Feedback: Shamans

Some shaman changes from data mining popped on wowhead, nothing crazy, but hopefully it’s just the start with more to come, I haven’t had a chance to compare it against beta as it stands currently


I’m going to start blaming Thrall. He lost his connection to the elements. Until he gets it back the devs can’t help us.


Please give my Shaman friends something.

Like, even telling y’all “sorry, we think Shaman is fine as is” would be better than the absolute radio silence y’all have been receiving for the past couple months.


i hope you’re not talking about healing tide changes from weeks ago.

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I can’t link it sadly but it’s something about tempest with enhancement changes and some elemental stuff, not huge at all though,

Gain the effects of the Lightning Rod talent:
Lightning Rod
[Tempest: Tempest][ Elemental: Earth Shock, Elemental Blast, and Earthquake / Lightning Bolt, Elemental Blast, and Chain Lightning] make your target a Lightning Rod for 8 sec. Lightning Rods take 20% of all damage you deal with Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning.

Lightning Rod targets now also take 20% of the damage that Tempest deals, and Tempest also the applies Lightning Rod effect.

Name changed from Conductive Energy (NYI) to Conductive Energy
Procs flags changes: NEW Deal Harmful Ability, NEW Deal Harmful Spell

Rolling Thunder

Gain one stack of Stormkeeper every 50 sec

Totemic Coordination

[ Enhancement: Increases the critical strike chance of your Searing Totem’s attacks by 15%, and its critical strike damage by 30% /
Chain Heals from your totems are 25% more effective]

Elemental motes orbit around your Surging Totem. Your abilities consume the motes for enhanced effects.
Water: Your next Healing Wave or Healing Surge also heals an ally inside of your Healing Rain at100% 100% effectiveness.
Air: [ Enhancement: Your next Stormstrike or Windstrike deals 25% increased damage and damages 1 nearby enemy at 75% effectiveness /
Elemental, Restoration
The cast time of your next healing spell is reduced by 40%]
Earth: [ Enhancement: Casting Sundering or Elemental Blast refunds 12 seconds from its cooldown /
Elemental, Restoration
Your next Chain Heal applies Earthliving at 150% effectiveness to all targets hit]

Mana spring changes

Your Lava Burst and Riptide casts restore 1502625 mana to you and 4 allies nearest to you within 40 yards.
Allies can only benefit from one Shaman’s Mana Spring effect at a time, prioritizing healers.
Your Lava Burst casts restore 1001750 mana to you and 4 allies nearest to you within 40 yards.
Allies can only benefit from one Shaman’s Mana Spring effect at a time, prioritizing healers.
Your Lava Burst casts restore 1502625 mana to you and 4 allies nearest to you within 40 yards.
Allies can only benefit from one Shaman’s Mana Spring effect at a time, prioritizing healers.
Your Lava BurstStormstrike casts restore 1502625 mana to you and 4 allies nearest to you within 40 yards.
Allies can only benefit from one Shaman’s Mana Spring effect at a time, prioritizing healers.

Hard to tell cause data mining is weird formatting but they’re mentioned which is something at least

So the talent went from not yet implemented, to implemented. And guess what. Tempest is still so bad for Elemental that you dont use it

Its a dps loss to use Tempest as an ele shaman. You put a /cancelaura macro on your lightning bolts.

Tool tip change.

Just reflecting much larger mana pools

None of that is “something at least”.


incredible, they give you a smidge more mana for resto, and implemented an intended feature of gaining an existing talent, after the entirety of alpha and 2 weeks into the beta.


I appreciate the breakdown, I wasn’t able to look into it much, it’s very little to say the least, but since our class has been absent from notes most weeks, I thought it worth a passing mention at the very least lol

And trust me, elemental has been my main focus all beta, I painfully know how bad Tempest is, the fact it still doesn’t interact with mastery or any of our lightning bolt talents and the only thing it looks like it might interact with is lightning rod which has been pretty mid since the value is so low doesn’t inspire confidence lol


It’s really unbelievable how not even a blue post saying ‘we will not have any changes for the shamans’ is made.


Currently tempest is so bad for ele it is better to cancel aura macro it so you can cast lightning bolt instead. This is an identity crisis, because obviously there’s things that might still be NYI that augment playstyles. This issue now is in 64 days TWW prelaunches. Probably within 21-40 days the prepatch with completed class changes barring just tuning which will be on going until probably the day of launch. in 3-6 weeks, shaman needs:
Changes implemented
Feedback given
Changes reworked
Feedback given
Tuning + small changes
Final tuning pass
Launch Day

THIS IS NOT ENOUGH TIME. Given how every other class has gone. Changes for example for mages/warlocks has been ongoing for months now and they’re still doing it which is HOW IT SHOULD BE.


i think it would be super sick if tempest granted 3x charges of ‘Stormkeeper’ instead of a choice node between 3x free lightning bolts or chain lightnings. well, i guess all we can do is wait… and wait… and wait…


If they did that, alot of players would request a refund for the expansion.

Better to be silent than admit you f-ed up.


I would love to leave a feedback for Shamans.
Oh wait… We had no changes to give feedback on again…
Maybe on The Last Titan expansion


I figured it out.

The purpose of this thread is damage control. An attempt to keep the frustration in one place, rather than a multitude of posts across the forums.

It clearly is not for feedback and communication.


yeah we need to start flooding all of the other classes feedback forums with shaman stuff. at least they open those


Unfortunately, the shaman will be the new victim of a future rework sold as content in some patch


I can see the road map right now!

very close, I believe there won’t be time until then


  • New zone
  • New raid
  • new season
  • Shaman rework
    (Then they make a blue post asking for feedback on the rework)

Well guess what, they just made it mandatory in pvp by tying it to Sky Fury totem.