Feels like 10.3, not 11.0

Maybe it’s because the warband bank is still not working or so many classes saw little to no changes, but so far this feels like a content patch more than an expansion. :cry:


Survival is doing 3million overall dps ex dee

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Aren’t warbanks intentionally disabled?

And its week 1 of prepatch. All the stuff starts next week.
This week is acclimating to the talent/character changes.

I was disappointed in that only Dragonflight renown is shared and the Remix charms are not transferable. I don’t see the point in skipping that step.


Release of the new expansion is still a month off.


Feels like 11.0 Alpha to me


tbf Blizzard did say at Blizzcon 2023 that for now only the Renown based DF reps will be account wide. And they never said that remix characters will be able to transfer off Remix prior to TWW’s official launch.

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Unless you play a spec that didn’t get their proper up to date talent tree. Which they totally did on purpose! For realsies! All part of their plan, you see!

I had to completely rebuild my hunter talents from the ground up.
Same with brm and unholy.

Some didn’t really need to be changed, others had a lot of bloat that needed to be removed.
Brm and unholy especially had some of the biggest ability bloat.

This gal, I spent a good hour or so fiddling with talents and beating up dummies to fine tune.

Then others like devoker didn’t change at all, they didn’t really need to. But tbh they could have used a little more buttons lol.

What are you getting at? lol

I’m just snarking about the blue post saying it wasn’t an error. I don’t believe that.

Good thing there is this one saying the why :stuck_out_tongue:

Very few changes for Ret and thank God for that.

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No I meant the one about the outdated talent trees. Some specs that came in the prepatch weren’t the ones on the beta. Both in design and bug fixes. Enhancement most notably.

Eh kinda makes sense there were some ‘oopsies’. They were pushing through a lot and people were raging their heads off about the down time getting extended over and over.

Some complaining about things being broken or wrong vs A LOT complaining about downtime…
Make sense they just flipped the on switch.

That’s part of why I don’t believe it. It was already such a long downtime. I imagine at some point it was noticed that it was the wrong build but by then they couldn’t possibly back it out or redo it by then. So they make this post to save face.

Don’t get me wrong. Annoying though it is to not have the proper enhancement talents (I was really eager to try it) I’m not seething mad or anything. And I definitely have no ill will towards Kaivax. The excuse just makes me frown and say, “Bro, come on.”

Uhhh…its not an expansion? Not even REALLY the prepatch yet…all those events start on the 30th I believe.

Lets just hope there was a good reason they didn’t push the talents through.
I can’t see them NOT doing something major like new talents, unless there were some critical errors or maybe balancing when they put it on live.

It is only week 1 of prepatch. Maybe next week they’ll drop?

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Hopefully. I like your positivity about this. And even if not next week, oh well. Survival is amazing fun at least.

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I try not to be negative about anything honestly lol.
Too much of that out there.

I’ve been really enjoying bm changes.
I did have to play with the build A LOT because the ones like icyveins and such were using, you lost pretty much all your burst lol.

Maybe I’ll blow some bullions for a weapon and try surv. I haven’t really touched that since… bfa prepatch :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, it doesn’t feel like anything new has dropped. The pre-expansion event isn’t here yet, the Rep tab is utterly broken, Warbanks still haven’t been turned on, flying is arguably worse now, and there are all kinds of bugs with mounts, flight, trading with other players, and cross-realm guilds.

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