I think it said I had to wait until someone responded before I could write another post. That’s irritating! What gives?
Also, do you all have fun plans for Thanksgiving?
I think it said I had to wait until someone responded before I could write another post. That’s irritating! What gives?
Also, do you all have fun plans for Thanksgiving?
Don’t they know you need to talk to yourself in this forum topic?
I work on Thanksgiving. After that, I plan on eating mashed potatoes and playing video games until I need to work some more.
I do need to talk to myself! And the stray cats behind my apartment who eat up everything I tell them. When does 8.1 come??? And when can I make a Boralus Human!!! I GOTS TO KNOW!!!
No crazy here, not at all!
I’m a bearer of bad news about the Boralus Humans… if this timeline is right, you are not getting Kul Tirans for any major winter festivals or holidays you may or may not celebrate.
Also, using the aniversery exp and warmode, I got my hordling to max level to see the story stuff on the horde side. I have more bad news about your little fox peoples, they seem pretty chummy with my Horde. Also, they are stupid cute.
Why on earth is 8.1 taking so long to get here??? Altitis is real and I want to see how Enhancement shammies get changed around!!! Waaaugh.
It bums me out that the fox folks are probably going to be horde. I am holding out on mechanized gnomes for the Alliance.
8.1 is almost here now.
You were curious about outside cat housing a while back…
I was watching a clowder of outside cats just recently while their caretaker was out of town, and they had cubbies to sleep in made out of styrofoam coolers. What was interesting about this was how the caretakers had completely integrated the cubbies in with their deck furniture. When I first went over to feed them, I knew there were cat houses, but I was confused as to where. Then I noticed under every table and chair, fitting perfectly, was a little cubby for a cat. They made it look totally classy!
Payny, that is the BEST idea ever! How big were the coolers? I’d like to do something like that since styrofoam is such a great insulator.
Warfront week gets kinda boring real fast. I don’t know if it’s possible to lose a warfront but there are times when the group is so uncoordinated that it takes longer than it has any right to. Also I can’t play any of the alts I am leveling because this is the best time to get gear for level 120 alts who has the minimum 320 ilevel.
Yeah, the statues went out a couple years ago. There’s an article on IGN about it that the forum won’t let me link.
Also, I’m going to move an A-side char over to the server and bump…but should it be gnome priest? Or draenei shaman?
I wish I got a statue of Feisty in his eggplant witch outfit. Mages didn’t look great. The other cool idea was my Feival turtle pally. Le sigh.
Shammies got a lot of changes in the newest patch, so hopefully they’re more fun than they were before. I’m leveling my shammy and it’s … fine? He’s enhancement which is only because I didn’t want downtime. Ultimately I’d like to heal as him if it’s not terrible. Priests are fun, shadow is getting changed a bit in 8.1, so it could be awesome? Disc is probably the most fun of the specs while Holy is fine? I guess? I haven’t seen any holy priests in this expansion so I guess that’s telling?
The coolers were not very big. They were square things, they cut a round cat sized hole in the side and there was some straw in them. The cat had room to go in and curl up. But they fit perfectly under the deck chairs, and two were stacked up and turned into a table.
Anyhow, shaman have had a rough expansion balance wise so far, no idea what the new patch has brought.
Piayas was dooming and glooming about priests this patch. But he always is, so hard to say how much of the doom and gloom is real. While he liked discipline best, actually, he would go holy for a number of fights for various reasons. So you saw a holy priest sometimes, Fiesty, you just did not know it!
Draenei shaman are a favorite of mine, if we are just asking about roleplay niftiness! Gnome priest could be kind of… hilarious? Fascinating?
Phantom holy priests?? OVERPOWERED!!!
I haven’t had time to commit to playing WoW beyond the war front. With Huxley’s trip to the shelter and keeping my own cat sane, it’s been a whirling dervish of commotion. I hope to have time tomorrow afternoon and the weekend…buuuut I know that’s not true.
I had some time to completely screw up the invasion in Vol’dun last night. Did my 4 WQs. went up to the airship, did my usual and fell out the bottom. Couldn’t figure out how to get back up there, so dopey me… “Just abandon the quest and it’ll get you back up there!” No. “COMPLETE 4 INVASION QUESTS”…but there was only one to do.
Doh! Those airships are really unsafe. I don’t know why the Alliance doesn’t bring out the draenei spaceships instead. The Narru were always very good about invisible safety rails in the Botanica and so such.
I guess this is good to know, for when I inevitably fall out of an airship.
Hmmm the corner exists still I see.
I had a worry that the airship portion of the WQ’s were going to bug out hard. Glad to know that I wasn’t completely off my rocker.
Robitus! It’s good to see you again! We need to group up asap!
I am all lowly lv like no one past 111 sadly not feeling the Battle but I am around and lvling alts trying to see whom I want to play.
Did you seriously betray the Alliance and turn Emipoo into a stinky ol’ belf?! EWWWWWWWWW! <3. How are you liking your rogue?? Oh wait, your armory has you back to alliance. Whew. You’re fine. Carry on.
I am loving my shammy, not sure if I like healing as resto more than mistweaving monks but mana is surprisingly not an issue (like it is with monks). And also I like that Enhancement is surprisingly bursty (albeit a bit boring).
Emipoo has been horde side for years I just swapped her back to the Alliance and tried my best to recreate her look as best I can. Currently it still shows her as Horde though.
I was talking to Rythy and Ruse about those who have passed away and I didn’t know Suul had! My heart breaks for him and his family. Ruse didn’t know Williame had die a little while back either.
Emi, let me know if you want to go adventuring together!!!
I did not expect to see The Corner party still going, but then, I should have not forgotten… there is no party like a corner party cause a corner party dont stop.