Feedback: Shamans

Well, bad news mate, tempest has had some basic fixes in the current build (same cast time as LB, haste scaling, crit scaling etc…) and the pre-patch pops up on a splash screen as July 30th, so 6 weeks left time this goes live, not 10.

The reason they haven’t said anything is they 100% aren’t sure they can do anything before patch, and may get something in or may not so no commitment either way, or they know they’re not getting it in and hope they can just ignore it and not have to bite that bullet.


That is truly disappointing. I guess Shaman may as well reroll at this point or unsub until they do something.

Druid sorta functions, but only with one hero tree.


Working on it. I saw warlocks getting feedback today!


this man really spent the money to change his character name for this, that is committment


I’ve already asked my RL what healer he’d have, cause it won’t be a shaman at this rate.


Somehow we are going through what we go through for the past 3-4 expansion starts.

We always have some glaring issues that get completely ignored despite massive pages of extremely thorough feedback. At best we get some compensation buffs later after a tier is over already and it’s far too late to matter.

Legion ele had to beg for massive buffs to spenders in 7.1 because everyone said they were undercooked.

BFA ele needed and received % changes on their abilities in 8.1 because again, they were undercooked.

Shadowlands ele couldn’t even get their BIS Single Target legendary during Castle Nathria prog because the world boss didn’t spawn until a few weeks into the expansion. They also almost had a rework during beta but it got reverted and we ended up getting basically no changes.

Dragonflight ele still not brought to any raid prog fights if other classes available, finally got % buffs in 10.1 because again, they were undercooked.

Now we’re stuck in another undercooked state for 11.0 with no changes even mentioned yet.

Do we just wait for 11.1 for our 6% buffs to our spenders like in the past? Will history repeat itself for the 5th time in a row?

I want to be optimistic, but it gets more difficult each passing week we don’t even show up on the beta notes.

Surely next week though :slight_smile:


I saw that and was like, maybe? That’d be cool if they popped in and were like, “hey, we’re working on stuff”.

Even with no ETA, just something to confirm some kind of clean up for talents or hero talents will be fixed in some way lol.


This is actually PATHETIC. Shame


I think a problem we are having is that people who blog and go on you tube are saying Shamans are great! They just need A, B, C adjustment and they are fine.

I do belive that is what is going to happen. Just a few adjustments, which we will not see any notes for, and done. We may not like it, but I fear this is the way its going to be.


Well, devs see those things, but they more care about the feedback on these official forums. So while they notice the video’s and blogs, not much of it is taken into consideration, unless it’s a glaring bug or exploit.


I don’t think a video game has ever made me want to cry before now.


Just notice something, or I could be wrong, but it seems Tempest cast time was adjusted? It seems it has a cast time of Lightning bolt now. I been playing Totomic, but it does seem it different. Or maybe I am just thinking that.

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It’s weird as this new way of making video game is insane. Remember when games were released when they are actually done? That was 20 years ago and it got worse every year. Season 1 will be beta for shamans but we will pay the same sub and they can’t even confess that as it will surely make it into a legal issue. So, enjoy the silence!


My RL said me yesterday if i gonna keep playing my evoker preservation… he assumed I wouldn’t continue with my resto shammy .
The retirement nightmare.


Just please add an extra warning message for yearly subs and when buying exp for shamans?

“Are you sure to order this for your shaman?”


*shaman talents not included


I’ll be honest I’m actually quite gob smacked with the new build, but I really think this week we’ll get communication about what’s happening to Shaman, and next week’s build will have the changes to test out.

Call it what you will, I’m sure next beta build be our build and time to shine :face_holding_back_tears:.

Edit: it’s clear they are very behind when it comes to the development changes, Hunters literally got their changes last week, one class has to be last, sadly it always seems to be Shamans, but I’m sure they’ll get around to us, they have too.


The sheer lack of ANYTHING does make it feel intentional. You’d think there would be at least some tiny listed change.


I’ll be honest. I’m in this beta championing hpal since that’s my main (desired) spec.

And even I was absolutely gobsmacked when i looked at the notes and the datamine and saw nothing for Shamans.


It would be intentional if someone was responding. As a dev, it was impossible for me to check and actually follow the forums feedback at my work. We already had reported and backlogged changes to work on so there is no way for a dev to follow the ‘feedback’ here and act accordingly. Product managers and the rest of the team are surely aware of it all. The problem is that MS-Blizzard announced the Exp release for the end of August. Now they have to make sure the end game systems is working fine asap to not have SL/BFA disaster again.

Some classes talents not working is not prio right now. I don’t blame the actual devs for all this. I blame the guy who forced for this release date. I blame scrum based development for businessmen that also does the estimations themselves then forces it on to the dev teams. Will never say anything bad about the devs. God bless them. Will yell and cry about who is in charge of this release forever. They burned multiple expansions with the same reason over and over. SoonTM my ash.


But they are reworking other classes talents. Reworking other classes tier sets.

We cant even get proper functionality and implementation.