Feedback: Warrior Hero Talents in The War Within

My only feedback at this stage is not really liking Thunder Clap becoming part of Fury. I feel like if you wanna go for that, Arms/Prot should stick with TC, and then you use Whirlwind as our empowered ability, and instead of Thunder Clap, Fury’s Whirlwind would get torandos which fits the theme of what you’re going with and actually empowers Whirlwind in a meaningful way as it’s just a filter/activation for us atm.

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Please look at Warrior’s base talent tree as well. I only post this here because Warrior hasn’t gotten an official feedback thread since 10.0.

Why is Single Minded Fury on the tree? Does any other spec tree have multiple talents dedicated to a playstyle that is tuned to be sub-optimal? At most other specs have choice nodes for playstyles like this like the Destro bit with havoc.


Really hoping colossus lets warriors sword and board with a 2h.


3 target stormbolt is a bit of a joke anyway. You can’t choose the other 2 targets so it’s essentially a single target stun that just adds stun DR to other mobs in the pack. I can’t think of a situation in PVE where 3 target stormbolt is significantly more useful than 1 target stormbolt.

This is fine. Warrior hasn’t gotten an official feedback thread since 10.0 and it has pretty clear problems in the class and spec trees. Warrior and Monk need tree reworks similar to Pally Rogue and DH.

Yes. It’s not fair too, because Frost DKs sorta had the same issue having to spend a point to get bonuses for 2-handers or dual-wielding, and a month or so into 10.0(Or 10.1… not sure when) those bonuses became BASELINE. I don’t know why SMF and that other bonus can’t just be baseline as well… >.>

Looping back to this because I cannot stress it enough:


  • Compelling M+ and raid utility

Protection Warrior specifically needs to receive either an overwhelming throughput increase over other tanks in damage and mitigation (not self-healing, that’s not our niche - proactive play is)… OR group utility that makes bringing a Protection Warrior over other tanks not feel like a dead choice.

With how Rallying Cry was gutted, now bereft of talent buffing to boot, and how reliant Battle Shout is on a melee-heavy meta, generally speaking taking a Protection Warrior as one of your two tanks means you don’t get…

  • Druid
    • Ursol’s Vortex or Mass Entanglement
    • Typhoon
    • Battle Resurrections (Rebirth)
    • Stampeding Roar
    • Mark of the Wild (Vers is good for everyone, if middling)
    • Innervate
    • Remove Corruption (not… as viable since you can’t be in bear)

  • Paladin
    • Blessing of Protection/Spellwarding
    • Divine Shield (useful for many mechanics)
    • Battle Resurrections (Intercession)
    • Devotion Aura (3% DR adds up)
    • Blessing of Freedom
    • Blessing of Sacrifice
    • Ranged kick/silence (Avenger’s Shield)
    • Cheat Death (Ardent Defender)
    • Lay on Hands
    • Cleanse Toxins (great for certain keys)

  • Demon Hunter
    • 5% magic damage debuff
    • Darkness (can stop extreme amounts of damage)
    • Sigil of Chains (grip)
    • Sigil of Silence (extremely meta w/Oppressing Roar)
    • Cheat Death (Last Resort)

  • Death Knight
    • Anti-Magic Shell (extremely potent on a lot of prog/M+)
    • Anti-Magic Zone (less potent since nerf, still decent)
    • Death Grip
    • Battle Resurrection (Raise Ally)
    • Abomination Limb
    • Icebound Fortitude (stun immunity is situational, but extremely strong)
    • Death’s Advance (self-freedom)
    • Insidious Chill (good for auto-attack bosses)
    • Gorefiend’s Grasp (less useful these days, but extant)
    • Cheat Death, light (Purgatory)

  • Brewmaster
    • Detox (great for certain keys)
    • Transcendence (niche, but critical for solo intermission in M Sarkareth)
    • Provoke (+50% speed is also niche, but can be important for certain boss movements)
    • Black Ox Statue (AoE taunt on a 10s CD is wild, tbh)
    • 5% physical damage debuff

  • Warrior
    • Rallying Cry
    • Battle Shout
    • Spell Reflection (requires client knowledge, never useful in raid outside DR lately)
    • Disrupting Shout (1.5m AoE taunt/kick - pick one, not both)

I think it’s kind of obvious that especially, of all the tanks, Warrior (and for that matter, Brewmaster for a large piece of that as well) are just completely lacking utility that makes them a compelling choice to bring.

I will say it again: if every tank can survive content in the high 20’s of keys and get CE, in what world are you bringing a Protection Warrior over any other tank can makes runs or fights less stressful?



Don’t forget paladins get a 45 SECOND COOLDOWN PSEUDO CHEAT DEATH that lowers 50% of their damage…

literally the most imbalanced talent in the entire game at this time. Meanwhile, Battle-scarred veteran has been awful since release working on pre-mitigated damage so it actually procs at like 50-60% health very often and also does not even have a tooltip to let us know it is on cooldown or anything. I can keep going with other instances as well.

Thank you for this write up, I hope it can spread more awareness of the imbalanced tank situation.

bring back Glad stance for prot pvp talent. That way you dont have to balance its gameplay for mythic+/raiding. Pvp is not as well tuned either way so it would be fun to have the spec back with its fun again. You wouldnt need to rebuild its talents or the new heroic talents or anything.,

I would love to see a thematic touch on the cleave effect thunderclap/thunderblast will provide when replacing whirlwind in the normal rotation.

Lightning’s Arm/Thunderous cleave: Thunderclap and/or Thunderblast draw down the power of lightning causing you to cleave 1-2 additional targets for storm-strike damage.

This allows fury to increase its sustained cleave from 5 targets and gives the opportunity to see more frequent lightning effects.

It could be cool to have thunderblast guarantee lighting strikes

Swap arms and fury on the hero talents triad visual.
Unless you make thunderclap baseline (like whirlwind is) and not a talent its just going to be mega awkward for fury.
On top of that, thunderclap has been central to arms for a long while now.

  • Valarjar Training: Lightning Strikes reduce the cooldown of Ravager by 0.5 second. - talents that pigeon hold you into taking another talent are not fun - ravager is only viable with the anger management build - suggestion - add odyn’s fury to the cd reduction - you never end up running both anyways.

for Mountain Thane PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us replace Whirlwind with Thunder clap

I just want to talk about Burst of Power; as prot stands right now, your abilities basically have no cooldown as they reset all the time. It makes no sense to give even more resets and free charges of shield slam on top of that. What’ll happen here is just that your shield slams will reset SO often, it might as well not have a cooldown, and this makes it challenging to have time to hit other abilities. Please remove this, I beg

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So fury basically doesn’t get a second option, because Mountain Thane is made specifically for Prot warrior? At any point is it going to be worth it for a Fury warr to spend rage on thunder clap instead of rampage? I tend to doubt it. Mountain Thane’s effects which apply to thunderclap need to apply to whirlwind for fury, or something, because forcing fury to use thunderclap is just silly and conflicting. It already seems like there’s a 0% chance of it remotely competing with Slayer and we’re just meant to pretend otherwise.

Thunderclap inheriting the whirlwind talents will make thunderclap generate rage rather than spend so this isnt an issue


Class fantasy: check
Intriguing gameplay: check

Has my vote. I’m especially thrilled that we’ll get a different damage type. As someone mentioned, probably flows better with arms. Let’s pray they toss colossus and give us gladiator for tank+fury.

One thing I want to add, here. The first Alpha patch has a bunch of Warrior class talents that modify Thunder Clap. ALL of them have modifiers where they don’t apply to fury unless you’re a Mountain Thane.


That’s not good game design. Thunder Clap should be a viable pick for fury whether or not you’re a Mountain Thane.


They’re boring aesthetically

Mountain Thane Feedback

Thunderblast Animation

I think Thunderblast looks a little too similar to Thunderclap, and making Thunderblast look and feel a little more different would go a long way. I think it would be cool to add the Heroic Leap animation to your character instead of the Thunderclap foot slam animation, so you jump (in place) in the air and lighting forms around your weapon, and then when you land the Thunderblast animation triggers. I’m imagining the scene from Avengers: Infinity War when Thor lands in Wakanada, and yells “BRING ME THAANNOOOOS!”. I think it should happen over one global like it is now, and I don’t think replacing heroic leap with this ability is a good idea, it doesn’t seem like it would be fun to use heroic leap as a damage ability. Something like this might make players more excited when they proc a Thunderblast.