Feedback: Warrior Hero Talents in The War Within

Based on the info we currently have, it seems highly likely that TClap will functionally fully replace Whirlwind for Mountain Thane Fury, even if the abilities themselves won’t get swapped out. You would not be pressing Whirlwind anymore.

We saw during Blizzcon that Thunderclap is already updated to be more “Thunder-y” for Mountain Thane.


shaman 2.0


Cannot wait to mess around with this. maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong but I love the idea that Thunderclap could replace Whirlwind in the rotation. Whirlwind has for a long time just felt like a really lame button to press

Edit: I should have just read the other comments seems like thats the case. I just hope the clarify it and make it synergize with other talents and not just MC and Improved WW

If the Mountain King was the base idea for Mountain Thane and you’re making Mountain King be one of Fury’s hero trees can you PLEASE LET US TRANSMOG TO 1HANDERS SINCE THE MOUNTAIN KING IS SHOWN USING A 1H AXE AND 1H HAMMER


Hoping that we’re getting some rework of the base talents going into the next xpac, its pretty needed as warrior as a whole isnt in the best spot.

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Mountain Thane looks really cool and offers a new way to look at fury’s abilities even the ones I don’t think I ever thought to talent in Dragonflight. I’ve got one main point of criticism from whats been shown so far and it’s come up a few times in the thread already and that’s the naming of the “Stormstrike” damage type. Stormstrike is a history shaman ability and also sounds close enough to an ability this hero spec would have. A name change for the damage type would probably be for the best or a change for talents interacting with this damage type.

That could be collasus.

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Blademasters just wouldn’t be Blademasters without abilities like Wind Walk and Mirror Image , but those abilities don’t fit in a warrior’s toolkit.

Only complaint so far is I wish you were a little more flexible on this. :face_exhaling: Otherwise, excited to see what’s next :slight_smile:

Mountain Thane

I love the theme and idea of Mountain Thane, it feels very Thor-esque which is a cool fantasy for warriors. Please make sure there are plenty of crackling lightning visual and sound effects on our abilities!


I would prefer to avoid simple %damage bonuses. These feel like a filler slot and don’t do anything to advance the fantasy of the tree. ‘Strength of the Mountain’ is a good example of what I mean. I would never WANT to choose this talent while leveling.

What is Stormstrike damage? Stormstrike is a Shaman ability and it’s not clear what this is referring to. My best guess is this is for Thunder Blast, but why not just say Thunder Blast ignores armor, instead of making a new damage type? It’s a small thing, but it reduces clarity.

Last thing is, I wouldn’t mind if the base proc rate of Lightning Strikes was increased as the expense of some of the increased Avatar proc rate, personally I don’t like being overly reliant on burst windows, and I’m concerned the current distribution may do that.

Overall I’m happy with what I’m seeing and it would only take some small adjustments to really be just right. I look forward to playing it, Mountain Thane was the one I was most anticipating. I also look forward to seeing what’s in store for Colossus and Slayer.

Especially with the new stormrider transmog weapons. I need the 1h options to actually be viable and not a gimmick.

Looks great, but can we somehow use the introduction of thunderclap to uncap our core AOE rotation? Being hard capped to 4 additional targets by cleaving our ST rotation is really limiting, this seems like a good opportunity to revisit the way we do AOE damage


Lightning damage on a martial class further blurring class identity. Great Job blizzard love this now warriors can deal damage through BOP in pvp

Just wanted to say lol at people complaining about Warriors using lightning


If/when blademaster becomes a class, bladestorm is going to get the metamorphosis treatment locks got. …ravager will replace bladestorm.

I really dont get that complaint when it harkens back to warcrafts mountain king. this has been a thing since before WoW existed :rofl:

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Thunderclap is one of the few warrior abilities that has been in the game since vanilla… it also harkens back to the Mountain King from WC3(a warrior hero), soooooooooo

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I really like what you have revealed of the preview except for one particular node:

  • Steadfast as the Peaks: Victory Rush increases your maximum health by 10% for 5 seconds.
  • Keep Your Feet on the Ground: Thunder Blast reduces damage you take by 4% for 5 seconds.

Both are rather weak and lacklustre but most importantly, “Steadfast as the Peaks” is just objectively bad. Increased HP for 5s is nothing, it won’t help you. I suggest re-examining it and potentially changing it to a HoT or reworking both choices.

Firstly I think the theme of Mountain Thane is cool but the name is wrong for anyone not playing a dwarf.

It should be renamed to Valajar ( as that is more generalized for anyone not playing dwarf and is probably where Magni got his powers from in the first place, Titan Odyn magic.

Another thing I am worried about is how uninspired Colossus and Slayer are. I don’t even know any npc’s with such a title in the game while other classes get actual unexplored archetypes. Something like Gladiator where you can use a 2h and shield for Arms/Prot and maybe some themes with Varian (Logosh) when he was an actual Gladiator. Perhaps something involving Arms actually being a master of arms and modifying peoples weapons or certain utility depending on what type of weapon you yourself are wielding.

For Fury/Arms something like Blademaster or Berserker could be explored. Just because a hero had something from WC3 doesn’t mean that archetype should be ignored for ever in WoW. We get that he had mirror images, that was 20 years ago, it’s time to change as many things have over this time. Iterate on it and come up with some new things that a Blademaster might have.

Finally, I think it’s time warrior’s get some new animations. Warriors feel extremely neglected when it comes to animations in WoW. Avatar just turns your character dark, recklessness makes gladiator stance appear above your head just to rub it in our faces of what we could have had. Warriors Really are missing that WOW factor when it comes to a lot of our abilities like some other classes have.

I am looking forward to iterations of Warriors in the new expansion and I hope some of this feedback allows for some changes in The War Within. PS: add SMF as transmog for fury


Class fantasy: Just about every warrior that I have known has had the class fantasy of being a thunder/lightning wielding god of steel. So kind of awesome.

The talents look cool. Some op, others are okay, and the last is absolutely awesome and balanced.

Not going to lie, I am disappointed yet again. I refuse to play Fury and Prot is not viable in rated PvP anymore. I play Arms(PvP) and have always loved the thunder and lightning concepts for Warrior. Yet I cannot play the thunder and lightning concept on my character unless I want to play something I absolutely hate or is no longer viable in PvP. My character RP has always been thunder and lightning related, Thane Vendrek Thunderforge <Defender of the Khaz’Modan Mountains>…smites enemies with lightning leaving nothing but a pile of ash…

We already have talents that are locked behind specialization. I would recommend not locking these “Hero Talent Trees” behind specialization.

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It’s impossible to know how strong these are relative to other Hero Classes until we see more of them, but they are definitely not weak on their own. That 4% damage reduction from Thunder Blast will have very solid uptime, most likely ~50% or better depending on RNG. That’s strong for any role, but especially for Prot. 10% max HP bonus on every impending victory is also a big deal, that’s effectively a Rallying Cry you can cast on yourself every 25 seconds.

In high end content, both of those are desirable and absolutely can be the difference between living or dying.