Why are you removing legitimate posts from the Allaince?
Why is my feedback about this getting deleted?
Two of my comments have been deleted and another flagged by the community. The horde warlock posting about premades has reposted at least 3 times because it keeps getting removed, not hidden.
OH NO alliance had an entire month with instant ques we get 6 days and you still complain grow up
Everyone on alliance is having this happen. Mine were deleted as well. Also, horde posts against this are also being deleted.
Not true stop it already with ur nonsense
It was great, got 2 WSG with almost instant queues on my belf, both as alliance team, lost one, won one, was a great time both times
Why are alliance crying saying this is going to ruin their faction? I don’t understand how it effects them
What kind of feedback are you honestly expecting from alliance on this topic? Our queues went from instant to instant. Thank you, Blizz!
Found an issue.
I cannot participate in this “Same Faction Battleground” feature.
Can I buy a transfer so I can test it out?
Why are you deleting Alliance responses from this thread?
I feel in all of this discussion, the voice of that players that enjoy the lore or the fantasy is getting lost.
I want to fight the battle that the (game-)world around me fights. With that, I exclusively want to fight the other faction in bgs.
Pandora’s box is opened and will be hard to close again, at least give me a checkmark in the options to opt out of the mask silliness and not being in my base. I don’t mind the extra wait.
Let’s give me the possibility to stay true to the rpg in mmorpg.
GG WP blizzard… its like 20/80 ratio for horde on our server. We can’t farm golds, we cant normaly enter dungeons/raids, we cant even summon ppl and now you work for them blizzard? Where have you been while in classic ally lost every AV because horde starting cave was in the middle of BG? You wanted classic experience and we understand that. But i dont understand this move… Well … horde crybabies always get what they want… Bye bye warcraft lore. Classic experience no more.
This is going to lead to abuse. Without diminishing returns on honor, collaborating same-faction matchups can just honor farm one side at the graveyard until they get max honor points, then swap.
Bruh, that isn’t gonna be something that happens hardly ever, too much effort to coordinate. Plus they will just get banned for exploiting and win trading
Thanks Blizz! Love the change, opened up a whole different aspect of the game for me.
1- Same faction comunication in bg is a BIG mistake
2- How a got a ally vs ally (2 times now) seconds after queue?
Sounds like they are just throwing groups into bgs with no regard to maintaining horde vs alliance when possible.
BEST UPDATE EVER. THANKS SO MUCH BLIZZARD. IT MUST BECOME PERMEANT!! If you for any reason take this away, I’ll unsub.
They’re expecting none. That’s why they keep deleting it.