Feign Death + Trap Bug

Yes it’s a game breaking bug.

Semi-related too, and has been mentioned elsewhere, but we’re also using the post-Cata feign death that breaks if you’re holding the right mouse button down.
Vanilla FD shouldn’t do this.


117 posts

61 Orc Hunter870


Hunters were the most complicated class in Vanilla, and only hunters that played a lot back in vanilla know that reality. This is also why changes to hunter later on after Vanilla were lame, because it felt like the class was becoming monotonous to play.

Right now combat just seems somewhat more sluggish than it was originally, like there is weird delays ever so often. I really think blizzards newer emulated combat systems is struggling to recreate things, and hunter is suffering the hardest.

Good Hunters really excel in PvP when they can control things with CC abilities, and this hurts them on that level.

I really hate to say this, but this is specifically why all these Mages and Priests are everywhere… because they are so simple to get results with. Hunters were always the weird class to play in vanilla and everyone just throws around memes where a hunter pet ruined their experience. Many never really understood how Hunters had all this crazy stuff they needed to manage

yup. and fd/trap still doesnt work.


Private servers are more authentic than this garbage.

Blizzard please fix pet responsiveness and FD Trap…

Can confirm this is not working as intended. Keep blowing this thread up until someone notices. This is a huge game breaking deal for hunters.

Traps require you to be out of combat… this spell was our way of getting out of combat. Blizzard please <3

Can confirm this macro works most of the time, but it often has a 1-2 second delay.

#showtooltip Freezing Trap
/cast [combat] Feign Death
/cast Freezing Trap


Confirmed needs work, not functioning as intended.

I have a theory part of the command may be getting lost in the next spell batch, even if the commands are supposed to be simultaneous.

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Works most of the time.

I can make it work most of the time by making sure i don’t touch the camera at all. I have noticed that it often takes much longer to drop combat and enable ooc options than I recall. I think this might be because casts are now server side when in vanilla they were client side.

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I think you are correct in saying this. If you’re stutter step auto shooting some down, make sure your camera isn’t turned in any way but forward when you use the macro.

feign death still complete garbage


unsubbed till its fixed, the class is broken


Please allow feign death to work as intended blizzard thank you <3


I sadly cannot get this to cast Freezing trap, any further suggestion for a temporary work around until blizz (hopefully) fixes this

Bumping for more visibility.

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I hope they fix this issue but I’m feeling very pessimistic due to blizzards track record. I can’t, In good faith to my free time, play this class till it’s fixed.

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Bump. Please let us know what’s up Blizz.

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Feign death not dropping combat instantly seems to be one of many bugs we have in classic that blizzard had noted as “fixed” after the beta such as using a quiver as a melee weapon and there’s even a reddit post a few days of a video showing the bug where waiting out feign death will actually kill the player which blizzard stated they also “fixed”. Here’s the link:

Blizzard needs to address these bugs immediately as they absolutely should not have made it out of the beta.


Bump. Going to post a bug report in game, since we haven’t gotten a response to this yet. Not really sure how often these forums even get read anymore.

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Might have to also make a report in-game.

The macro posted above with the extra lines of /petpassive helped a “bit” however, its still VERY hit or miss.

As someone who played nothing but Hunter in Vanilla, I already feel burnt out leveling in a PvP server as fights that should be escapable? Avoidable? Are utterly moot.