whomever at Blizz thought this was a good addition, I kind of hope you get hit by a bus
I gave up, but don’t open any chests—you’ll get a 24-hour lockout on that character before the skull shows back up.
oh no participating in a pet battle.
The horror
my only complaint is the seeming day cool down on the skull i got phased out and now i cant interact
Also there are websites that compile this data and do the search for players in a few seconds. Looking for an ex and know one of their handles? Go to the website, and search. Now you have access to every character on his or her warband; even if they did not speak to anyone on it.
This is a anniversary event for all players. Should it not be for all players, even the ones that hate pet battles? They should not have included this or give a second option to finish.
You have to have a level 70+ evoker and just swap to augmentation for the quest to get Nelthara.
Not everyone has a evoker.
Wiker Pup parts are in Drustvar treasure chests.
I suck at trainer pet battles reason I avoid them.
You’re missing the point. It’s a anniversary event and everyone should be able to enjoy it and get the items they want. There are people that don’t PvP, there are people that can’t stand doing Pet Battles. Then you have people that do not Raid. This game has a wide range of things to do.
This should have been for every player that logs into WoW to have fun.
I got 600 mounts, one more mount aint gonna make a diff lol
I mean, we used to have PvP requirements for the children’s week meta achive. Took them years to remove that. So it could be worse!
Really if some player on these forums wants to stalk me go right ahead …just shows how their little minds of which they really don’t have much gray matter between the ears they really are now…I had a in game stalker one time years ago…I fixed their band wagon I got my guild involved and it wasn’t a pretty site in game now.
Look I am a big time Pet Battlers now …and I say its damn wrong for Blizzard to stick this Pet Battle has to be done in order to get the Fel Cycle now…its wrong on all accounts now…nobody should be forced to do something like Pet Battles just go get a mount now…
tried pet battles but they are too slow and tedious. nother L from blizz
I think a fair compromise would be removing the secret pet requirement. Just let players use any battle pet.
I don’t disagree with you, but I think Blizz’s motive was less about the pet battle and more about the secret. The folks who solve these puzzles probably all have the pets, so making a requirement to have secret pets limits the cycle to people who are willing to do the secrets.
I got at 3 pets. Spyragosa, nelthara, and wicker pup. Leveled them to 9 then gave up.
Im not doing pet battles for the bike.
Im out.
Sorry as a huge Pet Battler nobody should be forced into doing Pet Battles in this Fel cycle now …its wrong
Wait, they removed that??? God I wish I had known I could have just waited until I didn’t have to do it.
Quite a massive portion of the playerbase cannot get the mount you can obtain when you just fork over cash for some dew and a code. THe one you don;t have to pay for is a monumental PITA because of a single step. Pet battles. I have always hated then since they were added. They are the aliexpress version of pokemon.
I just bought one on the AH…wasn’t very expensive, I think. Not sure since I don’t look at prices in-game.
Some of the other vendor items were expensive-r, maybe.
I had 3 pets on that list but some of the other pets aren’t too tough to get. Got bogged down with the Karazhan one - guess I have to wait for the raid to reset or something now.
Don’t even want the fel cycle - just doing this for fun (since the secrets were figured out).
Something to do!