Female Warlocks

Wouldn’t a Witch be more like a Mage anyhow? You’re less of a spell caster and more of a spell…what do warlocks do? Spell forcer?


And if you are a female priest, you are a priestess.

Both are just more evidence, like the all the male models of various races without female counterparts, that Blizzard, as an entity, considers male to the the default and is therefore terribly sexist.

It’s funny with all suggested changes to make the game more inclusive, no where did I see anyone here, or at Blizzard, suggesting they add female models for those races. Heck, even in the Den of Delights, which they did do a good job on, they failed to add Incubi.

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American television shows and movies are possibly the worst source for accurate historical knowledge.

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If you can’t turn someone into a Newt, you aren’t a witch.

So you must be a Warlock.


As opposed to TV shows from other countries?

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Yes, have you managed to find any to watch?

That was kind of the point.

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You misspelled “Healthstone and Closet vendor”

Sure, there’s a bunch.

Except in the real world of religion because if the Catholic church allowed women priests, they wouldn’t be called priestess. That would be a bit too close to pagan devil worshipping and so on for the Church.

Pretty sure if you go back to like old or middle english a “warlock” is an oath-breaker, so an outlaw akin to a witch. I remember hearing that from a neo-pagan decades ago, so for all I know it could be someone’s wishful thinking.

I think I grew up assuming it was a male witch because there was that movie “Warlock” where the guy was just kind of a dark sorcerer.

During the Dark Ages, the king would have a court warlock, a male user of magic supposedly working for the benefit of the king. Witches were hunted down and burned as apostates.

This is a game. Not reality.

Mages can’t buy a glyph to do that? It certainly sounds like a mage thing to do.

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I’m a wizard.

Oh I agree with that absolutely. We have a few choices but Newts are not one. But we need it.


The word “warlock” precedes the Scottish usage as a male witch by more than 500 years. It means one who is an “oath breaker” or in league with an oath breaker such as the Devil or some other evil entity.


I’ll identify as whatever I wish while summoning demons and blowing stuff up with chaos bolts.

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It’s 2021. Nobody cares.


I put on my wizard hat. I cannot transmog it due to armor type restrictions, so I have to literally put the actually cloth wizard hat on.

Technically males and females are both called Witches, and technically, those people are derived from Wiccans which are practioners of “white” magic. Hyper-religious people long ago saw anything that was different or even unexplainable (like knowledge of herbal healing) was “evil”.

Warlocks, on the other hand, ARE evil by definition, because they make deals with demons and devils and bind unholy creatures to their will. That’s why these can also be either male or female.

If they don’t weigh as much as a duck, they are definitely not a witch. Even if they have a wart.

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