Feedback: Shamans

If they did that, alot of players would request a refund for the expansion.

Better to be silent than admit you f-ed up.


I would love to leave a feedback for Shamans.
Oh wait… We had no changes to give feedback on again…
Maybe on The Last Titan expansion


I figured it out.

The purpose of this thread is damage control. An attempt to keep the frustration in one place, rather than a multitude of posts across the forums.

It clearly is not for feedback and communication.


yeah we need to start flooding all of the other classes feedback forums with shaman stuff. at least they open those


Unfortunately, the shaman will be the new victim of a future rework sold as content in some patch


I can see the road map right now!

very close, I believe there won’t be time until then


  • New zone
  • New raid
  • new season
  • Shaman rework
    (Then they make a blue post asking for feedback on the rework)

Well guess what, they just made it mandatory in pvp by tying it to Sky Fury totem.

It basically already was. That’s why I stopped playing shammy. We could have had chain harvest, instead we got this mega-turd.

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A million times this.


Better start requesting refunds now, Vote with you $$$$. That’s a language they understand.


Well, that’s because we can’t have Chain Harvest and here’s why:

Chain Harvest dealt Shadow damage which is very backwards for a Shaman. The only reason it was that damage type was because we were all basically in the afterlife. An updated version of Chain Harvest was actually datamined during Dragonflight Alpha (or Beta) and it dealt Nature damage. At first glance, that sounds awesome as it scales with Mastery. But, that ability already hit so hard that the scaling would eventually be out of control - this is almost certainly why it was omitted as it’s the same reason we lost the OG Ascendance ‘Storm Blast’. Could they change the damage type again? Absolutely. Will they ever consider putting it back in the game? Probably not.

By that logic, all the changes to other classes wouldn’t be happening.

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I’d hope so and I’m hoping I’m proven wrong but it feels like arrogance and disdain they won’t answer us. Even a token “we hear your feedback and have updates coming/don’t think changes are needed” that way all the people that have provided fantastic feedback can stop wasting their time giving it.


they arent, theres not enough time. with only like 10 weeks til the expansion and the last few weeks are strictly just tuning. its just not there. some specs have already had like 6-7 weeks of iteration done on them. this version of shaman is what we are going live with excluding any tuning that happens


Haven’t used these forums in ages. Just here to contribute to bumping and keeping this thread all the way at the top of these beta development forums.

My god warcraft. You’ve given NPC’s better lightning attacks (why the heck do we have a flat 2D texture as our main filler? You aren’t fooling anyone) and lava burst/general lava animations. Sure we’ll bend over and let NPC’s look cooler than us

But literally zero meaningful patch notes before a brand new expansion launch? You do understand fresh coats of paint are what make people resub to this aged game. You have an army of marketeers and consultants after all. Every game thrives on cosmetic enhancements and gameplay improvements. Give the same care and attention to your classes as you do your store mounts.

Every game has warriors and mages, but this is one of the few game franchises with an established Shaman class fantasy. Thrall is the de facto mascot of this franchise besides Arthas. Communicate that you care.


I’m doomin’ pretty hard right now guys. I want to remain hopeful but…its hard man.

I’m tired.


Please Blizzard, as someone who loves Ele Shaman and wants to play it as a main, you are forcing me to go with a new shiny class that has had a ton of work put into it. Some random suggetions:

-If you don’t have the time to rework our class trees, how about just making hero talents LOOK better. Compared to other classes they are just lame and not as enjoyable. Make Tempest look like a crazy storm, or have an exciting casting animation. Make the Ancestors be the colors of different elements. Anything to spice it up.

-Just give Resto and Ele some sort of raid buff. Anything at all. A totem that raises a stat, something. Watching Mages get updates week after week is like a punch in the stomach.

I love everything about this upcoming expansion but us Shamans are feeling left out entirely and are clearly at the bottom of the priority list.

Even just a, “hey Shamans we didn’t forget about you!” would be reassuring.


Guess I should give my feedback on the latest shaman changes. So let’s see here checks notes…and that concludes my feedback. Nothing changed so all of the major issues are still there in desperate need of attention.

So just 4 weeks left to get at least some fixes, but after that there is zero chance of getting a rework until a .1 patch and by then the damage will be done. No one wants to play a new expansion with their class/spec of choice a complete mess and they certainly aren’t going to wait 3 to 6 months. There is no way to spin this in a good light, it’s a massive management failure at Blizzard. ALL reworks should be done for expansion release OR you simply don’t release it and certainly don’t announce a release date when hero talents aren’t even fully implemented and what is implemented has had lots of negative feedback. Honestly speaking, I have zero hope for Blizzard to nail a rework given the hero talents presented to us. I mean when people are banking on a rework due to how poorly the hero talents are designed that says a lot about how ignorant the dev team is to shaman gameplay.

Realistically we have about 1-2 weeks left of hope and that’s it. That would give us 1 week to test a rework and 1 week to test the inevitable changes that will need to be made. Anything passed those 2 weeks and it’s us getting an untested rework that won’t even be tuned, which is still better than the absolute nothing we’ve got so far because at least that gives some hope.

Does this mean we can’t be op? Nope, that’s purely tuning. They could make stormstrike do 8billion damage and we would be a meta pick even though our class is a mess. They could also tune us super low and completely kill the class because low damage/healing on top of all the other issues means no one will want a shaman in their group/raid.

Just an incredibly poor job by Blizzard so far at not only design but moreso communication.