FYI - Shaman, be prepared to macro your way out of a new talent in TWW

It would be funny if it weren’t sad. Stormbringer Shaman need to macro their lightning bolts to eliminate the buff from the tempest Talent.

Continuing the discussion from Feedback: Shamans:


Is this just a tuning issue? Most of what I have read seems to indicate that tempest just needs to scale with haste and lightning bolt modifiers. Or maybe it just needs to do more damage.

They will probably get around to fixing it a few days before launch.

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It’s a design issue. As long as Lightning Bolt talents don’t affect Tempest it’s going to be like this.


Just in case, how does this macro work/what’s the exact text for it, exactly? I’m unable to find the exact wording under hundreds of feedback posts, and this seems… begrudgingly helpful. Would be good to save it just in case.

…But aye, here’s hoping (coping?) it’ll get another look.

you just add

/cancelaura Tempest

to all of your spells. this cancels the tempest proc so that you can cast lightning bolt as normal instead.

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#showtooltip Lightning Bolt
/cancelaura Tempest
/cast Lightning Bolt


You need to make a macro for all of your spell including lava burst, earthshock/ele blast, chainlightning, earthquake just to make sure you wont get cancer from tempest.