Feeling Disheartened by the Trading Post


What’s more weird, players coming here to give feedback about aspects of the game that they are unhappy about? Or people that claim everything is fine, but spend all of their time hanging out on the forums arguing with people that are giving feedback lol

Like, do they think Blizzard is going to give them a little gold star for defending them?

Of course this is a discussion board, so i like the idea of having discussions about things and i feel that it’s important to hear different sides of the coin, but serial Blizzard defenders really annoy me, because all they do is attack people that are unhappy about things.


I think the TP is fine the way it is. Sometimes we have to just learn to chill. The only scenario I could see coming from Daddy Blizz giving us a way to earn more tendies would be an increase in prices, and then I’d be the one inconvenienced because I would then have to grind to afford what I get now :person_shrugging:. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

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Or they just disagree?

I notice you have no comment about the people who live here and do nothing but complain.


This is a “you” problem, homie


While I am not a big fan of the trading post, it has had its moments. And I still collect items that I enjoy. But some of the monthly awards can be disappointing.


if whats being said is an “attack” your bar is real low


likes discussion

claims it’s important to hear different sides

blanket labels “blizzard defenders” as all attacking people

Idk, not registering in my brain


I know what I am typing is terrible but how are some of you able to live in the real world if you are this easily overwhelmed? How are you all working, paying bills, shopping and doing all the other things that come with life?


not my type of stuff = not buying anything :slight_smile: so for me it’s a win + win if the post is garbage for me… saving my coins for the next month.

simple as.


I doubt it, I’m already missing hundreds, if not thousands, of cosmetics/mounts/pets and I don’t care.

Last time I checked I had over 7000 unspent tender because I rarely see something I want to buy.

OCD collecting in WoW just isn’t for me.


I’d argue that if someone spends all of their time here complaining about the game and none of it actually playing it, they should probably just find another game to play lol

Blizzard art team doesn’t know how to design armor. They’ve literally never played an eastern game.

Well, we would agree on that, then.

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Just…get the stuff you like.

Don’t try to 100% wow.


dont tell people what to do or not

I’m a fox not a cop


The obvious difference is that there is a finite amount of candy in the world (unfortunately). It costs nothing to make unlimited digital goodies, nobody gets less because someone else gets more.

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thats exacttly what an undercover fox cop would say /s XD


I just want to add, the collecting community is actually quite large and very active, and our thoughts and opinions over something that directly impacts our ability to play the game how we enjoy are valid.

In the state the TP is in right now, itd be like going to liquid and saying “here are 5 new raid bosses, you can choose to fight 1 right now. These other 4 raid bosses exist and you didnt choose them so you dont get to fight them unless we decide you get another chance. Next month, you have 5 new raid bosses but oh wait 1 of the 4 you didnt choose is also available, so you now have 6 raid bosses to choose and you get 1”