You know whats odd. Horde had crazy long que all of classic wo for over 1 year and 5 months. Did you think stacking more people on horde side with fix the problem? If you really did care so much about pvp you would rerolled alliance to get faster and help fix the problem. I had two 60 horde characters swich to alliance in early 2021 because i knew the ques was going to get worst. I Guess too many people wanted the better racials so bad? I shouldn’t care because I can get back to my horde character if this change stays but I do care, I want to fix the faction balance and be part of solution not the problem.
If the alliance have better racials then why are the all the highest rated pvp streamers playing horde? Are you telling me the very best arena players in the world don’t know how the game works or do somethings out of their way handicap themselfs. Why so i see so many orcs and undead in bgs and so few trolls.
You would think after a 1 year and 1/2 of very long ques. more horde would swich to alliance if they care about pvp so much but no seem not?
You have time to have to accounts but not time to make one alliance character for pvp you need your racials that badly? If your quiting over this then that mean pvp is most important thing to you in the game. So you seen the long ques horde had for over 1 year 6 months and didn’t think this was going to get worst? But rather die then help fix the problem I see.
nothing would change it, short of making a new game and setting limits to ensure servers stay near 50/50.
everyone seems to forget this is a 15yr old game with #nochanges. go look up the definition of insanity; i’ll wait.
So you knew the horde were going to have ques and you say you like doing bgs alot but you still did nothing to fix problem for yourself or others but by going alliance. Yet your screaming at blizzard for a problem players like you made. and oh yes the out of no where insults which helps nothing.
blizz already announced they are bringing back their “test” for horde. lets just pray they enable faction xfers so we(alliance) can all go horde
He’s admitting that they left in Wrath to go Alliance because the pvp racials were better. That means that the pvp racials for horde were better than Alliance in tbc.
I guess more horde care about their friends and community and don’t want to abandon them. Weird spot to be put in, in a video game.
Tell that to the group of 5 I solo camped for 2 hrs this weekend waiting for a queue… I’m sure whatever high horse you’re trying to defend by not letting horde do bg’s will save the world… hahah
I care about fixing this problem even tho I shouldn’t I can just go back to to level 60 horde I played in classic if they bring HvH bgs back or keep playing my 70 alliance character. I planed ahead for everything.
I like when people say racials don’t mater when I’m watching a person who played trolls hunter in classic reroll orc hunter on the same server. Because of how strong orc racials are.
yes, everyone under the sun knew horde would have a bit longer queue times than alliance, just like retail… no one envisioned 90min queues though.
yes, it was my favorite aspect of the game back then. i didn’t even join a guild until late bc.
why the F would i want to go alliance? friends are here. my guild is here. i play allianced on retail and know how the majority of them despise pvp… but yeah, i’m gonna reroll alliance; brilliant!
for one, i’m doing no screaming at blizzard, nor did i cause any problem. the pvp server i’m on is 60/40 ally.
hey pot, meet kettle. and oh yes, don’t lump me into your idiotic generalizations which help nothing.
you sound about as dumb as you look.
it’s not that they were better, it’s that the human racial let you bypass being forced to use that limp dick trinket and instead use 2 full on dps trinkets. you’re going from a 1% advantage to like a 50% or better.
So isn’t that the same thing that blood fury does which is also a 2 min cooldown? while still having the extra stun res.
Did your phone autocorrect experienced into intelligent?
This mentality that every single tbc player has come from private servers and has a vast sea of knowledge regarding the mechanics and social culture/dynamics of this period of WoW is insane.
Some of us just to experience the game in its infancy as we didn’t get much of an opportunity when we were younger (school or w/e) to try it out before it became 3D Diablo.
This cannot be upvoted enough, I’ve also cancelled my subscription due to not being able to play the only aspect of the game I signed up for.
The sad thing is, while there are genuine alliance coming on here voicing population concerns and how it affects many aspects of the game, the alliance that purely PvP are coming on here to keep things exactly how they are as they are in a very fortunate circumstance at the moment.
no. orc’s “OP” racial also adds a 50% reduction to incoming heals WHILE active. troll’s “OP” racial just adds a haste buff for X seconds.
where are the free transfers to horde for alliance since there is no reason to be alliance anymore?