Feedback: Priests

This is not the case. Once Void Torrent ends, Entropic Rift refreshes to max duration. There is no benefit to canceling it early.

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Glad to hear it; cheers.

Disc feedback:

  • Voidweaver is a fun addition to the tree. That said, I wish atonement base duration was a little longer, as when you have void blast available it feels like a massive loss to not push it as many times as possible. Any button you have to push outside of it feels bad.
  • There is no interaction between Void Blast and Inescapable Torment. Makes it a crappy talent to take, imo. You do more damage using Void Blast and your Entropic Rift than you do trying to optimize using Inescapable Torment with Penance/Mindblast/Shadow Word: Death.
  • Voidwrath would be more appealing to use with mindbender guy, but he’s locked behind an effectively useless talent (inescapable tormet).
  • Flash Heal, Defensive Penance, and Renew all feel like they do jack-squat-diddly to player health when cast on them. Penance probably has the highest output of the 3, but also has a CD and only really has that high output if you have Harsh Discipline up for the defensive cast.
  • Given that Power Word: Shield has a CD and can no longer be spammed, it should be a bit more impactful in its absorb amount (I’ve been saying that since adding a CD to it in DF).
  • Rather than having smite apply an absorb, I wish that talent would be changed to reflect the tier set bonus in S3/S4 of DF where smite randomly adds extra duration to one of your active atonements (as well as an interaction with void blast, since VB will be utilized quite frequently).

Archon seems kind of underwhelming. Reliance on Halo as it’s big thing feels a little lame. Maybe could be more enjoyable if Halo had a lower cooldown? Maybe some improved interaction or synergy with divine star or holy nova, dark ascension, or voidform?

The visuals are also very underwhelming. All I really see that is different is Halo I just feel like if the theme of Archon is meant to be like an avatar of the Gods then, infused with their power, then the player character’s model should be a walking (or floating) glowstick basically. Needs at least a glowing aura of some kind!

Like if you’re shadow, and you put archon next to voidweaver and ask someone to pick one? I mean. Come on, who would ever choose archon as it currently is over voidweaver?

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The new talent Phantom Reach is currently not working with Halo, Divine Star, or Psychic Link.

Not working with Psychic Link for Shadow in particular feels a bit unintended as that is a very unclear game mechanic to not have also increased.


This needs to be 1.5sec. Making this 2sec means that Mind Flay: Insanity is not a factor of a global which makes Shadow’s rotation incredibly awkward.

Also can this please be the time where Mind Flay’s duration is changed to 3sec from 4.5sec. Dark Thoughts is gone so there is no longer a reason for it to be 4.5sec.


and psychic horror/psychic scream

I can’t say it enough times; its not the individual effects that are the issue, its the rotating mini game.

Activating for a shield? Cool make that the MAIN ability with no rotation - this IS fitting with foreseeing the future and preventing it.

Overhealing redistribution? Cool, tie it to another spell. Reduces CD of spells? just… yeah just delete that.

Point is, remove the mini-game, make Solace the main first node/button of the tree and make everything else work around it. And for all that is good make Oracle add some damage, again only hero talent in the game that provides 0 damage for a healer

Obligatory reminder to remove Twin Suns - make PI a priest personal CD, give them an interrupt, brez and actual defensive would be a cherry on top. It’s not too late to do these changes.

For references, today’s update;

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First - thank you for finally removing Mindgames, it’s been a sad lump wasting 4 talent points for way too long.

Now, onto its replacements.

Cauterizing Shadows is basically unusable on any encounter that doesn’t include adds, and even then I’m not sure how useful it will be, it’s also a particularly low tuned node, ingame it says it heals for just about 14k, while I have a 5.2m health pool, hopefully it’s just placeholder numbers.

Manipulation - Extra DR nodes are always welcome but 2 points for 2% is alarmingly under budget, we could probably see this point to 3% or left at 2% and reduced to 1 point.

Phantom Reach - just a nifty talent point, I’m not sure if I will be taking it ever but it is a neat idea.


I am very disappointed with the direction these Heroe trees are going and the redesign of the specs. How many expansions is it going to take for a proper design to come out of it.

You gave us your word that the Oracle design would be ditched if it was just not working for the community. Yet here we are, in beta and still messing around with this design. No more feedback is needed, this needs to be redesigned now before the new expansion starts.

We do not need any more last-second redesigns of specs with half-thought-out redesigns.

Archon was a complete miss in thematic design. What could have been a much more thought-out interaction between light and shadow, you choose to go the easy route. You would think Dark Ascension and Archangel would be the Focus of this spec, yet we get boring HALO.

Both Archon and Oracle’s designs do not fit the theme whatsoever. It is a failure. not thought out at all.

Pretty much the best of the 3 but that doesn’t mean it is without flaws.
What could have been a great opportunity to remove VOID ERUPTION from the tree and redesign it From TOP to BOTTOM was missed completely.
Voidweaer should have done just that, redesigned void eruption, and made that the Activator.
Why are we using Void Turrent for this? it feels AWFUL to use and waste to just get this hero talent tree going.
Why do we have Void eruption and Dark ascension in this talent tree still??

Voidweaver From a PVP standpoint.
It is pretty awful to use. you allowed so much creep into the game and are too afraid to reduce and remove.
PVP is pretty much 80 percent cced and spell-locked with 20 percent doing anything.
In pvp, Void torrent is guaranteed kicked and wasted.
part of our opportunity to use the rest of the hero kit is also nullified.
right after the spell lock ends guess what happens? Cced.
Boom, the talent tree is unused until the next 30 seconds when we repeat the same cycle. KICKED into stunned.

Sure there will be time to cast at least ONCE. But unless you are just ignored, which you won’t be, goodbye trying to use this clunky design.
Void torrent shouldn’t be the activator spell
We need more time to use Void Blast, the duration is too short!

Also explain to me this, why does void leech and embrace the shadow exist? ;_;.

Lastly, spec wise.
Devouring Plague should not be the first talent to choose from in this spec.
No sir.
Put Mind flay/Mind Spike as a choice node, replacing Devouring Plague’s current position.
Then open up the spec according to the desired filler choice.
This will help flow the spec better thematically and as well gameplay-wise.


From a mid Shadow perspective:

Healing others is great and all, but I’d really rather the focus be on Damage Mitigation or Shielding talents rather than healing.

This could instead work like Mental Fortitude and add a shield to us. Actually yeah, I would just put Mental Fortitude here. You would just need to decide what you want the over-healing source for Holy/Disc to be.

Then for Shadow you can rework Intangibility so that 50% of the Healing and Damage Reduction persists for the full duration if cancelled early and the CD is reduced by 30s still. Then players get a choice as to how aggressive they want to be cancelling it. That would also add value to the 2 second duration increase to dispersion from Heightened Alteration in the Archon tree.

I just don’t see where I would ever find this useful. A real movement ability here would be better.

Edit: Thought about it more. Just add Door of Shadows, cast while moving. 2 Charges, 90 second recharge.

2 talent points for a 2% DR on top of currently going through a talent that heals others seems excessive. Maybe if this was 2%/4% the value is there.


this is just a skill issue and i suggest you invest in precog and juking.

no it’s not

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With addons and macros plaguing this game, people are pretty much auto locking easier than before. It doesn’t take skill anymore to kick someone these days and locking them out of combat.
this is such an ignorant comment to make.

great input.

Also, this is a feedback page. Don’t start spamming me here with unthought-out replies.

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you’re just inexperienced. spriest is considered one of the hardest casters in pvp due to a variety of reasons, but the primary single school to deal dmg is one of them. you need to learn to juke better.

i dont want blizz to be thinking feedback from challengers is a good idea.

Again this is a feedback page. STop spamming me with unthought out replies.

you’re just inexperienced. spriest is considered one of the hardest casters in pvp due to a variety of reasons, but the primary single school to deal dmg is one of them. you need to learn to juke better.

go watch videos on how PVP is plagued with what I mentioned above. This is not including botting programs adding to this issue.

they will judge that themselves, you are no one to decide anything

dmg bots arent much of an issue this season, blizz sent a nice cease and desist to the main culprit. either way, consider this for void torrent.

the full channel isn’t necessarily important in pvp to begin with so consider the effects it gives you instead:
-dark evan stacks
-procs entropic
-baits kicks

i often use torrent to get kicks out since people often think it’s a free interrupt. insidious ire is a bait talent.

instead of aiming to full channel void torrent in pvp, aim to maximize the effects of collapsing void. since i imagine you’re having issues with melee, should be easy to get that detonation off on them with the no escape talent for it.

good luck. if you want me to conjure up a beta build for you to try, lmk

Moving on from the above post…
Next 3 thing to bring out

Cauterizing Shadows
Phantom Reach

These are not capstone replacements for the removal of mindgames.
I would also wish you to consider more of shadow spec side in the class tree more.
Worst one is Phantom Reach by far.
Disc wouldn’t mind Cauterizing shadows for sure… But again where is the love for shadow spec?
if you were going to bring this into the spec, I would of much rather had gotten the talent that made mindblast prevent the next x amount of dmg dealt by the enemy… This was introduced in our last 1000 rework during alpha/beta

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Quick analysis after playing a bit to test the changes:

The healing from SW:P/Holy Fire with Cauterizing is extremely inconsequential. Like it’s about three ticks of renew on Disc.

On Shadow it’s even worse. I think it’s like an 11k heal? Which…I don’t even see the point of? Like on a 4 million health pool that is…0.275% of someone’s health pool.

I’m sure after a dungeon run (at least on disc or holy) it will have led to some amount greater than zero, even including over-healing, but I’m just not sure the points needed to get to the range talent are worth it? At least not in a M+ situation.

I’m still considering PVP implications at the moment, though. I do see the range benefits there, especially in a world where BGB is going to be a higher focus, apparently.

On the other hand, that does free up basically 4 talents in the main tree if you choose to ignore all these changes.

Like if the damage reduction was 4% for the SW:P talent, I could/would consider it. But not 2% damage for 2 points. Not for extra range in PVE.

But now on shadow I can grab some other things. Heck, Essence Devourer would do more healing in a dungeon than the pathetic heal from Cauterizing Shadows.

All this said: I’m very happy about Mind Games being PVP only now. That’s where it should be, and I’ll gladly keep it on my bars for PVP.

The change to Mind Flay: Insanity is wonderful…if only we could get the OG mindflay down to 3 seconds…

Are Priests not getting a revamp next expansion? Disc/Holy haven’t seen any changes.

We may have received changes to the Priest class tree, but did any of them address issues obvious in the class since Dragonflight? One might argue the point investment for Mindgames was an issue, but what replaced it didn’t really fix the problems Priest has.

Is 2% damage reduction (at 2 point investment) enough to offset the defensive creep that other classes received in Dragonflight? Does having 15% extra range on our spells fix our mobility woes? Power Infusion, and the rest of our utility kit that was nerfed through the entire expansion, remains untouched.

The changes this week was a start, but is in no way sufficient for Priest and it would be nice to know that core issues are being looked at.