Feeling Disheartened by the Trading Post

Hey everyone,

Lately, I’ve been feeling more and more disinterested in the Trading Post. It’s not that I dislike the items being offered—in fact, I love them. But I feel like I’m drowning trying to keep up with all the collection items. It’s reached a point where I can’t even enjoy what’s being offered because I’m so overwhelmed.

I know I’m not alone in this. Many collectors share the same sentiment. Blizzard gave us the impression that items would come back around more frequently, and that if we kept playing, we’d eventually make a dent in the growing list of items. But that hasn’t been the case. Instead, the list just keeps getting longer, and with each passing month, I find myself regretting my mog purchases. And it’s not like I’m buying expensive items either!

It feels like those of us who engage with the Trading Post the most are being punished. I understand that Blizzard is trying to make the Trading Post enticing for a wide range of players by offering a diverse selection. But constantly having to throw out frozen items feels really bad.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. How are you managing your collections? Are you feeling the same way, or have you found a way to keep up without feeling overwhelmed?


No. You are not being punished.


As I said on the Blizzard post, the prices are really out of control. A single-slot transmog costs a majority of the currency available each month sometimes. I’d love for them to offer a way to earn more past the 1k, perhaps at a slower rate but to let people actually work towards something.


the post has been garbage for months now


I only buy things I want. If I don’t have enough tender for it, I prioritize what I want most, buy that, freeze an item, and plan to buy the rest later. I don’t need all the things right now, especially since most of it I’d never use anyway.

Also, the past few months have been really light on items I actually want, so cost hasn’t really been an issue for me.


I Agree.

Lets throw it in the moat and set it on fire.


Do you not think your ask is a little selfish?
You’re essentially wanting Blizzard to give fewer options and make fewer assets just so you can brag about collecting everything.

Imagine going into a candy store and complaining to the cashier that there’s too many options and you’re unsatisfied leaving without being able to purchase 1 of everything.
They’d look at you like you were nuts. You don’t have to have everything.

The alternative is you want more more more but you want it all!
Gluttony is a sin.


And we’re all sinners.


I understand where you’re coming from, but I think there’s a bit of a misunderstanding here. My concern isn’t about wanting fewer options or being able to brag about having everything. It’s more about the overwhelming feeling of not being able to enjoy the items available because there are just too many to keep up with. It’s like having too much candy in the store, to use your analogy, and not being able to savor any of it because you’re constantly worried about missing out on the next batch.

I’m not suggesting Blizzard should make fewer assets. Instead, maybe there could be a way to rotate items more frequently or give players a bit more breathing room to collect at their own pace without feeling overwhelmed. It’s about finding a balance that allows collectors to enjoy the process rather than feeling stressed out by it.


Stop worrying. Your “fear of missing out” is your problem.


personally, I just buy the things I want each month and stop thinking about it. lol.


Prices keep going up while the limit stays the same. It’s fine that we can’t get everything every single month but the current prices basically restrict us to one thing if we spend our tendies on a monthly basis. If this continues we’ll probably start seeing items that cost more than the monthly limit pretty soon.

Letting people get 3-4 things a month would still keep the vast majority of the trading post unobtainable while significantly reducing the odds of having to choose between two great items. Especially when it comes to returning items, they should be cheaper than they originally were, not more expensive.


This is by design, at some point in time down the road, we’ll see frequent offerings on the Blizzard store for bundles of trading post currency+pet, trading post currency+mount, trading post currency+mog etc.

The whole point is to get collectors down to the point where they’re constantly starved for currency, create a problem so that you can sell the solution, it’s a classic lol

There will always be people defending the current state of things, but they aren’t the target of this tactic, they don’t have any interest in most items so they are swimming in currency.


That’s a personal problem that you should probably deal with yourself, in that case.

I spend my tender every month and don’t have an issue with the system.

Anything I don’t get now will come around again eventually.


victim mentality over free virtual items . same thing with the people who cry about not having enough tenders. am i bummed if i don’t have enough sure. but i don’t flee to reddit or the forums and blast blizz for putting something fun in. its such an accurate statement that people can be handed the world would still be unhappy. I’m gunna say that’s probably true to op as well


This is what i mean. There has to be a limit of what they can price items at or they should increase that about of tendies we can earn at the same rate they keep increasing prices


I gave up trying to do any meaningful collections and achievement hunting back in Legion.

There is just SO much I can’t be bothered.

I’ve spent about 20 min in Remix, realized I don’t want to level a toon and have zero interest in grinding cosmetics. Logged right back out.

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To be fair I doubt things would come crashing down if they let us earn more tenders. Especially if it took a little bit of grinding, if anything it’d probably get more people to stay subbed each month as it gives them something to do if they aren’t into high end content.

Also, I was sinning long before my tender based gluttony anyway.


the WHOLE POINT of the forums is to allow us to openly talk to and inform the devs about issues with the game. if the system they put in is causing issues because of something they are doing. this is the place to TELL THEM


You’ll have that regret one day when you see someone with those unique weapon skins that doesn’t exist in regular siege.