€™m just going to go resto.

My saving grace is that as long as I have my BT proccā€™d that I can focus orbs and get them with melee swings while Iā€™m swiping away filling up combo points.

But it is still annoying when 3-4 pop at once and I get them all >.<

I wish groups would realize this. The only successful keys Iā€™m getting this week Iā€™m having to do the bulk of the orb busting. ++ a HoA 16, with 29k on orbs. Next closest was the tank with 9k. Healer 329. Managed to get 6 loyal beast interrupts in as well which was a minor miracle with all the target swapping.

DPS was in the gutter though. 9k and got beat by a DH tank that had 10k.

Yeah, that sounds a lot like the only run I did as dps on my druid that I mentioned earlier. I just did a few low keys with some friends on my warrior, other than that I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be dpsā€™ing anymore this week. At least as a resto druid I know the affixā€™s will be done right.

Just finished a 17 ToP

Failed it.
3 full wipes to explo put us 1:30 over.

I specifically chose a hunter to handle it.
Guy was dead last.


The struggle is real!

I ran a 13 Gambit earlier this morning with a BM Hunter and a Sub Rogue. 68% on orbs. Sub rogue got 4. DK tank had second most.

Top Orbs, Top damage, Most interrupts, most Soothes/dispelsā€¦Hunter had the audacity to say ā€œout DPSā€™d by a Feral. SMH what a time to be aliveā€

So I promptly linked all the other things he was beaten by by a feral as well. I think I was put on ignore after that

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lmaoā€¦ was it the same guy?

cause ā€¦


Side noteā€¦ I thought 15 and up gave 262 loot. Thats what it says on wowhead too.
Iv been getting 259 loot from my runs. What gives?

Close but no lol

And if you time it you should get 262. But I think if you fail, the one piece is lower ilvl?

k yeahā€¦ just found it.

  • Two pieces of loot are guaranteed, which will be randomly assigned to two players.
    • If the dungeon is not completed in time, the second piece of gear will have itā€™s item level lowered.


Just make sure you get the first piece :wink:

Who does it dictate whoā€™s first and second? First one to open the chest?

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