I just had Feign Death fail to drop aggro onto my pet twice in a row. No resists. What’s even the point? Might as well start using Disengage instead.
I have never seen FD drop aggro off my pet in classic since I have had it, the only successful times I have used FD is after my pet has died or if I dismissed him. as for how fast it takes to drop, it takes it a while and sometimes is hard to tell if I actually died or if it is working because its not instant.
I can scatter someone, feign and then just sit in my feign mashing trap unable to do so and then they get out of scatter and kill me. This is honestly making me regret rolling hunter because we are so hopeless in pvp against certain classes without trap
Zero comments from Blizzard.
This is so frustrating that I’m contemplating making a Feign Death Fails video. I don’t know why but Feign Death is just not working as expected. It’s not dropping aggro, it’s not dropping combat, it’s just not applying and/or it’s just going onto cooldown without any effect.
It took 3 seconds to drop combat after I had to feign death. No pet, no dots. Just a massive delay.
Done with WoW until it’s fixed. Hunter is the only class I want to play.
You really should do this if you have the patience to do so. Maybe have one section of the video show vanilla footage with how it’s supposed to work, then another section showing how bad it is in classic currently so people that are new to hunter can see the comparison for themselves and realize how bugged it is. It’d probably help get our point across to the unaware/misinformed at least.
Zindan link that video
Fix it please
You guys were quick to fix the warrior demo shout bug, but can you fix somethign that actually cripples the class involved… PLEASE?
Hey blizzard, stop being a bunch of cowards and at least let us know if you can’t fix this issue, so we can all stop wasting our time and quit playing
Blizz its time to speak up, I understand you fired 300 employees at the beginning of the year, but a blue post is still needed at the very least.
I played all of vanilla and i can tell you 100% FD + Trap didn’t work like this and if it did then nobody would of played hunter FD Trap is the only reliable escape from melee if it don’t work you pretty much just walk around with people in your deadzone useless
How would you know? I mean, you only got grand marshal at level 60, but obviously you’re just doing it wrong…
I’m going to keep bumping this thread to the top, if that’s even how it works on the blizzard forums. I literally haven’t posted a single thing on here since I quit in Cataclysm, that is how important this issue is blizzard
“yes this is an issue we are aware of and working on a fix” or “this is working as intended” would put us at peace at least
So I played this warrior all through vanilla. Got rank 14 and all that, so you could say I did a lot of pvp. Fought a lot of hunters in that time. Some good hunters that I could barely touch and some bad hunters that I wiped the floor with. But you know what? Even the bad hunters were able to FD + trap pretty easily… because it worked. Hunters in their current state are basically a free kill for a warrior if the warrior gets an intercept on them.
Fix this blizz.
bumping for visibility!
Bumping for badly needed visibility.
This is from the Blizzard main “Wow Classic” front page:
“World of Warcraft Classic is a faithful recreation of the original World of Warcraft. Combat mechanics, original character models, and skill trees all contribute to a truly authentic experience.”
“Combat Mechanics” people. That’s what many came back to WOW classic for. FD/Trap combo may seem like a “rough edge” and a “working as designed but not intended” aspect of the game that they’ve worked so hard in almost every expansion to polish out of the game, but it’s a critical part of being a hunter in Vanilla WOW. I’m sick of Blizzard retard proofing the game and effing up such a nostalgic and enjoyable part of the past.
Don’t expect this to get fixed. The population of hunters will be very low in classic because of this alone.
So I guess its time to reroll? Rip 3 days of progress.