Feign Death + Trap Bug

Hunters were the most complicated class in Vanilla, and only hunters that played a lot back in vanilla know that reality. This is also why changes to hunter later on after Vanilla were lame, because it felt like the class was becoming monotonous to play.

Right now combat just seems somewhat more sluggish than it was originally, like there is weird delays ever so often. I really think blizzards newer emulated combat systems is struggling to recreate things, and hunter is suffering the hardest.

Good Hunters really excel in PvP when they can control things with CC abilities, and this hurts them on that level.

I really hate to say this, but this is specifically why all these Mages and Priests are everywhere… because they are so simple to get results with. Hunters were always the weird class to play in vanilla and everyone just throws around memes where a hunter pet ruined their experience. Many never really understood how Hunters had all this crazy stuff they needed to manage.