Feedback: Shamans

You just have to say that you’re fine when you’re not really fine


This might be the worst communication I have ever seen in an alpha beta process for an expansion. I played Spriest for a decade. I’ve seen some stuff. This is the worst.


Shaman notes I expect next week :

We wanted to remain consistent in how Tempest works. Since Tempest does not interact with anything, we removed the ability for “/cancelaura” to interact with Tempest


I have a sinking feeling that resto shamans will not get anything till the .1 patch. It’s a shame but pre patch is fast approaching and so far nothing for resto.


It looks like we’re getting a BFA style remix for Shamans ahead of everybody else! (Though it happened to priests too). Gotta wait til that .1 patch to get any kind of changes.


Maybe it’s a wait for .1 and they release Earthwarden tank spec too. Right?


There are less than 10 weeks until the release of TWW, and now with the new splash screen datamine (grain of salt) setting prepatch for July 30th or prior, that is only a little over 5 weeks away. Class changes usually roll in with the prepatch of a new expansion. That’s the detail that’s getting to me now. If pre-patch is only 5ish weeks away, how are we still being left in the dark?

5ish weeks left and we’ve received nothing. We’ve had all of alpha, these first weeks of beta, the initial raid and m+ testing to be testing changes on a weekly basis (like literally everyone else bar hunters), and instead we get nothing. I’m baffled at how anyone would even expect any coming changes to be tested well, iterated upon with feedback, and tuned properly before this deadline hits at this point (granted, tuning can continue into live).

All of this, and the continued fact that blizzard refuses to say literally anything at all is both extremely disappointing and sadly unsurprising.


OK, so, the tank spec does fit perfectly into the story. Also, it would also fit in the story that Shaman will get Baelgrim’s 1h mace as a legendary weapon. That’s not to say that morale isn’t pretty much at rock bottom though…


Kinda wonder what the point of any of this feedback was if there’s not going to be any response. :expressionless:


It literally wouldn’t have been any different if there was no shaman feedback thread.


I sincerely envy your optimism, and that of those who hope that they will do something with the shamans relatively soon.
I am convinced that the evoker is our replacement, and “if you don’t like it, play another class.”


The only hopium I have going is that there is actually ZERO hero talent tree, or class changes on the recent notes. If they just did some aura tuning, that would signal that they are pretty much done for now. The fact that there is absolutely NOTHING, and there are a bunch of hero talent issues, and things that dont function, just makes me hope that they are in fact cooking on it, they just dont have the changes ready to announce.


honestly i doubt we will be getting anything, but if we do i think it would be whenever Thrall remembers how to shaman.


So I’m assuming they are working on something, which(again) is why we aren’t seeing anything in the beta build, but they probably aren’t saying anything because they aren’t sure they can get it done before pre-patch/launch, which is honestly shameful.

This class deserves better than this. Blizz needs to figure out their workflows so classes aren’t given disadvantages in dev time and reworks.

Some classes get changed right out the gate and they get the benefit of many, many weeks of testing and feedback, while other specs get reworked late(Hunter, MAYBE shaman) and have a lot less time to work with.

If you are going to rework entire class and spec trees, I think it would be wise to figure that out early enough to have them all be pushed to beta within the same time frame, so testers can have ample time to test and provide feedback, AND time for you to implement changes to be tested further.

I know we will all be happy and excited when they finally do something, but it’s not okay for this to happen to begin with. There’s a kink somewhere in the workflow that needs to be worked out so this stuff doesn’t happen.


Frustration really outlines how I feel about these notes. Undeservingly, shaman are being left in the rain, with nothing. Communication? KEK. There was a time when I would have more faith in the devs coming through for the class. However, I just dont have that patience anymore. Everyone here has been giving amazing feedback. Despite all this, nothing has been done or communicated. Everything feels like its been a waste of time. Valuable input, feedback. Should we even bother anymore?


Might actually get GTA6 before we get the shaman rework we want.


The fact they haven’t addressed it even makes me feel like they just haven’t gotten around to doing shaman (and druid) yet. It is alarming and incredibly poor communication, but I would actually be more alarmed if all they did was post a single buff to Tempest and then ignore it.


This made me laugh from a deep place. just oof, pain, but an amusing comment.


Why even make a feedback thread when you just plan on ignoring the entire class? Frankly the lack of communication and zero changes would be unacceptable to happen to any class but it stings even more when it’s one of the classes that need changes the most. Something is deeply wrong with how time for class development is allocated if Shamans are getting 0 changes while Mage of all classes gets pages on a weekly basis.


Hey Blizz, pretty much nobody thinks you’re reading these comments. But, in the off chance you are, I will sub to this game until the end of time if you give me Shaman tank.