FEEDBACK: Season 2 Mythic Rewards

~TLDR at the bottom~

So I saw the upcoming changes to the Mythic+ rewards system for Season 2, and saw some notable adjustments compared to Season 1 that align more closely with the reward structure from Dragonflight Season 4. However, the rewards for higher keys still sucks and could definitely use some improvement in the Great Vault department.

I made a graph here that basically summarizes the rewards across DF Season 4 up to the current changes for TWW Season 2. Hopefully the link works, I find it’s easier to understand what I am referring to below


  • Completing a Mythic 0 now rewards Champion 1/8 gear, which is an improvement over Season 1, where the reward was Veteran 4/8 gear. It’s worth nothing that this is the same reward as DF Season 4, so I won’t really congratulate them for making this change, when I feel it is something that should have never changed to begin with. :person_shrugging:

  • Completing a Mythic +10 now rewards Hero 3/6 gear. This is actually much better than what we saw in both DF Season 4 and Season 1, where the reward was Hero 2/6 gear. I’ll give this a :+1:


  • Great Vault rewards for Mythic 0 have been increased to Champion 4/8, a step up from Champion 3/8 in Season 1. However, this still falls short of the Hero 1/6 gear we saw in DF Season 4. I’ll give this a :-1:
  • Great Vault rewards for higher-end Mythic+ remains the same as in Season 1, where rewards for Mythic +8/9 were Hero 4/6 gear and Mythic +10 was Mythic 1/6. This is still less rewarding compared to DF Season 4, where a +8 in the vault would begin offering Mythic 1/6 gear, and a level 10 reward would be Mythic 2/6. Because this has no change I’ll give this a :-1:

Overall, the changes for Season 2 are definitely better for end-of-run rewards, but the Great Vault rewards for higher level keys still sucks compared to what we got in DF Season 4.


TLDR: better end-of-run rewards / no major improvement for Great Vault

Edit: Spelling


Given how limited the vault is in with a single item per week combined with how much rng there is in it I think there is definitely a case for myth track vault slots to be more readily available.

The overall scaling nerfs will almost certainly have a 10 next season being a good bit easier than a 10 this season. Maybe that will be enough, but I’m not sure.

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If I’m understanding this correctly, S2 +12 should be easier than S1 +10.
Edit: Not quite. See below.

Very possible. We don’t know how much M0 is being buffed at the baseline to know what the new scaling means compared to now.

At least I haven’t seen anything for the new M0

I think so too. The fact they increased the needed io for the achievement to 3000 from 2850 seems like they are atleast somewhat confident that an S2 +12 is easier then an S1.

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Voidrider HP in the Rookery:
11.1 Normal: 10638
11.1 Heroic: 45708
11.1 M0: 96496

Nightfall Ritualist HP in the Dawnbreaker:
11.1 Normal: 10047
11.1 Heroic 43169

10.0.7 Normal: 10047
10.0.7 Heroic: 20209
10.0.7 M0: 33815


10.0.7 Heroic/Normal Ratio: 2.01
11.1 Heroic/Normal Ratio: 4.30
S2/S1 Seasonal scaling Ratio: 2.14

10.0.7 M0/Heroic Ratio: 1.67
11.1 M0/Heroic Ratio: 2.11
S2/S1 M0 scaling ratio: 1.26

S1 M10 multiplier using S1 M0 baseline: 2.36
S2 M10 multiplier using S2 M0 baseline: 1.84
S2 M10 multiplier using S1 M0 baseline: 2.32

S1 M12 multiplier using S1 M0 baseline: 2.85*1.1(Guile)=3.14
S2 M12 multiplier using S2 M0 baseline: 2.22 (Guile no longer has a multiplier)
S2 M12 multiplier using S1 M0 baseline: 2.80

S2 M10 has slightly lower scaling than S1 M10, and additionally will be easier due to Peril change.
S2 M12 has significantly lower scaling than S1 M12 due to Guile change.

Not with the increase in M0 base scaling. Every key level is harder in S2 until you get to 13 (and only then because they removed the baseline 10% from Guile)

The multiplier is not being put on the same M0, so this is wrong.
If you compare the HP of mobs from the last 2 weeks of PTR testing to today, they are all 35-81% increased, making the baseline before we add the multiplier significantly higher, and thus the final damage/hp of all mobs at every key level higher until we get above 12 (since they removed the “extra” 10% there).

M10 Floodgate today is 40% harder than it was 2 weeks ago.
M10 Darkflame today is 5% harder than it was 1 week ago.

PTR seems bugged at the moment.
Rank Overseer in Darkflame Cleft:
M0: 85775k

M10: 126M
Tooltip says “Health increased by 121%”.


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I think they are hotfixing things so the base doesn’t scale from the newly boosted M0 anymore because it was causing everything to be harder instead of easier, but time will tell.

That’s a fair point, but even then, doing a +12 still gives you the same Great Vault reward as a +10, which is less than what DF Season 4 offered.

At best you are getting more crests which is nice, but they still don’t cover upgrading an additional tier

You completely left out the changes to Crests which makes a huge impact in Gear acquisition and progression.

This isn’t true at all.

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Their chart conveniently leaves out what the new M0 increase is.

So yea the scaling curve is smoother, which is still good, but those 7% increases are starting at a higher baseline than season 1.

With what’s on the ptr at the moment. M0-5 are 15-25% or so harder. 6-8 are basically break even and 9-11 are 2-5% easier.

Obviously things can change and we also don’t know where the player baseline will be relative to that M0 starting point. Will the player be stronger, and also have access to better gearing?

If blizzard tunes us to be 5% stronger as players for example then that would impact the curve too.

But what is absolutely certain is that higher level keys aren’t going to be 20-30%, or more, easier than they are now.

Are you new to M+? They upscale the base tuning every season to account for higher ilvl gear. Otherwise we would just go up in key levels every season.

I am aware.

That’s why I wrote a whole section on how player power will interact with that new baseline.

But their post is still easily confused because the scaling comparison has a different baseline, as you stated.

We aren’t talking about the seasonal uplift, but the uplift on this PTR build vs the last PTR build, which already had a seasonal uplift. So they’ve now double scaled M0.

Comparing season 2 of any expansion with the rewards of season 4 of any expansion isn’t really comparable. Season 4 of dragon flight tanked subs and they did what they do at the end of every expansion, make it easier to gear alts. We don’t need that now. If watching people raid log 3 weeks into this expansion wasn’t evidence enough, we need people to have a reason to stick around. Providing people with an even easier way to gear out their toons with almost no real challenge only encourages players to login 2 nights a week for raid, do a couple of mythics, then log back out.

I referenced Season 4 of Dragonflight because that was when they did the level squish for keystones and cut them in half (Season 3 Mythic level 20 = Season 4 Mythic level 10). This is mentioned here:

Season 3 allowed you to obtain Mythic Vault gear as of Level 18+, which is current equivalent to an 8+

Season 1 and Season 2 both had a similar structure that was actually better than Season 3, because you were able to obtain Mythic Vault gear as of level 16+, which is current equivalent to a 6+

So yes, comparing Season 2 of TWW to what Dragonflight offered is actually comparable.

You specifically compared season 1 of tww to the final season of DF (season 4). So twisting my words to fit your new narrative doesn’t change the point I was making. This idea that giving myth track gear at +8 is also fits the same narrative though. 10s aren’t that complicated and I feel is a good point to reward myth track from vault. 8s are a bit of a joke. This whole idea that everyone deserves end game level gear with minimal effort is a bit wild. Really even giving myth track gear from 10 in the vault seems a bit easy, especially this far into the season. It’s incredibly easy to gear out toons right now and I believe it’s a big reason why subs have been down this entire season, as I mentioned in my previous post. Making it any easier just further encourages players to do the minimum and log off. This increases boredom in the game and eventually leads to people ending subscriptions.

I made this post about improving hero track gear.