Feign Death + Trap Bug

That’s the trick. We’re not spose to. Please blizz. You guys have done wonderfully so far. Just let us know you guys are aware, even if its not immediately fixed. Many of us would feel much better knowing you guys are aware :]


blue post needed. come onnn


the delay is so infuriating. you can FD and a mob will still attack you for 1-2 seconds.


They probably can’t/won’t even fix this as it pertains to them using the BFA client infrastructure. RIP hunters.


Anyone else stop leveling?

Made it to 42… can’t go on trying to deal with the massive amount of Warriors, Enh Shamans, and just melee in general. Our literal tool to counter such things is utterly useless, a wet paper bag if you will…

2 weeks, a “Beta” where this stuff shouldve been noticed… but then again, super happy we had a streamers tournament, yippie.


yeah blizzard response decides if i reroll or not. zero chance i will play hunter w/o fd+trap. currently lvl 39


Yeah made it to 45 on sunday and haven’t felt like playing since. Might reroll another class or something, not sure. Knowing the class that I want to play is bugged and seeing no response from Blizz has really taken the fun out of classic for now.


Keep the tears flowing boys. I posted this 2 weeks ago. It’s insane that we have not heard from a blue post yet on such a large issue.

We already suck at Aoe meta groups and most vanilla raids.

You dr our scatter and trap … Now this? Hmmmmmmmmm…


ouch didnt realize it has already been 2 weeks with no word… would be good to hear one way or the other. decision to keep going with my hunter is resting on this lol


Makes me sad that so many people who don’t have a clue what they are talking about are saying this is working as intended. It is not.

And private servers have nothing to do with it. It 100% did not work this way in vanilla. There was a slight delay with the trap itself going off, but there was not this incredibly long delay in placing the trap. Anyone saying that is working fine is completely wrong.


And the problem is worse in pvp, but it is also pretty bad in pve when soloing. Oh, aggrod another mob and want to fd/trap it? Well it takes so long to get the fd/trap off that your pet will be back to you before it even goes down, meaning it is just luck of the draw which mob actually gets trapped.


Take a look at this interaction of combat and FD+Trap. I suspect this is actually original Vanilla footage. (Warcraft Movies upload says 2006-10-05)

The smoothness of being able to drop combat and trap. I had to watch this at 0.25 speed to follow it as it’s probably sped up slightly for PvP montage footage.

  1. Feign Deaths so fast the animation doesn’t even play.
  2. Is moving the camera during FD and it still works (still feel like this is a meme in the thread).
  3. Is immediately spamming Freezing Trap the moment FD happens.
  4. Trap is dropped freezing the rogue as expected.

I want an authentic Vanilla experience. That means if this is the behavior of how hunters actually played then this needs to be resolved. The sooner the better.

Timestamp: 3:50


Blizzard? Hiiiiii?


I wonder if this is a problem with spell batching?


blue post please


Tried all the classes and settled on hunter as being the most fun for me. I’ve since rerolled a mage and my hunter is parked at 32.

It’s just so disappointing that blizz won’t even respond to this issue so that we all know if we should continue leveling or not.


Yea feign death doesn’t work like that in the least bit and it’s pissing me off. It’s our one escape tool and it isn’t working properly. Now I haven’t made a macro to turn my pet’s attack off and feign death yet, but I have clicked feign death and then called pet back and when I jump back up I am still in combat. Even using the spell has a delay itself. I feel like I am clicking it but nothing happens sometimes, and others it might take a half a second to actually register or something. Really frustrating as that FD and trap combo is huge for us in PVP.

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This is the most relatable post i’ve seen here lol

I’ve given up even trying, I just legit feign death and watch them keep attacking my ‘dead’ body ">_>


138 posts and multiple other threads with no response but hey guys we can buy pencils!!

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This is the biggest bug in the game. This should be priority number 1. Where is the blue post?

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