Here I am since I cant post anywhere else on the forums without a subscription (nice. not that i’ve been a Blizzard Customer for 20 years or anything like that).
I will NOT be subscribing if the Fel Drake is given out as a Twitch drop. So be that as it may that you hope people subscribe for this… I will not be. I was going to resub on the 15th AND buy the expansion, and now it looks like I am not. So think about that with your marketing, sure I am 1 person, and $70 is nothing in your bank accounts… but I’m not the only one.
Why would I pay you guys money if you’re outright just slapping a whole section of your playerbase in the face? Why would I support that?
I don’t even have the Fel Drake, and of course would love it. But I would much more love if my fellow players weren’t grumpy and resentful about the game they are playing. That is what matters. Are you high? You’re fueling a toxic environment within the scope of the playerbase.
You should put either MTX items, or brand new custom items (at the very least unseen recolors), in the Twitch drop pool. Some people spent near FOUR THOUSAND ($4,000) REAL WORLD PHYSICAL DOLLARS to get that mount.
Your team is so far out of touch. And absolutely ZERO people working for the World of Warcraft division of Blizzard even plays the game. There is no way any single one of that team has sunk worthy hours into the game and unlocked anything prestigious.
Let me guess, I’ll be banned from forums for this too right? I mean two of my friends were for speaking out about the issue… real cool. At least move my post to general.