Outdated talent trees

Meant to reply to the thread.

People yanking my udders for my misleading thread title

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I understood your post. You are a valued member of the WoW community. They pushed the wrong build yesterday with the wrong talent tree changes.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

So cool! Ever heard of yarn bombing? A bunch of us knitters figured out what to do with our leftover yarn. I haven’t personally participated, and some places declared it a no-no whilst others embraced changing up parts of their city. Check it out. It’s cool too.

They could apply it in WoW - just think of the thunderclap it’d create on the forum!! :yarn: Plus change our wily coyote trees!


There’s not actually very many different tree models. You just need to replace each one with higher resolution models with the same dimensions.


Have never personally worked at Blizzard and am not a digital artist, so I have to take their word for this kind of thing.

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We just want to clarify that we implemented the class trees for this patch as intended, and this is not a bug.

The current War Within Pre-expansion patch includes our initial class and spec changes. As you can see in the Beta, there are more changes coming-- changes that we’re adding with the full War Within expansion.

Between now and then, we may deploy urgent tuning and bug hotfixes to classes, but the trees in the live game are working correctly.


What’s the point of this? Players should accustom themselves to talents that they know will change again in a month?
More and more I’m glad your dev team didn’t change any DH talents.


To put it very bluntly…this doesnt make any Lightdanmed sense.

The trees we have in live are fundamentally outdated because we all know they will be changed in a months time. Why even release them at all then?

Edit: If anything this tells us the talents are in even worse shape than they are on beta because this implies yall still dont have a solid vision for them.


Well that’s a first…

I know for the ret tree there’s significant changes between pre patch trees and beta…

Don’t see why the most current tree in beta can’t be the same one for live.

So essentially we get updated trees now and yet again in a few weeks.


Why are the current talents not the ones that are intended to be available for the expansion which we just got the prepatch for?


Working correctly huh? I beg to differ. Prot pallies have a choice node with a 2-point talent (Tirion’s Devotion) as one of the choices and you can’t put more than one point into it which makes the other choice (Light of the Titans) mandatory if you want the talents below it.


Seriously… That’s a big oof


That’s hilariously borked.

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any update on the warbank? lol


Most likely because they had to choose a cutoff point for which build to put on, and they chose the one before some of the additional pali and shaman changes.

Beta builds will continue, and will have continued iteration, even though this also won’t be reflected in the pre patch.

Like right now an update was pushed to beta, and whatever changes are on it will not be copied over to the pre-patch. They don’t want to push weekly iterations to the live game when they can do them more safely in the beta version.


Maybe they couldn’t pull this version out of the patch, and the beta ones aren’t cooked enough yet? Definitely an odd move if it was intentional.


“We want you to get used to new trees for the next month, but don’t worry, they’ll drastically change in a month so you have to re-learn them all again right when the expansion launches!”

You should have delayed the pre-patch if you guys weren’t ready.


“Microsoft will save us!!!” Crowd are sure quiet


Well said. Exactly this, rather than constantly have 8 hour maintenances each week to the live game to test and add/remove talents, they chose a cutoff point where the talents were likely working as best they could, and are taking the time to continue improving them in beta.

The cutoff point was not the most recent as I imagine they want some level of feedback before implementing changes they are actively testing (2+ weeks of feedback)


Enh sham only has one charge of ele blast lmao at working properly