Feedback: Warrior Hero Talents in The War Within

Nice. 10/char

Nah, keep Mountain Thane. It fits perfectly with the lightning/Avatar theme especially with what they’re basing it off of, and we need some Dwarf love anyways, it’s about time.

Also, yes make SMF transmog, or a glyph for transmog.

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100%, super frustrating blizz refuses to make fury or prot viable in pvp

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Why would my orc warrior be a mountain thane? Feels very dwarf-y, and I don’t love the idea of race-themed hero specs, given that they’re evergreen and there’s about 3 per class.

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im hoping that that is what their plan for colossus. the name doesnt fit as well as mountain thane does for it but i still have hope we will get this back

I think “Keep Your Feet on the Ground” is fine (just lacklustre which I find disappointing for “Hero Talents”), I don’t agree that “Steadfast as the Peaks” is a Rallying Cry replacement though. Rallying Cry grants “10% Temporary and Maximum Health” whereas Steadfast as the Peaks only grants 10% Maximum Health.

If it in fact functions the same as Rallying Cry and that’s just a tooltip issue then I will cede the point.

Valajar training is going to have the same problem anger management had, but you can’t just add recklessness to it otherwise its just anger management. Why not change it so that thunder empowers ravager in some way, that way you can also give it a cool lightning effect as an upgraded visual as well.

I would love if a talent empowered stormbolt somehow to make it into a nuke like it used to be at one point.

Also the improved thunderclap talent in the actual warrior tree will need to be looked at for fury as both “10% increased damage or increased range” are both incredibly weak when compared to you know
 spreading rend that arms / prot can get.

Lastly tying this entire tree to optional talents feels off to me, I mean look at the paladain preview one - they aren’t forced into taking talents in the other trees to gain the benefit of the hero talents. thematically i get it, its on point but in terms of forcing other talent selection is a little meh Tier sets already force this and will make the warrior feel like you can’t pick your talents and just be locked into a set for this hero tree and several for whatever tier bonuses we will get.

quick edit: thematically it also doesn’t really feel like it fits fury honestly, feels like this tree would fit arms better

edit edit: Give thunderclap for free, that solves most of my issues i see with this current tree.

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They mentioned in their dev interview with some content creators that making TC baseline for warrior was something they were looking at. Most likely we are going to see some changes to the Talent tree or a rework as a result of hero talents.

Thunder Clap seems less conducive to warrior fantasy than Whirlwind; I don’t understand why Whirlwind has been deemed to be relegated to an incredibly worthless ability in which Fury is only to press it to activate AoE, or fill literal empty air.

The only two things that really ‘wow’ me are the Victory Rush HP bonus, and putting Unbridled Ferocity (Avatar Edition) on Protection. However, for the finality of the tree it still seems rather underwhelming to build up into
 a slightly more powerful Devastator, and everything else resulting in a lot of passive interaction with the spec as a whole. I’m not saying add more buttons, but it doesn’t seem like much influence your gameplay.

Maybe it will play test differently, but forgive me for being a cynic on how overwhelmingly neglected Fury has been for a long time, so I really only see this as a Protection avenue.

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Regardless of calling it Mountain Thane or Valajar, I think the hero class concept is excellent. It has 3 core concepts I think all hero classes should have.
1: Identity: If you tell any long-time WoW fan your warrior is a Mountain Thane, that immediately puts an image and ability concept into their mind.
2: Aesthetic: The theme allows them to make key abilities look cool. I want you to KNOW I’m a Mountain Thane because I shoot lightning particle effects all over the place and sound like a thunderstorm (ok, so effects are often reduced for other players for obvious reasons, but I still want to see and hear it). If I can’t see or hear a difference in the ability, then it doesn’t feel special.
3: Playstyle: The theme takes and either alters or adds upon the existing toolkit, but doesn’t redefine it. At the end of the day, I don’t want a whole new playstyle from the hero class. That level of change should be in the main talent trees. Keep the hero classes as a fun enhancement to the class.

As a 100% Arms player (both when I played back in Vanilla, and since picking WoW back up since BFA) I fully agree with concerns on the uninspired “Colossus” and “Slayer” titles. I really hope those are just working titles - there is so much WoW lore to pull from.

While I didn’t play at that time, callbacks to the old Gladiator concept sound interesting. And the Master of Arms (or maybe Weapon Master) concept feels closer to how I imagined Arms in Vanilla. I remember back in early Vanilla on a Lucifron pull the tank died at 10%, so I swapped from 2hand to 1hand and shield and tanked the boss for the last bit. Was it optimal tanking? Clearly not, but it was just enough to get us through the fight, and more importantly, it was fun. While I recognize modern WoW is quite different from Vanilla (maybe enhance the stance effects rather than full weapon swap), the ability to temporarily swap roles if necessary is not unheard of (resto druid going bear form).

And on Blademaster, saying Wind Walk and Mirror Image don’t fit the toolkit sounds like a first-pass write-off. Yes, stealth and extra targets doesn’t really match a Warrior. But why can’t Mirror Image be an enhanced version of Sweeping Strikes (or fury’s post-WW multi-target thing, w/e it’s called)? They don’t have to be extra targets - I’m happy if clones of my character appear and hit things with me, even if it has limited to no use in single target. And Wind Walk could be a simple upgrade to Charge/Intervene/Heroic Leap with an aesthetic change and some minor bonus effect, it doesn’t have to be a new full stealth ability.

All that to say, as a long-time WoW player, please treat the other 2 warrior hero classes with the respect you have with the Mountain Thane.


Slayer is the DH class hall title from legion. Does not sound specifically “warrior” at all.

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the storm shield / storm bolt talent node are both tied to talents, both talents fury warriors don’t really take for a normal raid fight, suggest adding something else to take if you don’t take the talents for it.

Blademasters just wouldn’t be Blademasters without abilities like Wind Walk and Mirror Image , but those abilities don’t fit in a warrior’s toolkit.

But you can give warriors those effects without making them pressable abilities, they could definitely be visual effects to abilities we already have. Blademasters are as popular a class fantasy as Dark Rangers with several other races in WoW having a version of them. Heck, the Trading Post already has a butt-ton of blademaster accessories!

Let’s take Mirror Image for instance:
“Each stack of [Martial Prowess] gained from [Overpower] conjures an image of the warrior when consumed by [Mortal Strike]. Each image inflicts (30%) of the [Mortal Strike]'s damage on to the target and gives the warrior 10% avoidance for 3 seconds afterwards.”
It doesn’t have to be just one ability that conjures images, you could easily have Execute and Whirlwind included too. Have a talent that increases Execute’s range by 15 yards but it sends an image of the warrior that does the animation at the target!
Change Rampage to instead summon images that surround the target like with the talent “Frenzy.”
The image stays active as you hit each of these abilities that trigger it, it could even be a combo stack if you can chain them well. Half the tree could be unlocking or giving the images additional effects like haste, avoidance, parry.

Wind Walk doesn’t necessarily have to be invisibility, it could be a stacking movement speed / haste buff. Or it could replace Charge’s and/or Intercept animation with the warrior ‘blinking’ to the target as if they had moved so fast they went invisible.

There are other effects blademasters have had in game, from coating their sword in blaze-grease to being able to strike at a short distance as their blades cut the air itself. Just these suggestions alone covers the fantasy and it would resonate way better than whatever a Colossus is.


As a Fury Warrior player, I am already concerned. I’ve played Fury Warrior for all three seasons of Dragon Flight in end game content and thunder clap doesn’t exist on the current Fury Warrior Spellbook. Why is thunder clap anywhere near Fury Warrior when there are literal talents for the ability on the Arms Talent tree. Blizzard you say you don’t want to force us to use abilities that are not normally in the spec rotation
so why is thunder clap, an ability primarily for Arms and Prot Warrior being considered an option for Fury Warrior Hero Talents. Blizzard can say “play what you want” but if the META is Mountain Thane Fury Warrior praying it is not then what other option do we have besides putting thunder clap, an ability not associated with current Fury Warrior Talents, onto our hotbar just to take up more space. Hey Blizzard! Just because you put Fury Warrior ability procs into the Mountain Thane Hero Talents DOES NOT make it work. My solution to this problem is to switch the Colossus and Mountain Thane Hero Talent locations so Fury has access to Slayer and Colossus. This is more logical and implements less friction because Arms Warriors already use thunder clap as does Protection Warriors. Blizzard I love WOW and I want WOW to do good but if Mountain Thane for current Dragon Flight Fury Warrior made it through the rough draft phase
 it is not looking good for Fury Warrior. I understand where the inspiration comes from like Fury Warrior Tanks in Classic WOW but this does not work with current Dragon Flight Fury Warrior. This just increases my concerns about Blizzard sticking too close to thematic and nostalgia rather than what makes sense, is logical, and is what the players want.


If it’s a 1% difference then literally who cares

Let’s see how the cool stuff plays in testing first

Any chance we can get a Spellbreaker concept placed into the mix? 2H weapon+ Shield anti magic fighter like the High/Blood elves had?

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How can we tell which ability is for what spec? Do we just pick whatever?

To be honest, I am very underwhelmed by the Mountain Thane talents, primarily as Fury.

All of these small damage modifiers are uninteresting, because I know the specs will be adjusted to be as relatively powerful as they are now. So it feels more like the illusion of power gain.

And I’m very confused as to why y’all decided to make one of Fury’s trees so Thunder Clap heavy. We don’t use Thunder Clap and I don’t think we want to. It’s redundant with Whirlwind and doesn’t mesh with the rest of our kit. It doesn’t have a chance to Enrage us, it’s only going to give a tiny bit of rage, and it doesn’t provide Whirlwind’s cleave bonus. Having to use Thunder Clap in our rotation just feels like needless button bloat at the cost of one more talent point.

I’d think Mountain Thane would be better as the Arms - Prot tree if it’s going to feature Thunder Clap so heavily. Both of those specs actually use Thunder Clap.

But I do like the Storm Shield talent. I’m excited for talents that add new utility or add a unique dimension to gameplay.


My constructive thoughts:

I like the idea, and it fits Prot pretty well but is underwhelming as Fury.

Shoe horning TClap into all 3 warrior specs seems short sighted. It is more aligned with Prot/Arms than fury. Also if TClap’s CD misaligned with AOE charges it would be horrible gameplay.

Some of these seem like a glorified weapon enchant, unless proc rate is greatly increased its really about having TClap matter for fury and just raw damage nodes. That feels bad, and even worse if we get forced into playing it because the Rampage dmg node is just too good due to tuning (because fury is well positioned for a tier). I also worry that these nodes will make Tuning REALLY hard unless they are basically replicated in all three hero trees.

Also while BT is high value right now due to Tier, it may not be unless substantially buffed or reworked. Making the reduced cooldown part strange.

Finally, something is wrong that your avatar is not in itself buffed. Increasing a low proc rate seems like the literal least you could do - and it would be better if avatar also increased health/dmg of the player (and visual update!) for example - making the ability feel more impactful as part of your hero class identity. As it is written you can go an entire avatar without procing your lightning strike - how can that be okay?


Might I also say I do not like the idea of using racial-specific classes like Mountain King/Thane for the new Hero talents?

Most Warriors aren’t Dwarves, why would we be excited for a Dwarf-specific fantasy to dominate our talents? My Warrior is Zandalari . _.