Feedback: Shamans

Yeah, that’s why I said option.

The talent rework is coming this week right?


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Maybe next expansion

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Good luck totem chucker

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We say since what… Legion? I don’t even remember.

Sounds about right

So much feedback, but here’s a few general things:

  • Burrow probably needs to be baseline for all shaman specs…unless you intend to prune defensives off other specs. Ankh is a joke.
  • Shaman talent trees, at least for the DPS specs, really force you into one option or the other. It’s lightning or fire, with a single ‘meh’ frost spell thrown in. It genuinely feels bad thematically, and sharply limits build options both in PvE and PvP.

Ele feedback specifically:

  • Spreading flame shock still feels awful if you’re playing a fire-focused build. There needs to be a better way to manage this outside of running Liquid Magma Totem, and using surge of power to pray you hit the right targets multi-dotting w/ FS.
  • Farseer just feels bleh. It’s basically a half version of the current DF tier set. The impact isn’t really there. Maybe numbers tuning will change this.
  • Stormbringer is cool on paper, but tempest as a LB replacement is not fun. Tempest as an Earth Shock replacement / spender feels more ideal from a rotation POV.
  • Icefury is an obnoxious spell, it’s very clunky and uninspired. Electrified shocks isn’t engaging, flux melting is sometimes ok to press if you have nothing else, but that’s rarely happening.
  • Generally the hero talents seem to force you into single target w/ minimal cleave (far seer) or firmly AoE with minimal single target (stormbringer). That’s fine and all, but it further restricts build potential.

PvP specific:

  • Removing a lot of the personal dispel pvp talents was a good change. These almost exclusively punished elemental shaman.
  • Why nerf static field totem by 30 sec? I saw some specs lost mobility, but this was such a clutch ability for all three specs. Further mobility nerfs to melee may help this feels ok with the longer cd.
  • Burrow really should be baseline…in all content…unless you plan to prune more defensives / self healing :slight_smile:

Just checking in to say, yep, I was disappointed. One line of shaman notes for a random PVP talent. THANKS I HATE IT.


Hello wielders of the elements!

Over the first few weeks of testing, we gathered a lot of feedback from you. Subsequently, we aligned that feedback with our design goals, and got to work.

We’ve been recently working through a package of updates for Shamans, and we can now confirm that we’ll have the majority of the changes implemented and ready for testing in the next Beta build, next week.

Before then, we intend to deploy some Beta tuning hotfixes for the class in the next couple of days. But please know that this tuning is not a part of the package coming next week.

Thank you for your testing and feedback!


One more week, Shamans <3


Is this real life? I look forward to seeing the feedback yall took from us in action. Can’t wait to test it out!


Is this a dream?


Wait, a Shaman blue post???

Man, I’ve been drinking too much. There’s no way, right?

…wait, it’s legit!


The dev is alive! I’m holding onto my collective shaman butt now. Lets goooo.


Thank you for the communication!! I’m looking forward to next week!


I’m still concerned about timeline here. Next week gives us only 3 realistic weeks before pre-patch. It’s nice that something has been said but, this is still worrisome.

Tuning hotfixes now as opposed to coming with the update package, also suggests that the update package maybe doesn’t include many changes at all. We shall see.


suddenly I am willing to forgive it all. I am so easily bought argh.


A blue post in a shaman thread. Is this real life?


ty for maintaining contact. We will wait.


Thank you so much for a response, can’t wait to see you guys implementing our feedback and potentially cooking something cool for us so we don’t feel like the third wheel in every group comp. :slight_smile: