Feedback: Warrior Hero Talents in The War Within

I have another question, I’m sorry!

I notice that Burst of Power says that it affects your next two shield slams OR bloodthirsts. Does that mean that if you’re specced for protection it affects shield slam and if you’re specced for fury it affects bloodthirst? Or does it mean, since fury has access to both abilities, that as a fury warrior I’ll get to choose which of the two abilities I use, and I can even use it on both at the same time, assuming I’m wielding a shield (for some reason)?

I personally wouldnt mind TC if it would replace Whirlwind completly but it doesnt look like it does. Its just affected by few whirlwind buffs and not all. Just make TC free for Fury who pick Mountain Thane and replace Whirlwind with all its buff and I wouldnt mind. I find it awkward to add a new button just to spam a new passive effect

Well with the random proc on 4sec Avatar as capstone it might be worth cause for that 4sec you get a free Odyn Fury

I really hope the arms/prot spec is a dps 1h/shield spec, I’m a big fan of the shield aesthetic. For mountain thane and the other combo, I get some people really like the larger -than-life, bordering on magical, theme of those specs but I hope they reserve the arms/prot spec for more down to earth warriors.

To the devs: I get this is a mountain thane thread, but please consider the warriors who don’t want to overcome their enemies with supernatural godlike powers. I want to stay a mere mortal whose honed the art of battle so far that exploiting the most ordinary details in combat can gain me the upper hand against fancy magic-wielders.

As far as I’m willing to go for magic is if the magic isn’t embedded into the wielder, but more into weapons/armor. Like the spear of bastion, the spear itself was enchanted by a higher power and given to me, but it wasn’t power of my own creation.


I am concerned, this does seem to be in the " fun new ways to play the class" direction which is great on its own, i am really hoping this does come with a change in how the Avatar talent looks and makes it so you are infused with lightning instead of becoming chocolate, which has never felt as epic as paladin wings, a shaman Ascension or a DH metamorphosis.

My concern comes from the lack of tools warriors has, and how far behind they have fallen on the environment created by mythic + affixes /mechanics.

However, hero talents wouldn’t be the correct place to fix the uselessness of warrior’s becoming the less desirable class for pug’s.

Those balance changes should be baseline and available to all warrior specs/hero talents combinations.

So, we need to hear that you are working on core balance for the lackluster warrior class if i am to feel enthusiastic about this class ever again, for many patches it has feel like even less than an afterthought.

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Also also…cmon, Gladiator warrior was perfect for this, all warriors that played WoD would love to see it back!


I’ll come out directly saying I don’t mind so much the idea of leaning on the concepts of Thunder Clap and Stormstrike damage. As a Protection OTP, Thunder Clap is not an unfamiliar thematic choice, but I can’t say much about Mountain Thane itself inspires me on a level that makes me any more or less excited to play it. Moreover, the choices presented do not feel like they afford Warrior anything they don’t already have - they aren’t bad, I should stress, but they are very middling in how they come across. They don’t feel like they’ll change how I play at all.

I applaud overall performance in tank balance being extremely close, however, the homogeny in numeric throughput means taking Warrior forgoes any number of additional utilities for your raid group that can make higher-end progression or keys much less stressful, or at least serve to contribute more.

Our Hero Talents need to do one of two things, honestly:

  • Cement our role as the highest damage tank with strong proactive DR
  • Begin to provide our class with unique utilities that make us more compelling to choose

Instead of trying to wedge defensive utility on them, make them offensive utility, or ones that synergize with the skill expression in our kit.

Attack Order
Range 40 yards
Cooldown 1 minute
You issue an order to your allies to focus all their fire on your target. For the next A seconds, the target takes an additional X% damage. The duration of this effect extends it by Y seconds for every Z rage you spend.

Or group utility that improves other people’s abilities like Augvoker does CC with Oppressing Roar.

Bolstering Command
Range 20 yards
Cooldown 2 minutes
A great, stentorian bellow commands cohesion and unity amid your allies. The next “raid cooldown” cast has its duration increased by 50%, and adds 2 seconds to existing effects.

This is the kind of thing I mean. We have a real opportunity in these hero talents to make a niche for warrior that can help bridge the divide we’ve long suffered by lacking healing and defensive utility by giving us utility all our own.

I would have preferred to see more battlefield leader type themes in one of our trees, and while I can optimistically hold out hope it’ll be the case for Colossus, it doesn’t quite scream that by its name.

Hell, even letting us stand alongside monks as the debuff provider for physical damage % wouldn’t be a leap for us, as that was part of our job for a large majority of Warrior’s formative development from Classic and TBC.

Race change to a Dwarf ya silly!


I just wanted to highlight this since there are still people complaining about the dwarfiness of the name. One particular class/race combo being THE iconic combo isn’t necessarily a problem.



Mained a warrior since end of WoD and Legion onwards. It was always a favoured alt since TBC though.

I am by no means the best warrior but I feel I can provide some value and insight here to at least a pretty decent enough level.

Firstly theme-wise its great. Great touch on Mountain King from old WC3 days. Thematically it ties nicely to exactly what Avatar is all about anyway. 10/10 Don’t change.

Id love to see brackets indicating if something is additive or multiplicative where it makes sense so for example increases how often you do x by 15% ( multiplicative ) would go a long way to helping a lot of people realise its 10% lightning strike chance goes to 11.5% lightning strike chance instead of 25% (being additive) and avatar would increase that to 17.25.

Or if it IS additive say so etc. This is beyond just a warrior thing but would be cool to see that transparency in all talents.

Fury warrior specific feedback. Storm Bolts hitting 3 targets seemed great at first, but it does not feel good to hit DR on stuns too quickly where we do run shockwave and also have another stun then compound that on top with aoe stuns being so common from other classes too like shadowfury (warlock) chaos nova (dh) aoe kidney (rogue) cap totem (shaman) etc etc

Id LOVE to see it be something else a silence or incapacitate just something else would be great. But Im aware thats unlikely. Additionally and more importantly the RNG on the 2 other stuns is gonna fall flat so fast. Id prefer to see the stun land on all targets with thunderclap debuff on them. So rewards some setup and positioning to min max the most thunderclap application then stormbolt hits all those effected by tclap.

Lastly the incentivising both Bloodthirst and Raging blow causes problems when the only two ways of building a fury warrior is entirely devoted to 1 or the other. So having half the bonuses to Raging Blow and Half to bloodthirst is completely conflicting with each other. Because in an RB build you never hit BT except for sustain in Enraged regen (until our tier made us hit it) and likewise if you run BT build you never hit Raging Blow.

Now It could be that all Raging Blow bonuses also effect annihilator but that would firmly solidify the BT / Anni build as the only way to gain benefit from all Mountain Thane talents not half. So then you’re heavily incentivised to only ever play BT / Anni based builds until again our tier forces us to go against that. It feels…awkward.

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My thought is the CD reduction talent for Ravager and Anger Management. Wasn’t a problem of Fury is how Anger Management didn’t affect Ravager, but was then patched to make gameplay smoother? Having a talent that would desync Recklessness and Ravager would go back to that again.

It’s strange seeing a lot of people complain about the lack of Blademaster, when as somebody who doesn’t like orcs, that’s… the same thing from another angle?

Themes are fine.

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We could drop shockwave and take fear or more damage tho :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Bit rough to get a proper idea on how this would stand in the next xpac since we don’t really know what’s going to change if at all with our class and spec talent trees since warriors of all specs need some love in finetuning this flaw the class currently has.

But from what I see in front of me, the overall premise seems decent and on par with the mountain thane feel.

My main gripes with the current proposition is that it would’ve been cool to see Stormbolt integrated as a boss killer attack like it was in MoP since the main draw to Mountain Thane is the following 3 abilities Thunderclap, Avatar and Stormbolt for any HotS enjoyers, Muradin had a stacking buff for every Stormbolt cast that landed, be it a stacking X% per cast on unstunnable targets, or a flat x% increase on unstunnable targets could be a neat addition to the tree over something like CDR on Ravager which seems redundant with Anger Management being a thing.

Burst of power seems fine for protection, but for fury it seems a tad off, given how weak bloodthirst is when it’s not augmented via tier set bonuses.

More concise feedback is reserved for a bigger picture, too hard to tell at this stage pending further adjustments.

not too crazy about becoming a thunderclap bot

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Can we fix the current state of warriors in pvp before worrying about an expansion that is 10 months away?

If they allow stormbolt to hit more than 3 rng targets 100%.

Change Storm Bolts to Thunderstruck

Using Thunder Clap gives you one stack of Thunderstruck. Once you reach 10 stacks of Thunderstuck, your next Thunder Clap will stun all nearby enemies for 2 seconds.

Mountain Thane looks pretty meh. I get it - Stormbolt + Thunderclap were Mountain King’s abilities in WC3, so you’re focusing on all the Lightning Stuff… but I’d argue Avatar was the only real true iconic power of the Mountain King and the other two abilities were basically filler. Having Muradin go: “For Khaz Modan!” then doubling is Size and becoming an unstoppable hammer/axe swinging fiend of death is what I think when you invite Mountain Thane/King. Unfortunately with all the focus on Stormstrike and Thunder Clap, and Thunder Blasts, it looks like they’re going to play like Enhancement Shamans who got lost on their way to Zappy School.

I’d rework it to make Avatar the Mountain Thane’s #1 focus, maybe something like each time you do Nature damage, you decrease the cooldown of it and when you’re in Avatar, your Thunder Clap/Stormstrike become super impactful. You’re onto something with Avatar of the Storms, but the random procs to go into the form for four seconds…? It doesn’t feel like you can make a meaningful choice to have it happen and when it does, it’s too short a time to captialize on anything. It’s silly.

That said, all’s forgiven if Colossus has an option for either Arms or Prot to be a DPS Sword & Board like Glad Stance. If you don’t even have that, just tell me now not to buy the expac please.

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As someone that lived and breathed Gladiator in PvE and PvP…

It’s never coming back. The only way it wouldn’t be straight up garbage is if we got it back as it was: with the super Heroic Strike spam gameplay for maximum APM. Anything less would be an awful facsimile.