Feral buffs not enough

Plz more buffs

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Also doesnā€™t help that he has a toooooooon of haste. Thatā€™s easily our worst stat.

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Right. Itā€™s just a solid example of how Mastery is good and why itā€™s good to get more of it as opposed to trying to rework it and make it worse off than it is now by requiring more ramp up time

We should run some together

You wanting to flex your 2 piece arenā€™t ya! lol


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Yeah, Itā€™s not often I get to play beside another feral anymore. At least not one I can compare against.

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Oooo Iā€™d run some with you guys. jdinflames#1817


Can just imagine the healer/tanks reaction when they join an all feral run.



Lmao. I also have reasonable resto / guardian sets so it doesnā€™t HAVE to be a triple feral meme run :stuck_out_tongue: Who am I kidding. Triple feral meme run sounds amazing.

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Iā€™m up for an all Druid run, I donā€™t care lol play what you want.

Iā€™ve currently got a 14 Mists key Iā€™m willing to put up.

Iā€™ve got a 14 spires as well. Will have a 16-17 by next week in the vault

Tomorrow work for you guys? Or later tonight? Sorry Iā€™ve kinda been MIA this weekend so far.

I could either do it tonight or later on tomorrow night. I work tomorrow until around 8pm est so it would have to be after that. I ran one with Tical yesterday and it was pretty rough to say the least, mostly because I was tanking and Iā€™m definitely not a tank (feral stats are kinda the opposite of guardian statsā€¦donā€™t think it was really my fault though) and the dps / healer were nowhere near as game as I was hoping. So umā€¦bad first impressions on my part lmao. Weā€™ll have to make sure we find a tank who can handle all the enraged kitties.

Nah, it was a mess for sure, but not at all your fault.

There were times when Drew wasnt getting any heals at all and I would have to RG+SM him myself and then party heal with WG. Healer was afk or something. The hunter/priest were doin like 5k dps overall. Drew and I were pulling top dps on most pulls. statistically, that shouldnā€™t be happening.

I went back today and cleared a 15NW this morning and it was night and day.

Im sure our next runs will be much smoother.

Side noteā€¦ Iā€™m almost 2100 m+rating.
Can I talk about druids now or am I still bad?

Apparently you were busy yesterday, lmao. I was at 1900 something and you were a few hundred under me. Guess I gotta quit playing on my horde druid and play catchup.

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This has been my last few runs. Group is going smoothly and then out of nowhere it just turns to utter poo. No rhyme or reason.

Had a DH in HoA that died after 2nd boss and pulled the entire courtyard onto us into the room 2x.

Edit: Shadowmeld still up, no thoughts of dying and getting a rez to skip it. Justā€¦brain dead moves

Yeah the wife is working all weekend so I basically do what I want.

Had a few people snub their nose at me for not being balance, but i managed to get a few keys as feral. The higher ones I went resto, cause those are insta invites.

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I generally enjoy it when people actually talk smack about my being feralā€¦while I outdps them. Sorry, but regardless of how bad feral is, itā€™s still better than a sh*tty fotm reroller. Thereā€™s a point where it impedes progress but Karenā€™s +15 key isnā€™t it.


Last few times people have noticed I was a kitty before the key have started have congratulated me for sticking it out and going against the grain.

Usually get a compliment at the end of the run (regardless of the overall performance)

I havenā€™t had anyone complain after a run, I can say that. The last run I did as feral yesterday was a 14 mists, I died during the beginning of the second boss (I rooted the vulpin, the tank didnā€™t kite the boss away and then broke the root, blowing melee up and killing me) and also died on the last boss (my own fault that time) and still topped the meter. Crazy to think how much Iā€™d of gotten to do if I could have gotten in that juicy single target.

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