Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

Best Change. Thank you so much! This is an amazing change!


I love the idea of being able to pick a racial ability.


to all you people crying about faction imbalance:

is a 10% difference really equivilant to “the sky is falling!!”?

went look up what the populations for the classic servers are, and here’s what i got for all americas [east, west, oceanic]:

alliance total- 52,485 = 45.6%
horde total - 62,529 = 54.4%

total players - 115,014

but yeah, this is supposed to justify over an hour queue time…

that is not at all how faction imbalance works and you know it, get real… alliance will never be the dominant faction and need to be OP in order to balance it out


Yes, this and any cross team coms needs to be turned off ASAP.

I’m having a lot of fun. I was starting to get bored now that gearing has slowed and my crafting is maxed. I was bummed that bg queues were 50min to an hour and was starting to lose interest.

I rolled horde because I have always played horde with my friends. I didnt pick it for the racials or fotm. I dont care who I pvp against.

I would be open to free faction changes from horde to alliance to balance stuff out, if that would work. My only reservation for switching to alliance now is grinding to 70 again.

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this is amazing. Thank you from all the hordies.


All hail haha indeed it’s great!

We also need to finally do something about full premade groups going against pugs.
If you queue with 15 players you should get put against another 15 players.


Please enable AV so we can see if the map is really imbalanced or if it truly is due to faction differences. Perfect time to test it. I expect to see horde insta-forfeiting when they spawn on the alliance side after a day or two of getting absolutely thrashed. Then maybe we will get an updated AV so alliance get some benefit from this experiment.


My feedback would be to quit letting horde falsely flag and get negative feedback posts deleted. This is worse than no feedback at all.


I mean your post seems sincere to a point. If you think Alliance wins the majority of BGs I think you are playing another game. The reason in 2006 queues were shorter is because not every player was some weird meta monkey trying to get the superior racials. I’ve played hundreds of hours of BGs between classic and now tbcc and outside of the premade meta of phase 2 in classic the alliance if losing a large majority of BGs. There is far fewer alliance players playing BGs which effects the amount of premades which in non AV BGs is the way to secure wins. This system is going completely stop people from playing alliance. There is literally no point of playing with sub par racials in both pvp and pve when the one reason to play alliance was the shorter queues.


This test shouldn’t be implemented without making Premades limited to 5 man or make premades fight premades,
some servers dont have the alliance population to forum premades and now they will go directly into 15 premade hordes…
I get horde players need a fix, but I dont wanna face premades, while being unable to make my own because of the constant favoritism you provide.


If only you guys could figure out the premade problem now…


I’ve only had a chance to do a few so far but I will say that as much as I am largely #nochanges this change was entirely needed and is fantastic. Thank you.

However, with that said please consider that there are ways to abuse this system and please take steps to prevent that abuse.

edit: my only complaint is the masks are dumb


Guy is talking about new players on burning crusade… what a joke lmaoo

this right here. it’s been my complaint from the start.


As long as they don’t match small partial premades ( like 5 people ) against full premades automatically. This happened on live for awhile I think and it was awful.

5 mans should not be considered a premade

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What incentive does anyone have to play alliance now? this will just make PVP servers even more Horde dominated.


I think this change is great for Horde but the only downside is that it will kill wpvp, one of the aspects I love of WoW.

If this change is going to stick the only suggestion I would recommend is to allow Horde be able to kill their own faction since it is most likely that the only faction there will be on PvP servers is Horde.

If you care about Alliance vs Horde, use another fix such as free Faction Transfers or enable some feature to entice players to play Alliance cause the systems and design currently in place aren’t helping.