Fel Blazecycle Step Five

You can just jump on an alt and try again.

You need the Detective Title from the 20th Anniversary event…

You need Title called Detective from 20th event though…

What about those that hate fishing, solving puzzles by yourself? Clearly, this is a strawman for everyone to make since they are just looking up the guide, instead of actually doing the work for themselves

If you just needed the pets that would be fine, but they need to be level 25 as well. That requires actively engaging in the pet battle system to level the pets or at the very least doing enough battles and quests (or mission tables) to get the pet badges to power level them to level 25 with the ultimate trainer stones.

You needed a dog pet for the bones for the stormheim crate for the anniversary event but it didnt matter what level the pet was.

The problem there is you need to Level 1 pet the natural way now…from lvl 1 to 25 doing pet battles before you can use those stones if I remember right …

that kind of furthers my point.

You have to actively engage with the pet battle system for that part of the secret, where as you didnt with the crate from secrets of azeroth crate from the anniversary event, perky pug works for the crate at level 1, and is a pet most players will have the pug since it’s kind of a freebie from grouping with 100 players in LFD.

This is about the weirdest thing I’ve read all week, and I’ve been keeping up with the chaos of the felcycle hunt.

Just make your profile private if it’s that much of an issue. What a weird hill to die on…

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A reminder for everyone that’s about to start collecting pets to take on this challenge, you can easily level your pets to 25 at the anniversary event using trainer Squirt.

There’s a pet in the Maw called Lost Limb that can solo Squirt if you capture the S/B variant. With this pet you can group 2 low-level pets and quickly level them to max with Squirt, which saves you the trouble of farming world quest for token currency. Just buy 3 cheap level 25 pets from the AH, head to the Maw and track down the Lost Limb.

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Probably for the same reason the Mech suit quest only starts with a drop from M+.
Encouraging players to step outside their “box” seems to be a popular thing with game devs.

Orb 7 you can do in a shared group?

You can do pet battle WQs that give charms and use the charms to buy leveling stones, most WQs scale to your battle pets’ levels. They tend to be easier at low levels too. But if what someone else said is true and you need to do the Blackrock Depths pet battle dungeon it might not be worth it to you lol

I went out and caught 3 S/B lost limbs yesterday, it works so well! Did take quite a few loops around the maw lol but so worth it

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Theres also a quest line in Dragonflight from the daycare thats a pet battle tutorial that rewards a stone to raise a pet to 25 instantly.

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you’re not forced to do the secret either. Many of secrets past require you to do multiple things that you might not like. Me, i didnt like the owl statue thing, it took me 4 hours to do because my ADHD butt found it hard to concentrate for that long. I did it anyway (and 4 am didnt help it either.)

The same thing happened with the Lucid nightmare. Tons of things you may not enjoy but worth it in the end.

Again no one is forcing you to do these things, and there is guides for the 3 pets that will make the pet battle simple that will take you at most an hour to get. People screaming at the top of their lungs because they have to do side content for a world secret is daft.


I have seen this reference to the BD pet dungeon. Where did anyone get that idea? What are they talking about? Who/where/how did this BD requirement rumor come about? And the bosses in BD are 10x harder than ol’ Feasel. So confused. So totally amazed at the big dealery of it all.


As others have already said, the pets are “secret” pets that have nothing to do with the anniversary. As far as I know, you can get them any time. I’m going to get Spyro–I mean Spyragos–just because I absolutely loved that game.

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Yeah I was gonna look it up once I get around to starting on the mount secret thing myself, I would be really surprised if they did that but it would give me a reason to finally finish it lol

lol I did it one time and had to force it - the BD pet dungeon - but it was over a year ago and no pet used or acquired with success tokens from the BD dungeon had anything to do with this secret (at least up to 8 o’clock). But ROFL that would be cruel indeed… if BD were required to complete it. Feasel is consistently defeatable. I did not have that experience in BD.

But yeah - maybe the people saying you have to do BD - maybe they know something beyond the 8 o’clock orb? Hmmm… anticipation intensifies.

/jk feeding suspense for amusement

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I have a lvl 25 of this, but it’s P/P. How fast is the battle? Even with 2 pets being levelled, I just wanna see if it’s quicker and//or would use less bandages? This is the disadvantage of Squirt at the Anniversary vs Squirt at the Garrison, healing. (unless I’m missing an NPC somewhere).

Ok, so took about 15 minutes and 2 loops, but got myself an S/B Rare :partying_face: about to give it a shot.

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