Feedback: Pack Leader Hunter

I just want blink strikes to come back in the hero tree or base talents, so do that please blizzard

Riders is so much better, you are clearly trolling and in no one agrees with you.

Riders summons 1 of 4 pets that each do a pretty unique thing, Aoe/70% slow (not40%) ramping dot, ramping buff. Also mounted combat/temp mount cd. Also great synergy with the specs. Not to mention a 5 % dmg reduction per horsemen… The base summon on these pets is 10 sec with your dmg cd summoning all 4 for 20 sec. Having our dmg cd give 20% dmg reduction would be insane.

Compare that to, dmg cd summons 1 pet for 6 second… and kill command doing extra dmg on next cast. Plenty of clunky things like, your pet doing an extra attack on barbed shot and a talent that makes your next barbed shot do more dmg. So we need to spam barbed to get off the extra attack but then cancel our empowered dot? Nice thought.

Not to mention the clunky aoe talents. In riders they get a blue saying “dont worry if there are talents that effect DnD we have plans to add those in if you dont spec for them!” While we get no notification of the sort.

In packleader the best thing we have to hope for is that frenzied tear’s extra hit actually procs KC things, but from how it stated now its another “KC hits a little harder now” and not “double procs benefits from KC talents”


You don’t speak for everyone btw lol they aren’t trolling at all and make a valid argument


“rider is such a boring tree, I wish people would stop bringing it up as a good example xd”

That is a great argument!

I dont need to speak for everyone, just scroll up. Plenty speaking While 1-2 replying to everyone’s feedback with great arguments like this XD


“Guns don’t kill people, people do”.

When you strip away the text, mechanically it’s just a buff to KC.
When you look at logs or your damage meter, that damage will be lumped in with Kill Command.


it’s an independent damage event based on the tooltip description. that’s like saying “master marksman” damage is actually just mongoose bite damage, or stomp is actually barbed shot damage. do you think stomp is barbed shot damage? do you think stomp scales with barbed shot damage?

go look at the rider tree. you have an RNG chance to summon a pet that doesn’t do anything exciting and does not impact your gameplay at all.

what’s clunky about kill command extending beast cleave lol. that’s the most straightforward and comfortable aoe interaction. you don’t need to lie to make your point

all expansion DKs have been complaining about all their damage/fun being tied to their cooldowns and being incredibly weak outside of them. do you think tying all 4 horseman to your cd is a good response to this feedback? no of course not.

are you joking? there is no synergy lol. it’s all passive modifiers that you do not play around and you do not think about. it also pushes you to take hard to reach talents for UDK, and pushes you to take two annoying talents as FDK. if that happened to hunter, I guarantee you that you would be whining about it

go look in the feedback thread for rider and you’ll see plenty of people that don’t think it’s an exciting tree

another example of someone that looks at another class’s hero tree, doesn’t really understand it, and think it’s omega cool


How is that any different from what packleader currently is? What are you thinking about with these talents? You’ve been praising that its 100% all passives. I dont get you mr 100 posts in the thread.

because pack leader impacts how you play for survival? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: people can say rider is cool thematically, but like look at the tree. it’s a rng mess of visual clutter. go read the thread if you truly think I’m the only person who doesn’t like it lol

I believe I’ve been pointing out that dark ranger feedback thread is full of people saying hunter has button bloat and pointing out the hypocrisy that people say dark ranger (1 active) is too many buttons and pack leader (0 active) is too passive, and that both pieces of feedback can’t exist at the same time


Again, I asked what you are thinking about…how does this impact gameplay?

I’ve said it before in this very thread but I can post it again if you want

  • pack coordination increases the amount of empowered abilities you get during coordinated assault so you can actually use WFB during the cooldown without inting your damage, which gives you more focus to spend
  • ferocious tear resets KC which gives you quick shot procs, fote cdr (which gives wfb cdr), ferocious tear could potentially give you a faster focus loop for more aggressive mongoose windows
  • cull the herd pushes you to use CA during execute windows for serrated shot synergy
  • ferocious attacks actually gives the spec a proc to respond to, and since SV is the least variance spec in the game this is by definition gameplay impacting
  • covering fire is self explanatory

You already use WFB, just in between KS’s, so no thought here just passive dmg.

Quick shot is another passive and you hope that the reset mechanic of this counts towards KC own reset interactions.

So your “thoughtful interaction” is to save CA for executes… pretty sure you’ll be using it on CD.

Assuming you mean Furious assault? A proc that you dont think about and just send another MB?

2 seconds off carve? bruh

How are any of these thought provoking. The only minor one is the free MB but your just going to immediately send that MB so not much to think about.

I dont think you know what coordinated assault does.

yes, which is more interaction than rider has lol

did you read the rest of this sentenc eor just the name? yes, sending another MB which means you reach max stacks faster. and like I said, we are the lowest variance so no matter how you look at it, it’s gameplay impacting

yes, because you’d want to use it around serrated shots :slight_smile:

2 seconds off butchery, which gives CDR to WFB, which gives CDR to butchery? you don’t see how that feeds into itself?

here’s a question for you. why do you think people say rider is a good example of a tree? what’s exciting about it? visual clutter? 5% strength bonuses? a dot that does nothing but damage?


So also passive RNG dmg proc that doesn’t change your rotation that also not going to be as strong outside of CDs and that potentially doesn’t scale well into AoE ?


You mean the 1 choice node that can be reworked ?

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alot of unholy and frost dk mains absolutely hate it in a mechanical sense. rider as a fantasy setting is really good on the nose, but it does nothing but hammer in the issues unholy has with poor design. not to mention the multiple anti synergies it has with affixs and raids. but go on how its the “best tree”


This!!! 100%!

Just have a look at the feedback threads for the hero talents of any other class - they have like 70-100 replies on average, or sometimes up to 200

Hunters’ though, oh my…

  • Dark ranger: 525 replies
  • Pack leader (this thread): nearing 400!!

This is one of the most recently revealed hero talent trees, yet it has more replies than any other tree for any other class!

Why? How is it possible?

When players like something, they rarely go to the forums to say it. They just assume things must be good by default (normally should be this way). People typically come to the forums when they are unhappy and want to complain

There are these several persons trying to tell everyone else how good Pack leader is, and how trash the other classes’ hero talents are, but we just cannot see it, and yes, they can like whatever they like, but at a certain point it’s like you’re in a room full of people shouting at everybody else: “I’m the only sane person here, you’re all crazy”…

So yeah, I think Blizzard have gotten the message. And the message is - both Dark Ranger and Pack Leader are absolute trash and nowhere near the best some other classes have gotten


Ill give you one guess what one of the most played specs in the game is


Top 3 for sure:

https ://www.dataforazeroth .com/stats/classes/level70

and yet disproportionately more feedback than any other class, by a very huge margin. Druid has like 100-150 replies per tree for all 4 hero trees, and hunters have twice that for just 2 :smiley:

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look in the threads and realize that most are actual trainwrecks. dh hero tree comes to mind

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have you ever actually looked in the threads you’re referencing about the trees you say are a good example of a hero tree?


i mean the first 10 replies pretty much summed up how people feel about how boring this tree is. the rest of the thread is ppl arguing because 1 guy really loves kill command