Fel Blazecycle Step Five

You can also party with or just pray at the same time as someone else who has it, and get credit.

Many of the steps do not require you personally have all items.
Even the pet battles…you can be in a party and if one of you wins, all get credit.

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That is just freaking silly costume now…I wouldn’t pay that either…

You don’t have to buy the outfit personally. You can recruit someone to help you. If that step is still getting activity, you can literally just afk next to the obelisk with nothing and eventually you’ll get the item.

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So engaging and fun!

I couldn’t thing of anything better! like, maybe NOT have it in the first place

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sounds like its just easier and faster to get the mountain dew version


I don’t want to pet battle in this game. Don’t force me.

You grow up. lol

This was definitely the least enjoyable of the steps so far. I don’t pet battle, I didn’t even have all 3 pet slots ulocked when I began. Fortunately my wife was able to guide me through obtaining some of the easier rate pets (I dont have evoker and refuse to make one) and getting them leveled to 25 with stones and tokens. The big roadblock for me was the pet battle itself. It seemed like pure RNG hell and I had to stop for the night after many losses (didn’t keep track but it was ALOT) and much frustration. I was able to get him down the next day so it’s over, but yeah. I never wanna do that again.

Good thing the mount is optional though, as is the actual pet battling then. Isn’t it?

How even handed…


2 of them listed in a comment below are basically just “collect some items in the world at specific waypoints” which is basically free.

The Aug one is listed because it’s extremely short if you can meet that requirement, but there’s another, like, 20 pets that are usable. Also worth mentioning that when the Aug one was added, Evokers started at like 60 or something. It’s a bit more daunting now.

Because the fight has been out for 14 years and has a ridiculous amount of guides. It would make the step completely pointless.

That’s what happens when people want to go for the easier, less ideal pets. Quite a few of the strategies with the easier pets have a < 15% chance of success. Most of the strategies with > 90% success rate are with cageable pets that you can share between players/friends if you don’t want to buy them. If you don’t have friends, that’s a matter that has nothing to do with pet battles, lol.


?? what? that this have anything to do with needing specific ones?

It is, already, completely pointless and unnecessarily annoying, especially when people said in one of the steps you can just stay close and other people do the step for you.

How this is fun/good?

Because it creates a challenge? If you could have any pet you wanted you could just look up the checks Xu-Fu’s the 30+ strats already there. Think of it like adding affixes to Mythic +

This has not been confirmed by anyone, least of all Josh (Dev who created the secret) who’s been active in the SF Discord. If this was the case people would have been shouting it from the SF Discord rooftops.

That’s not a challenge its a nuisance

It was confirmed by people who did, i dont know which step is, or if its the pet battle one, but there is one who you dont need to do anything

The 2 o’clock orb requires you to stand within 10 meters of an obelisk in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Pandaria. As long as another player has the pug costume and toy and says the prayer, you and everyone else within 10 meters gets the key/orb completion.

The 4 o’clock orb just requires you to be at Uther’s Tomb when someone else summons the Doom Guard. If someone else has summoned the Doom Guard all you have to do is click each message on the floor to “read” them and you’re done.

The 6 o’clock orb requires you to stand near 5 alters in the outside (non instanced) area of Zul’Gurub in STV. As long as you are close to the player that has the requisite pets/mounts/toys/transmogs you will get credit.

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I was talking about the pet battle. I can’t speak to the other parts of the secret, as I’m not doing it. I’ve just been helping people with strats for Jeremy Feasel.

Just because you’re not good at something doesn’t mean the step is bad.

I hate pet battles. I hate that Blizz puts them in anything not directly pet-battle related.

I was still able to complete this fairly easily with the main strats listed by easily obtaining the 3 mounts listed.

It’s not a big deal.

I gave up after the warden owl stuff. The reward isn’t worth all that busy work. I’ll stick with the soda cycle.

Honestly was super easy. Spyragos, Wicker Pup, and Terky can be picked up without any battles. Then I hit up BFA mission board quests (4 hrs) on alts for tokens, and did BFA-TWW pet battles with various lvl1 pets I had gained throughout the years, that let me upgrade wicker to rare, and boost all 3 to 25 in like an hour. Followed the Wowhead guide, but with Terky used the Acid attack followed by the Rush one…One shotted the scenario.

Yea, its in your best interest to do 6 ASAP, because eventually there will not be a lot of people doing it, and the requirements are a lot of rare/rep pets, toys, mounts, transmogs that will take a ton of time to get them all, when you can literally leech atm off of other players.

I see this being more of a backbreaker than the pet battles to be honest, I explained how easy that was to get…farming Venthir rep? Getting a fishing achieve mount or farming WoD crystals for eternity? Yea no thanks. Then its just puzzle city till orb 8.

Everyone is currently stuck on 9, its pure crypto/word/number solving it seems.

You can also /pray and/or use the toy at the same time as someone else who has the Pug is doing it, and get credit.

That’s how I got step 5 done