Feign Death + Trap Bug

I have a problem where feign death does nothing maybe 20% of the time. Just does NOTHING and starts the cooldown, no resist and no drop to the ground.

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/cast Freezing Trap
/cast Feign Death

This has worked for me every time.

I played in beta when FD didn’t work at all, even with no pet, without hitting first etc. Once Blizz stated that they fixed FD, I tested and it still wasn’t 100% until I spammed the macro above.

I have seriously had it work every time in PVP. That is not to say there isn’t problems. Somehow, Blizzard reverted at least two pet bugs from the last patch of beta, to what we are playing now. The two biggest ones that stick out are:

  1. PetDefense Stance-our pet will stay by the corpse of a recently killed mob if we have it in defensive.
  2. We can create a macro using @cursor movepet, and we get the green target-able AOE graphic at our mouse. The pet won’t actually move, but it’s stance will get turned off.

Both of these were fixed and are somehow back in the game. If this is the case, then FD isn’t working as seamlessly as it was in beta, but it is working with macros.

Also, in Vanilla, we had to use macros to stop our pet from breaking traps, if not for laying them in the first place as is the case now.

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That won’t work, can’t cast the trap in combat before feigning.

Needs attention

if only they had done some kind of beta wher testers would have more less seen all this… but I guess streamers running SM over and over for a dueling tournament is good too.

Class breaking. Made a rogue in preparation for the inevitable ‘reference client’ post.

It works…I use it all the time. Why don’t you make the macro, then spam it like I wrote…then comment.

The reason it works is because it will attempt each operation until it finds one that will work. First it will try to cast Freezing Trap which won’t work because you are in combat. Then it will try to put pet on passive which will work and it will cast Feign Death which will work. When you spam it again, it will start with Freezing Trap which will now work because you are out of combat.

Might not be technically accurate, but that’s generally how it works.

Fix this mess blizzard, no excuses.

This worked in actual vanilla.

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Something changed with macros in the hotfix today, it seems to work much better, if not perfectly. First i noticed my macros acting a bit differently, so I made this one up.

/Cast Freezing Trap
/cast Feign Death
/Cast Freezing Trap

Just like the old vanilla one that was busted, bound it to f and spammed it. Working in PVP and world so far, test and report. Spam it fast. you still can not be moving AT ALL

Blizzard, did you fix it?

the macro works better BUT it’s still broken. mobs will still hit you 1-2 seconds after you FD. there is a LAG time.

and it still does nothing like 30% of the time.

it’s broken.

There is definently a lag time / delay after using Feign Death of 1-2 seconds. Also, if you move your camera even slightly, it completely doesn’t work at all. Please blizzard let us know you’re aware of this. This is a huge deal.

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It seems like the pet itself is causing the delay. I can’t remember fully what pet control was like in vanilla, but as far as I remember, the pet control was instant. I’ve noticed after I kill something my pet stands at the fallen enemy for a second before coming back. Same with putting the pet on passive.


Bump to get this noticed. It’s fairly busted. Shouldn’t be this difficult to do something that is critical to the class.

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Did they fix this recently? I tested it today and it appeared to be working…

Still busted problem is the pet

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Blizzard please fix!

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Hey isn’t it great for a potential group to be like

Well a CC would be nice, but since Hunters are broken their CC is unreliable so we should grab the mage or rogue instead.


Yes I am experiencing this too