Can we get some feedback from Blizzard. I have gone through every possible macro and at most 50-60% chance of it working. When it does work its feels clunky and requires micro-managing of your pet. I don’t have the time to reroll, so a fix would be nice.
Not being to FD then trap is bad, not being able to use traps in combat at all is also very bad.
How are you supposed to complete the epic bow quest in Un’Goro Crater and the fel hound demon your supposed to keep frozen, I recall having to freeze it atleast twice before downing the succubus. If you can’t lay traps in combat at all how are you supposed to deal with the demon in Silithus that sends swarms of beetles at you, yes you have volley but you needed explosion trap mixed in as well to complete that kill.
I was very excited to play a hunter in wow classic, I used to have a rogue back in the day. Hunters seemed like really fun specially in PVP, as soon as I got feign death I knew I could start using traps instantly when melee attackers had me in the death zone. To my surprise this does not work, there’s no way a hunter can escape from a melee class in pvp now. It’s basically impossible, they need fix this issue!
This is getting ridiculous. Still no Blue post about this.
When a melee class attacks me anymore I just sit there and take it. Not much else can be done at this point.
Yep it’s been widely reported as have many other hunter “bugs”. Has your pet just disappeared for no reason despite being well fed and happy? Has your pet failed to gain any loyalty levels despite hours of play? Is your pet attack speed off? Have you noticed your dead zone sometimes is bigger than 8 yards?
GAHH what a hot mess.
+1 Please fix feign death freezing trap
I can get it to work in PVE with the macro, most of the time works, but NEVER once has it worked as it should.
Most of the time, feign will just outright fail, and put me on cooldown. I think this is latency related, think of how many times you used a thrown weapon on an alt after you stopped moving. 75% of the time, it tells me I cant use it while moving, even tho i have stopped moving, for sure.
So that’s just for starters. In PVP? maybe 1/10 times i can get a trap out, but it will not show up until later.
I dont even know wtf is going on with being locked in combat with your pet. There was always a small window where you could get a trap off even while your pet was tearing into a mob. you wouldnt be able to stay out of combat tho.
class is unplayable and broken
Yep. /cries
Private servers are more authentic than this garbage.
It’s been what, almost 2 weeks now since we’ve reported it? I’m impressed this made it into retail. Sad
2 weeks? no m8. It was reported during beta. It’s been 2 months, at least.
I’ve cast it on the duskwood roof pet not in combat not dot’s on me or the pet…no combat drop.
Yeah and the weird thing is, the only time blizz has referenced FD not working properly was about it not dropping combat in battlegrounds. They said they fixed the issue in battlegrounds in another post (although since we can’t test that, we can’t confirm their “fix”), but they don’t even seem aware that FD is broken every where and not just BGs…
Edit: They also say they fixed the issue where your character sometimes melee attacks with their quiver in their hand instead of your melee weapon, but I know that’s not fixed lol. Still happens all the time. Really doubt they actually fixed the issue in BGs like they said.
Someone going to blizzcon be sure to ask at the Q&A maybe THEN we can get a respond to this.
There’s two issues here so let’s keep them distinct.
- Feign Death just doesn’t register and mobs keep attacking you.
- Feign Death isn’t dropping combat. (This prevents traps)
I’ve experienced (1) almost every other time I try to use Feign Death. I already distinctly stop moving and basically carefully hit Feign Death and wait a second. I also have my combat log to show resists and FD wasn’t resisted.
In the case of (2) I’m really wondering if it doesn’t have to do with some persistence of combat from the pet. AKA the pet delay, the pet’s actions, or something else with the hunter’s pets are wrong.
Not sure why you replied to me with your post since I was just talking about what blizz has said, but in regards to your second point, I don’t think FD failing to drop combat has anything to do with a pet, at least in pvp. I’ve tested it in duels with no pet and it still takes ~2 seconds before it drops combat, if it drops combat at all.
This really needs to be fixed soon.
Then it’s worse than I thought. I’m getting retail flashbacks of hunters being broken by Blizzard.
Yeah, it’s pretty bad. The lack of reply from blizz on this issue is really making me lose any confidence I had in their ability to fix the issue. Especially since people that play retail have been telling me FD has been like this in retail since Legion with no fix… I know it’s not a big deal in retail since traps can be used in combat, but it’s pretty game breaking for hunters in classic.
Keep bumping this to keep it at the top. This is way more important than the demoralizing shout bug and that was fixed.