Feedback: Pack Leader Hunter

ya why would we want beasts on our class that uses beasts

surv fantasy isnt beast and more beasts like bm. go back to classic


its almost as if hero talents have their own fantasy? lmao

and pack leader has a fantasy? lmao

Then why would you want it merely to repeat a theme of a base spec, let alone one that hasn’t been universally liked (Zookeeper).

I included some additional summoning in my mockup above just because the name is already set and there only so many ways to have a pack, but the emphasis should still be on leading it. Moreover, if the intent was to do something wholly new… then perhaps a different name should have been picked.

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lmao i checked the dk thread and its literally the same ppl from this thread arguing over there


Except Surv do use pets and have attacks focused on both of you attacking? So yeah, one of the hero trees should focus on pets, the one shared with BM. If you don’t want to focus on pets, use the one shared with MM.

If Sentinel also focuses on pets after it is revealed, then complain.


I still want our pets to cross platforms to attack like they should ok we cant but our pets as BM are our Dmg and when pets cant get to the mobs like the Fight in Castle its a pain.


Two are considered a “pair,” while more than two are considered a “pack.” Of course this is refering to Dogs/Wolves.

As to my POV of this Hero tree, I main Suvival hunter. Not BM or MM but Survival. Tried BM and MM but not for me.
I beleave this Pack leader tree is aweful, uninspired and the players will get these heros talents as is.
I could go into all the reason I beleave so and the what and why I think these hero talents are not good, but why bother. I have read these forums before and how quickly they just degrade into nonsence which makes me think why would a Devloper ever read through it all.

I’ve also thought about putting on these forums my thoughts on a comprehensive rework of the Survival tree, which I have allready drafted for myself (For giggles I guess) but who would read it except people looking to find things to rail on which would then have just two people very quickly arguing about something unrelated.
I am not going to go into details on why I beleave this as I don’t want to give ammo to “assassins”.

As far as the “Pack leader” hero talents go from a survival hunter perspective, my vote is no and take it back to the drawing board please.


Perhaps the beast summoned by Beast of Opportunity could grant a buff that could apply to even a group. A buff based on family of the pet.

My question is why warlocks are still able to have more pets than even BEAST MASTER PACK LEADER HUNTERS. We’re supposed to be the master of beasts and now a pack leader. We should have at least as many pets out as the warlocks do. It makes no sense.

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Because hordes of cannon-fodder turrets that you literally explode for burst damage or living suicidal missiles is not generally what one imagines from a Beast Master?


He only talked about number of pets comparable to warlock, not how they function.

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The number of pets is what it is on Warlock because of those pets’ very different function. They’re more ammunition or overlappable DoTs than they are companions.

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They could do it equally well, if not better, for BM than demo

For example, instead of imps casting fireballs - vipers who spit venom at the enemy, and instead of implosion - all vipers jumping at the target and coiling around them like that boss with the many small snakes in what was its name WorLK dungeon.

Or, pet summons who do just one lunging attack for one moderate hit of damage rather than attacking like dire beasts do. This could be a dog, lion, tiger, bird of prey kind of summon.

What I’m saying is, the design space is there if they want to do it. They could have done so much better with pack leader, but they chose to be lazy and uninspired.


am I going crazy or are you guys just willfully ignoring BM’s talents that already summon more pets?

BM has two permanents pets, warlock has . it makes perfect sense. BM does not have a monopoly on pets.

You mean Demonology?
The Demon Summoning spec? The spec that’s design is to summon as many demons as possible? That Warlock spec? You’re confused as to why the Summoner summons more summons?


Just as a heads up, VH is its own separate damage event and scales off of your attack power, not your pet’s Kill Command damage :slight_smile:

I get that we have 2 permanent pets, but there’s nothing wrong with having a large number of wild animals coming to our aid.

The visual punch is still lacking, because to have lackluster visuals AND a small number of pets is really disappointing from a design and gameplay standpoint.

Nature damage emanating from pets? A better kill command visual? ghosts of pets, swarms of ravens, just something extra in a game that’s designed to be extra.

2nd pet aint really cutting it in the pet game between the 4 horsemen and the demon storm


isn’t that what call of the wild and dire beast do already?