Female Warlocks

Plus, if they don’t weigh as much as a duck, they might be made of wood.


Witches are more connected to the realm of Death itself from what I’ve heard. O_0

Eh, just throw them into the pond.

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In a Warcraft universe, any person who practices shadow and demonic magic are considered warlocks. Male or Female.

Besides, Witches are established to be a Drust thing.


hi nunwitch

I’d love to continue this, but… I have to go follow the King!

I know he’s the king because he hasn’t got s&*t all over him.


Let folks call themselves whatever they want. ‘shrug’

Didn’t know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.

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In today’s climate, your definition of warlock clearly means male. So the op is right.

Interesting. I was not aware of that. I too had thought warlocks were the male equivalent to witches.

But can I build a bridge out of her?

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Ahh, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?

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Pink hair is not a DOT or OSHA approved structural material for bridges.

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That’s one definition.

Another is that Warlock is an actual profession dating back many years, usually men (probably all were) and they were used during war time especially but the kings/queens usually had at least one around to find, discover new weapons, etc…

Witch I have understood to be a practitioner of magic/magick. The “k” was used when I read that years ago.
Witch had no sex/gender assigned to it and some were so proficient that they could shape shift, like skinwalkers which I understood to be another word for witch.

In real life, they were usually women who did the birthing, found medicines in nature, did the medical, etc… men were involved too and the knowledge passed down through families.

Then politics took over, using religion and making God the bogeyman the ugliness began but that’s old history that’ll hopefully never be repeated.

Anyway, that’s what I learned and came to understand. YMMV. Be well.

  • I forgot to add, as a kid I loved that show Bewitched. Thought that was so much fun and that’s how I think of witches today. Endora was my favourite character on that show.

Korean dramas can be. A few popular ones are based in og feudal korea days. and…pretty damn accurate. Wife watches these since Korean TV is big in Japan for some reason.

Down to the concubine setups. Took a tour of the Korean palace on a Seoul trip and as the guide was giving info I was going…oh I know this. Damn…the korean drama wasn’t making this up.

BBC side…shows like Black adder are kind of accurate as well. Its that higher browed British satire you see. The satire and the jokes…kind of need to tie into the history.

Satire doesn’t need to make up jokes. Satire…makes the history the joke looking at it from a different angle.

Warlock & sorcerer are essentially the same thing, different words used depending on the region they came from.

My understanding of warlocks being traitors is because, IRL, many would sell their services to whatever king/warlord wanted them and whoever lost the war would blame the warlock/sorcerer if they managed to survive, branding them a traitor because then they’d go to work for the victor.

Archimedes could be considered a warlock but he died when he told the romans that had attacked and were in process of destroying the city to not bother him, he was busy. (He was working on a really effective weapon at the time, which impressed the roman general who wanted him alive so sent the soldiers to get him)
Pissed off the soldiers and they killed him so he never got branded a traitor.

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And for more fun…some like me hear warlock and think motorcyle gang. Haven’t always lived in wholesome good quiet hoods you see. A chapter of the warlock motocycle gang in the northeast US back in the day…about 6 blocks over.

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The most commonly accepted etymology derives warlock from the Old English ƿǣrloga, which meant “breaker of oaths” or “deceiver”

The Warlock to mean male magic practitioner is very new.

Warlock in Azeroth is any male or female who controls forces from both void, fire, and fel. Azeroth is a fantasy world not real life.

Though a new magic class would be nice BLIZZARD. All the new classes have been melee. Death Knights, Demon Huntards, Drunk Monks.


For that, you must chop down the largest tree in the forest with…. A HERRING!!!

And there are plenty of American shows that are historically accurate as well, and there are shows produced in other countries that are historically inaccurate. That’s my point.