Feedback: Pack Leader Hunter

1 person has enough common sense to know the tree isn’t as terrible as people are making it out to be compared to other trees that are also entirely passive and it could be worse like Dark Ranger’s hot mess which is flat out terrible besides the defensive Smoke Screen*

There, fixed it for you and be glad they’re taking the time to try and actively explain that to people who likely never even read the description pack leader was given, at least I haven’t seen it mentioned once.
Pack Leaders are Hunters that use the instincts, knowledge, and respect they’ve gained over the years as they formed a deep bond and trust with the animals they adventure with. They bring a new style of ferocity and coordination to their combat, teaching their pet to strike their prey with simultaneous attacks.

Sounds like the tree is accomplishing that just fine though the name is misleading - which can be easily renamed. The description mentions nothing about summoning an army of new pets (We have that button already, it’s call Call of the Wild). Pet autos are boring for BM but there’s very little Blizzard can do without reworking the spec from the ground up and upsetting people that like mashing 2 buttons - Barb shot and KC which both hero trees revolve around for BM because the spec is so 1 dimensional. My thoughts on the hero tree and class as a whole are posted here.


thats a horrible summary of this entire thread. people just dont know the specs they main and thats honestly the norm for forum posters


i don’t think many people care about the description, do you really think if they change the name to “kill commander” suddenly everyone will think it’s less boring? realistically like 98% of pack leaders are going to be BM. slamming more KCs just isn’t exciting. in fact they should probably just change the description. yea it has good synergy for SV but they could prob bake this whole tree into survival baseline by just getting rid of all the 2 pt nodes and make something else.

i will agree dark ranger is not much better but most of that is bc MM is awful and needs to be reworked.


read through the thread and see how many comments there are specifically about the name its mental

I can’t help but feel that this tree heavily favors BM players. Kill command is a heavy damage ability for BM. For Surv, its a builder that tickles except for under very specific circumstances.

Also what’s with the increased range after disengage talent? How does that help a melee build?

Challenging you guys to find some other ways to thematically make the tree more interesting and impactful on the survival side.

higher range on a melee dps spec is very helpful as you can avoid melee based mechanics such as cleaves, frontal cones, or bladestorm esque abilities on targets while you maintain damage on the target because you don’t need to leave melee range.

there’s nothing on the tree that buffs KC’s damage, just its frequency. buffing KC’s frequency is nice for SV as it helps with deadly duo and focus generation. there’s a lot more synergy on the tree for sv with the KC resets :smiley:

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Sure, I can see the value there I guess, but still sounds weird when disengage is about creating distance between you and a target (even more-so with Posthaste), but then you gotta scootch back in to get into stabby range again in this weird temporary middle ground. Honestly they should just give us aspect of the eagle for those 5 seconds so we get some proper temporary range when we need to back out.

I think you’re over thinking. with lunge + cornered prey your melee range is 13 yards. that is a very long range.

I see, yeah you might be right. Will have to try it out.

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Tbf MM do have a button bloat issue, not sure about BM tho

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definitely! there is still a lot up in the air, so it will be interesting to see how it actually feels :slight_smile:

No. It is not.
The tooltip reads clear as day. Your next KC will deal additional damage.

read it again lol

Kill Command prepares YOU to viciously attack in coordination with your pet, dealing additional physical damage with your next Kill Command .

it’s a separate damage event, just like Stomp. Do you think Stomp is just increasing barbed shot damage? no, because that’s ridiculous

do you think arctic bola is just a damage increase on raptor strike/cobra shot/aimed shot?

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You’re right. It is ridiculous, because stomp is its own spell.

No. Because Arctic Bola is a projectile that flies out and hits the target.

The tooltip to Stomp is:

When you cast Barbed Shot, your pet stomps the ground

Now imagine if it read like this:

When you cast Barbed Shot, your next Barbed Shot will deal increased damage

I don’t understand why you’re fixed on “prepares you”. You should be focused on:
dealing additional physical damage with your next Kill Command .

It’s as if you don’t understand what the word additional means. It is clear as day saying Kill Command will deal additional damage. You’re just buffing your next KC. It’s delayed KC damage. That is literally all it is.

Man I thought this thread was supposed to be a feedback thread not arguing with other peoples feedback. No wonder the hunter talent tree’s are such a mess, if I was a dev I wouldn’t bother reading anything here either this is ridiculous.


it’ as if you don’t understand what “you” means. You’re not reading the first few words of the tooltip and are getting frustrated someone’s calling you out. kill command is your pet dealing damage. vicious hunt is you dealing damage. please read tool tips, calm down, and read them again

if it wasn’t a separate damage instance, it would say “kill command increases the damage of your next kill command” just like the scattered prey tooltip does in this very same tree.

you even use this very same wording in this same post I’m quoting.

i wouldn’t bother either. people here say dark ranger has too many buttons for BM (1 button) but pack leader is too passive. you literally can’t operate on both pieces of feedback.


I was the one who called you out? Not that it matters but lets just get the information correct.

That is literally what the tooltip states.
Kill Command prepares you to viciously attack in coordination with your pet, dealing ADDITIONAL!!! physical damage WITH your next KILL COMMAND.

I’m flabbergasted as to how you’re reading this and interpretating it in any way as being a new damage event. It’ll likely be a buff on you and the pet, that is consumed when you next press Kill Command. The buff will probably read something like “Kill Command damage increased by X”.
In the logs, it will simply be accumulated under Kill Command.

I’ve not seen this feedback at all, personally.

read the kill command tool tip right now and then go read the vicious hunt tooltip. i will put the important parts here for you because you seem to be too angry to read. i put the important part in capital letters and bolded so you can’t miss them.

Give the command to kill, causing YOUR PET to savagely deal Physical damage to the enemy.

Kill Command prepares YOU to viciously attack in coordination with your pet, dealing additional physical damage with your next Kill Command .

why do you think vicious hunt has emphasis on YOU dealing the damage? why do you think kill command has emphasis on YOUR PET dealing the damage? do you think these words could mean different things?

why do you think, in pack leader, scattered prey has the wording “multi-shot increases the damage of your multi-shot?” do you think there’s a reason this wording exists, on pack leader, and vicious hunt goes out of its way to not have identical wording about kill command increasing kill command’s damage?

go look in the DR feedback thread

It doesn’t.
It clearly reads “you and your pet”. You’re putting emphasis on the word “you”.
It’s called flavor text sir, because that’s what the word coordinated means which is just a way to say “you’re doing this stronger”.

It’s actually insulting on your part to boil all the feedback down to “people whining about 1 extra spell”.
If you’re actually reading their complaints, it’s a minority of the posts complaining about their being a new active. And most of those are actually taking issue with how the new active isn’t really anymore more than an extra button to press. The last thing BM hunters wanted was another Barbed Shot reset mechanic.